07-20-44 PC Minutes —. _ - - .._ _ - ----� >i I I l�iin�.ztes of S�aeci�l 1�eetin.� ' I `� Golden Valley P1�nning i , Cor�r�i�sion - July 20,1944 ; ' - - . ,� ' 3i , 8 special ffieeting of the Gold�n V�lley Planning Gom;�ission �r�8 held ThuxBday, July 2�, 1�44, at 7 :3� p.ffi. �,t the vill�ge h�.11. Th� followin� me�bers were pre�ent : ' , Paul �n�;h�.user Sylvester Koontz ' � S��!n �rickson Clarence Tolg `! � Robert �v�ala A�thur �Jilson , Ju�nit� Finn A�vid Joh�.son John ��ffney Cl�rence Scherer . Arthu.r H�nEeler 1Viles I�iclzolson `� � - � i�r. Robert T. Jone.s, Pl�nning En�ineer, �na 3�r. Herm�.n Oleor_, ; �inne�poli� City Pl�,nnin�; �ngineer, �ere prevent �t the rr_eeting. ; Dr. �oontz reviewed. the �uork of tl�e Offici�,l ���?n �o��ittee �nd � � stated tllat he �n�. l��iT. Enghauser had met �ith Profes�or Zellner of th� Uniqersity wrho went �ver the villa�°e map�. 13r. KoontW i informed th� �o�ission th�t i� was F'rofessor Zellner' s v3e� ! � � that ordin�rily the En�ineering School o� the University �ight i ' be int�rested in developing tliis plan for the villa�;e�� but � bec�,use of the �v�r and mi].itary training pro�r�m�s� they would � � not be able to ta,i{e it on �d th��t Profes�or Zell�.er h�.d � , rei�rred the cor��littee ta �r. Jone�. � i �r. Jones, in br�tef introductory rem�r?cs, stated th�±t he h�.c� ;; . not h�.d ti�:e to �o into -the, r.�ftter in �7e��.�il �ut th�.t �ene�ally � lanc� use regulations and vill�,�;e pl�ns �houlc� be flexible, ;; � fluid �.nd ch�.n�°ea�le. , ii I�r. �lson sta_ted the corn�nission ou�ht ta sponsor ao�ne st�ndar�, of d.esi��. whicl� it avould esta_blish ior itself. The co:rw-iittee � on �eve�o�ament should h�ve ideals for the co�rc,unity �nd m�ke its ide�.s kno�n bgr �l�ans �nd specifications. Pl�nnin�; is the � st�t.ement of ideas �nd ide8le .of the com�nunity �ncl the Followin� j of' �uch concepte to the3i logic�l �o�.clu�i�n. ;I �"ollov�ing �ir. Jones' and l�r. t�lson' s re�nar?�°s, the �eet�.n� ea�ae opeaeel for �ene r�i discussion. �.erabers of the c:om�nissior_ �nc? the following merryavers of th� eudience pr�sent �ook p�.rt : Dr. Alf�ec� I�oore, ,F:�;r. 1�rthur T. ��elson, t�.� V311�.�e Attarney, I Ro�ert L. Anderson, �r. �rthur Neleon, �lr. �t�.nley K�n.e, ' "�r. t�eorge �. H�n son, ��r. P�u1 �ee�an, T�:r. Cleo Kennecly. i , �aotic►r.. �.;�r �r��h�u�c�r, �ecodd�d by Finn, th�.t the' C���nissien a�k ; � . , . I � �_ r � � ` the Coun�il for �20� �hich i s to be n�ic�. a e � ret�iner to � �r� R�bert T. 4�ones to enable him to prepare �reZimina.rp s�etches ?nd e�timates af the total cost of � land �lc�,n� for the vill�.�e of Golden V�1.ley. � t�pon motion duly m�de and seconded, the meeting �wae aa��ou�ned. . � � \ J Secrets_ry � � � airman �" � ; /� . � � � ,' - � : �-- - _ - - -J i � ' 8ome gue�tions �nc� �.nsv�ers �t mee�in� of Julv 2�: ' ' � � I i - . � ' � �i , `i Dr. �oore : �hould pla�n be chec�erboardec� for 1C?� �c�u�re ;, ; �i1e�� Ho�v mucY? of pl�n �voulc7 be nece�s�ry '1 to work out pr��r�m? �Jh�t costT ,I � i� � �lsons �oesn't v��.rit to get invovlecl in �.�tter of '� i vill�.�e costs. �Jh�:t first ne�d is �t�te�.ent � � of b�.sic factor� : �uould involv� outside plan, '' ' co�.�ider�tion of f�ature tr�,ffic needs. pnly a, ,{ fiew locations �vhere �enPral tr^ff�c enc�auntered.. ' `� __ Should be �. topo�raphic�l �tudS�. �I � . Arthur Nelson: ' ; �u.estion of conder�na.tion of �,no1 n�ithout � i p�ryment to individu�ls. An��erec7 by owners. '� Property secured b� deed�, e tc. 'I , �o�ert Anderson: Nh�t effect on ��ning ordin�nceY �.�that � ; a out abstr�ctE? ' " Ol�on: Vill��e autho�ities riot �esponsi�le for �h�t ���ne�arg ; on a.bstr�ct. Priv�,te 1�uEiness m,at�er. I � ;I �r. Nelsr�n: How extensive is t11e �l�.n to be? ., � �r. l�ndersc�n: 'I If thi� �;oes -thxou�h, �rob�blp 'be � lot �f f� ! la,nd ch�n�ed from agricultur�l to �ther ae�i�— ; n�t ion. 4��h�.t �'fect upon v�.lu�,tion b�ai�? � 01s�n: � � IJo ch�.n�e in ba.sis of 1b�.x�tion. � I � Attv. NeZson: (�ould �e be �s �ell prote�ted if .we �vauld �I � • i ' em�loy � priv�te engineer �v110 �oulc? p�ss on � � �11 plata before �ccepted`? i OZ�o�.: N�, c10 not think so. G��nt �. back�roun�. of � infor�ation on w1�eh �o t��,se eound �u�.�ent. - �Vould not have present �olicies if you did. i � not h�,�re b�ekground! b��ed �n pl�n aetti.n�; up '� � th� va�ue of the c��t�. � Lr. ��ne s �u��•e�ts the Co���is�ion 2�s1� th:e vi11�_�e att�r e ; o write the l�ttorney General for his o�inion� y `� � on the constitution�l3.t ' ���p c�n be revisea. Y �nd urhether or not the '� ; i �ayor I3�.PSOn: Th�nk �Zson for cominm, � �i � , ! Jone�t } � Not �,n expensive �ob. I�ot �oin� to r�ut the � villace to too much e�pen,e, Seem�,n: �i Hov� ca.n 1zy out streets v�ithou� plattin� lot�8 i . '� �_. _ _ _ -----------=- ------ - --- - -- - -- --- ' I: - - - � ' $�a���t � Attorney Nelson; �'h�t benefits �et out of � ma�O like thiE? . .� Jones: �us�Gained �nd increased propeTty v�lues Kennedy: A f�rmer }��.s land set �side from Yiis property for a road, the farmer �rc�bably will not �r�nt to continue pa�rin�; taxes on the right of way. . . . I � I I . � - � , • � . � : <, . ';� �- - -- - -I