01-11-45 PC Minutes �'
� � i
aenuerY 11, 191�5• ;i
The annual meetin� oP the �olden Valley Plan.nin� Go�].ssion �vas held �.
j Thuraday� Tanuary 11� 1945, at 7:� P. M. at the �illa�e Nall. The Pollosv3ng �
i members �ere presents ;I
� Clarenee ScY�erer �rs. Geor�e Crandall �
� George Bomberger Peter Fauat i
' Pau1 �. �hau�er aolin Gaffney �
I 5'�an Eriekson Niel Nicholson +
; .Arvid JoYlnson
j In answer to the �oun.cil�s co�unication dated Tanuary 10� 1g45, there
i was a motion by Enghauser� aeconded bg Faust� that the Plannin� Commission
recommend to the Council that a build3ng permit to erect a cement bloek
; fact�ry �rest of the Belt viae end north of �ediciae Lake Ro�.d� knovan as the
� �oser propert3►' be denied. '�ote as Y�Ilows: �
� Scherer� Gaffney� Johnsou� �randall� Faust� En�hauser snt� Nichalsoa - Yee; �
' Erickson - No� gomber�er - not �oting.
, .�
There veas a motia�n by Seherer� seeonded by Crandall� that the eleetion I
i of ofYieers of the Planning Commiasion for th� year 1�45 be postponed until
' the negt meeting. Paeeed. �
! Motion by Seherer� seeoaded by Faust� that �he Secretary write the �inne- ;I
� so�a �.ghv�ay Depart�nent for more ezact inform�tion as to the pl�nned location �
' oP the Flo�d Olson �ighaaay and also for a map of thia improv�nent� which is ��
� to be used as a confidential �u.ic7e for the �i.11age of�Picials in accepting �
� improv�ents 3n this area. Passed.
, �otion by �iiehol�oad aeQOaded by En�heuser� that the Plannia� Commissioa �
' ask the Couneil Par a report of pra�ress on the matter of traf'fio control '
� on Wayzata Boulevard and North Tyrol Trail as outlined in our letter to them I
i d�.ted December 1/�� l��.y.. �
' Upon a motion duly m�,de end seconded the meetiag �as sd�ourned. �
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