11-09-44 PC Minutes _ - - - - -_ --- -- ---
� • , i
ndinutes of the ll�eetin.� of Golden galley
� Plan.n3ng Co�nmission November g� lg/.�/{.. �
� The regul�.r monthly meetin� o�' the Golden '��lley Planning Co?nmi.saion
I w�s held Thursday� I�ovember �� 1�4L�� at the Yi]lage Hall. The following i
; member�s were present:
dohn Gafney . Sylvester Koonz
Arvid Johnson Clarence scherer
Paul �. Eaghe.user N. S. Ni cholson
Swan Eriel�son A. R. i�ilson �
�irs. George Crandall �
Paul �. En�hauser s�reed to aceept temporary appointment as secretary
of the Plannine Coamn.iasion and to act as such until Tanuary l� l�/�4.
; Hearin� on the rezoning of the Lazertie property �uas held. Nir. �
; Artl�.ir Le.Stieur� an attorney� an.d Mr. Bert B�osher appeared in llla..r. Lazertie�s
; beha7.f. Ob jections to rezoning was voiced b�r �r. Ben Ruf�'enach an.d Mr. av.d
' �trs. Rose an.d �r. C. 1�. Wallie. �.otion made by Enghauser snd seconded by
Dr. Koonz that the qv.estion of the rezoning of the Lazertie property be tabled
� until i�r. Lazertie has the n.ecessary 1�0� of the signatures o� propert� own.ers ;
within one-ha].f mile radius of his proy�erty and that the Plannin� Commission !
reco�end to the council that they also table the matter until the necessary ;;
L,.O�/o o�' the si,�n�.tures ha�e been presented to them. The vote was as follo�s:
' Koonz Yes �
Scherer Yea
J'ohnson Yes �
Ga�ney N`o '
Wilson Yes ��
Crandall Yea . ,�
Enghauser Yes
Erickson Yes
� Nicholson Yes
A sketch of a pro�osed plat of the Blom property on iNa�zata B ouleBard
4� south of Superior Golf Course vuas presenteal by �ir. Enghauser �Q�* sug�estions
and Eorrections by the Plannin� Co�nission. It was suggssted that Street "A"
should continue to Wayzata Boul�vard and not dead end. It was also suggested
that the ad�oinin� property owners should be contaeted wi.th the possibility
of continu3ng the street as shown by red dotted linea. ;
, IIpon a motion dul� made an.d second the meeting was ad�ourned. :�
Paul �. En�hauser� ecret�rg
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