02-08-45 PC Minutes i
, _ P.ZINIIT�S 0�' P.�ETrNG i
�:� February 8, 1�5
i �
The regular monthly meetin� of' the Golden Ualley Plann.ing
! Commission wesheld on February 8, lo,�'j, at 7:30 P. &�. at the �
� �Iillage �all. The follovaing members were �re5e�.t;
� � &ir. �rieksan T�,r. .��a.ld
� Jacobson Johnson
�Tich.ol�on E1st�d.
; �n.ghauser Homberger
j �Ios�o' ,
I The e1ec��.on of of_f'icers �'or 19J�5 �+ras helds ,�
� P�r. R. Jaco�son �vas eleeted Fresid�n.t. '
�.t°. Blos�o �s eleated Viee President. i
� �Ir. Harold Swenson tvas elected 5ecretary �nd Treasurer.
� �otioa was ma.de by rdr. En�h�.user, seconded by ��. �3omberger, `i
to thank ��r. Arvid Johnson for his s�rvices as President of the �
� Commission.
, t�$r. �i�, ?Tillage ��ttox�ney, r�a.d the �ttorney-Gener�l's '
�.�'' report on re-zo�.ing i�. relation to the T.2oser proper-ty.
i � '
r��otion was ma.de by P,�r. HombPrger, secondec by r�r. Elosjo,
__ to request the Council to �.K. Pl�.nning Cammissio�a incidental ,
i e�cpenses to the amoun�L of y�50.00 for the ye�.r 1�j.
� il
T�otion was �de by I�`r. En�;hauser, seconded b� l��r•. Erickson, �!
� to have the secretary order 1500 letterheacls, 1000 enQelo�es and '�
I 504 cards to be used ?°or �'lanning Commission business. 'I
� '
; l�,�otion avas made by A�Ir. En�hauser, secsonded by T�s. Tticholson, i
that a letter be sent to all members �iving the date of the ;
� regular m.�eti�ig and askin� that they attend; also, if they are '�
not able to meet regularly th�.t they write the Council their
resi�nFStion so that a new member may be appointed. I
� � �ROtion wa.s made to �.d3ourn. �
� ��� � � ��
�oting secret€�rY i�
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