06-08-44 PC Minutes �__ _ __ __�
� '�
�inutes of �leetin� �
Golden Valley Pl�nnin� Co�rs3i8�i�a
June 8, 1�44
�� .
' The re�ular monthly meetin� of the Golden Va11ey Pl�nning �orr�i�-
sion �r�,� hel� Thurs�.ay, June 8, 1944, �t 7:30 p.r.�. �t the vill�ge
h�11. The follov�i�.� �ne�bers �ere present :
Paul �n.gh�u��r ° Uee�r�e Homberger � i
' S'��n �rick�Qn 13obert Land,ry.
t�obe�t �ev�ld Glarence To1� '
Peter �'aust °Ar4id Jahneor�
Ju�nitA �'inn I�Trs. George Cr�ne��.11
, _ John �a:finey Cl�,rence uch�rer
Arthur A�nsel�r
��°. K�ontz �
t�r. Koortz reported on �he meetin� of the Comi�ittee to nrep�re the
ofiici�l map. He su��este� th�t we �ecz?re t�vo co�ies �f the l�.r�e
U�P�1 m�?�, I�o. S�S�. i
�:otian by To1g, �econd by Henseler, th�t the officia.l m�.p cornrnitte�
be �r�-�hori�ed to �roc�ed enc� secu.re the �wo r�a,�ag geauested by
. Dr. �o�ntz for use of the co�,unittee.
� Tn connection o�ith the rr�tter o� the �le�vood �roperty to 'b� �.c- '�
qui��d for pu�lie �urposes, T�ir. krthur Henseler �nd I�r. t�y
Hens�le� voiced. their ob��ctions.
� �otion by �n�h�user, s�con�.ed by Tol�, that t�ie chair a�point a
commit�te� �f the me;�b�rs �f the co�is�ion wl�o h�.�ve viewed �he ',
�ropert�r �n� that -this co�nittee report at th� present meeting �
�o the co�issio�.. The chair �ppointed �.essr�. �e��1d} Tol�, ;;
Koontz �.nd Johnsan. ��
! �iotion by `�ol�, second �y �oontz, th�.t tlze com��is�ion recommend_
to the council the �equi�i�ion of the L�,gerc�uist �roper��r (the
property in �uesti�n) fo� �ublic purpo6es, the le��,l d.e�cri�tion �
of �hich i• �s follo�s :
Lot� l, to 24 inclu�ive in Block 1; Loi;� l to �4, I
inclu�ive in �lock Z ; Lots 1 to 24 inclusive in ,
• B1ock 3 and Lots 1 to �4, i�cl�a�iv� in �loc� 4, ;i
�+e�terx� Avenu� P�rk , �
. The vote thereon ��.s a� follo�s : Craaa��ll, �'�ust, To1g, Hamberger
� �ric�son, Koontz, �nglz�.user, Ev��ld, Johr�son, Fi�n, Y�B; G�-�ffney, �,�
�che���, N�. �
In connection �itli the c�iscus�ior� -re��rc�ing the �,ddition of
!'parl�ing lots" to the cor�munity store section of the a�.in�
ordinance, th��e �as � r�otian by ��.�h�us�r, seconcled by Ho�nber�,e�,
� I
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tha.t the �vording of the d���.nition of �'parking lot" be referred
to the vi11��e attorney,�r. Nelson, and that a form of proposed �
amend.�nent to the anin� ordin�nce be submitted back to the cornmis-
sion for its �px�roval.
�otior� by Enghauser, �a�canded by E�►ald, that the Commission
reco�nend to �he coun�il for its consid�ration the appoint�ent of
�he following to fill two �acancies now existin�: 8t�nley R�ne,
R. C. J�.cobson snd Bruce �acl�eil.
The ch�ir �ppoiMted �Ir. Ho�nberger as �, �ember af the official map
committee in the place of �r. Fruen. v�ho ha� resi�ned.
�to�ion by En�h.auser, secbnded by Ewald, tha.t the com�iseian reque�t
that the couneil direet that the dump located on the 3am Herald
p�+operty be ab�,ndoned because of the fa�t that dumping ie not
being carried on on the Herald property but oa�. the ri,ght of w�y
of the viil�ge ror�d, a,ndth�t it is not prope��;� supervised. .
Upon motion duly m�de and seconded, the meetin,� e�as .ad�ourned.
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