12-14-44 PC Minutes t
, �
� VILL�IG�; OF t�O.�D�T V.AGL�Y' � �
11QIi�1NE�50TA ,:
� December 1/�� lgy.4
� •
�eeti.ng called to order at 7=45 P• �•
'The Pollowin� members were preserit:
John Gaf fney .Arvid. Johnson
Niel Ni cholson Paul K. En�hauser
Swan Erickson
� � No quorum. �eetix�; ad�ournar3..
� G2�%���t/
ecret� �
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�r. G�il Wilson, Clerk"
Vi°llage of Gol�en V3�-Ey
Dear Si r: �
� - �
At the regu3.ar monthly meetiu� of the Pl�nning Commission the
following members were prasent:
Mr. Jphn �af'fney Arvid Johnson
i �Niel Nicholson Paul K. �hauser
Swan Eri ckson
Th�re being no quorum� the meeting was adjourned:
As an unof�icial membership of the Planning Co�mission� it �ras
agresd that we recommend to the Council that some action be ta;Eten to �
� control the east going traPPic,at the intersection of North Tyrol Trail
and Wa�rzata Boulevard� and that th3s matter be �iv�n immediate attention
� as � very hazardous conc�ition e$ists. We suggest that .the Council con-
itact the Engineering Departrnent oP �(innesota State Highways for th�ir
I suggestions and ask that some action be taTsen.
i � Yours very trul��
� �
� _
� —
Paul �. En�h �r
Actin� Chai an
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