08-10-44 PC Minutes �
- • �iinutes of rmeeting
Gc�lder� Valley Planning aomm��s ion '
-�� Augugt 10,1�44
, _ ,. • {
i The regula,r .monthly meeting of the Golden�Q�,l iey �l�:n,ning ��
Co�3ssion� ��.s held ,�'hursd�,y, gugust 1�, 1�44 �t ?:3� p.m. `�
at the village hall, The fi�lloet+ing ffie�bers v�ere prese��: �
8�r�,n �r i.c k�'on Rob er t� E�r�.1 d '
I P�,ul �nghauser Ar�thur �lilson �
� Juanita. Finn Arv3d Johnson
i ° JO�� "����$Y Ar�hur Henseler
i � �
' i
�dot3on by �n�hauser, seaonded, by- Finn, that the prppertg `;I
deseribed �,� follows:
Lo Forty Nine (49) and tha.t p�.rt of Lot
i Fi ty me�en (57} Auditor' s Su'bdivisioa
� No 3Z2, lying north of Lot Fifty ei� (56) �
an be-t�een the ea�st line of Lot Fifty-five �I
(5 ) anc� the extension north to Sixth Avenu�
No th of the ea�st line of saic� Lot Fiftp six
� (5 ) , all in 8ectian Thirty tc�o (32) , �
To nship 4ne I�undred El�hteen (118�, R�nge
; 3'v� nty-o�.e (21), Hen�epin County, �33.anesot�
' owned by Ev rett Fr�:ndsen, be rezoned from Open DeveZopment
to Communit 8tore in viea� of the �oraraunity store `
. ch�.r.r�eter o the ,ad�aeent property.
� The gote th reon wg6 as follows: Eriekson- Ena�h�.user, '
�enseler, E �ld, Johnson, Finn, �Vilson, �'�S; Ga,ffney, I�O.
I �iAtion by E �lc�, secoad bp Hen�eler, th�t the Co�mission
i inform -the ouncil th�,t it is their opinion that the
j �e�,do�brook School gara�e would be �, more suit�,ble location
� for the fir engine �nd th�.t the Gomrnission is infarmed, by
� �r. Beck�an, one of ite me�nbers, that �the g�,r�ge is
� a.vailable a d he �vi11 t�ke the matter u� o�ith the echocal '
� bo�rd at it aegt � etin�, �,.,n.d further th�t the Oaun�il
re�ue�t the �Iea,dbwbrook echaol bo�rd to �ive con�ider�,tion
, to the matt r.
Ericksbn �n�h�user, �Ienseler, ' �a;ffney, �o�ald., Job.ns�o�1� "
Firan, �'��son, YE8„
i 3
`� �
• if
N�. Y
, -
�; �totion b� F'�.nn, seaand �y Enghau8er, t}a�,t the praposed
�5� amead�n��t to the Zoning �rdf.nan�e reg��d�ing ,�arkir�g lo�s �.� `
�` be reco����naed to the�C}ouneil for it s eons3d�c�,tion a.n�.
n�; �
' Erick�on, E�,�hauser, 'Gaffney, He�seler, Ew�l�:, Johnson�
. Finn, �ilson, .YES,;. , ;
j � - A�ot�onj by` Finn; `�secor�.d�ed by_ EW�ld; that the Commiss�.pn
� ���,in request the eounci'1' for �uthori'ty to emplt6g �r.
Robert T. Janesg Pla.aning �n�ineer, or� �a, per diem 1��gis,
a up to .#� � tvt�:l1of� .�200, t4 aupe�viee the �rep�retion
of � map ,t�o b�,e; �s�dr,bp the Planning (7om�iiss�ion .�,s a. �;uide
in conn�c�,ion` witYi� the future development of, t�e uilla�e. i
�� ` � . �
; , �riclseon� Er�h�;u,ser, G�f�nep� Henseler, Ewalc�, F3.nn, `
,.�'il�on,. 3C1�8. ' ��ohn�on�,-; No�: ,,, , a , ��
_ � � . . , ,
'i , Upon motion du1.y ��,de �.nd secon,de�,<t he m+���i3:n.g ��,s �d-� ;,
�ourn.�.d�. - , ; , _
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