03-08-45 PC Minutes C�LDE�T UALLEi' PL�AI�NIiVG.CdN1NiT��It��
P�inutes of the 1�eeting
I�arch 8, 1945
`� The regular monthly meetin� ot' the Golden '�alley Planning
Com�iesion �r�.s ca,l�ed to order by the Pre�ident, I�r.R.C.Jacobson,
I��rch 8, 1945, 8:00 �.m. a,t the Vill�,�e Hall.
The following me�bera were present:
Fi. C. Jacobson A. R. '�ilson
H. �i. Blos,�o N . �,. Nieholson
�r. Syl�reat�� Koontz Paul K. En�hauser
C. (�. �cherer John Gaf�°ne�--�
��� �rickson Lea. �lstac�
In �he absence of' �arold. Swenson, elee�ed, Ac�ing �ea�et�.ry
Pa,ul Engh�.u�er re�.d the m3.nutes of the last re�l�,r meet9.ng
which were �,�proved as re�,d.
I�r. Enghauser then requested 'che Comznission t3a�,t he be exc�taed.
fr�m seereta.rial duties bec�.use his time is sv well tal�en up
with per�on�l m�,tters.
Cha,irm�n Jaco'bson then entertained a motiort to a�point a tempor-
ary seeretary. A motion by Blos�o, seeonded by I�icholson th.at
Lea El.at�.d be authorized 'to aet as tempor�.ry seeretary. _
�o'�ion earried.
� The secret�.ry re€�d a co�nunic�,tion �rom the I�innesot�, �t�,te
I3ighwa� Department ��ith 3.nformation as to the future imprcrve-
ment of �r�ank Hi�h�a,y �To. 55 �,s it effects the ilillage of
Go7.den 'Va,��ey. There was noth�.ng definite as to exact location
and layou� contemplated. A mo'�ion by :P�.ul Enghauser, second.ed
by T3. 131os,�o 'that this communica.tion from the I�innesota: High�v�y
Department 'be �iled �or future reference. �lotion carried.
A communieat�.on �rom the �t. Louis Park d.ireetory request�.ng
the names aP members serving on the Qolden V'alley Pl�,nning �
Commi�Bion �was read. Ch�,irma,n Jaeobsofl reque�tecl the secret�,ry
to prep�.re th9..s l�.st and issue sa.me to �t. Lau�s P�,rk directory.
(List m�.iled M�.rch 12, 1945)
P�,u1. Engheuser in'�roduced a letter he k�ad prepa.red which was
in'Gended for the purpose of c�.11in� e�.ch co�issioner� s atten-
tion to his obligation of serving the 'Pill�.ge�� �aith �, request
that he re�lg in writing if he ��,s un�.ble �o serve. A motion
by Ko�ntz, seconded by Nieholson tha.t the secret�.�°y be �uthor-
ized to issue �, copy of this letter �o �.11 commission mem'bers.
(Lett�rs m�.iled �I�,rch 13, 1945) I�ot�.on carried.
A eommunication d�ted l�arch 3, 1945, from Gail T�ilson, Clerk,
advised �hat the Vi11a�e Couneil of Golden V�.11ey at their
last re�ular meetin� went on recorcl to refer the follow3.ng
ma�ter to the Pla�aing Commiselon. i.e.
A petition pres�nted by Robert �. Moser requestin�
t�a� the pro�ert� beginning at the intersection of
� the �elt Llne �i�h�ay and �edici�e La.ke Aoad, thence
. North 60 Rods, thence �dest 40 Rods, thence,�outh
• 6� Rods, theMCe the point of be�innin�; in �eetion
28, �'ownsh.ip 118, Range 21, Government Lot 3, wlzich
�,t the presen't time is zoned '�o�en degelopment, " be
reza��d a,s �'comme�cla,l di8tri�t.�
The �.for�said petition was signed. by thi�ty prope�ty owners
in a,nd near the area described in the petition. �r. Moser
was present , and Chairm�n J�cobson �;ranted. him the privilege �
of addressing tY�e 0ommiasion in his own beha].f.
There was consider�,'ble comr�ent voiced by property o�nere pre- �
sent in the audienee, and it �aas brought to the attention of the ;
Commiesi.on that tl�.ere was a previous petition d�,ted November 8,
1944, protestin� the rezoning for cominerei�,l pur�oses of �ny
pro�erty in the area mentloned in the aforeeaid petition. ��
Cha�.rman Jacobson c�rried on a diseu�sion with the Commiss3on
and a�ter due deli'�eration �.nd consider�tion a ffiotion by
Paul Enghauser and. seconded. by H. Blos,jo th�.t this Commi�sion
go on record as recommending to �h� �ouneil o�' the Village of .
Golden V�,lley that the petition far rezoning the prope�°ty as
•- aforesai.d. described. be denied. Ch�.irman Jacobson reeo�nized
� c�.11 for roll c�ll af Commission members ae follo��as: "!
� 8cherer, Nicholson, �los�o, �Tilson, Koontz, �nghauser pYes�
Erickson, Gaffney, Elst�.cl r�No�� '
Mot�.on carrled
��A �otion b�* Engh�.user, seconded 1�y �eherer that the r�atter og �
sewage systems �or eor�e parts of the V'illage be a �atter of
new b�siness at the nex� regular meetin� of the Commission.
. �otion earried.
Paul Engh�,us�r made �. suggestion that the Villa.ge Pl�nnin�
Commission take the initiative in the s�lection of �, site for
eontemplated village buildin�s to promote villa�e imp,rovement.
A motion by Engl��.user, seconded. by �oontz tl�.a,t Chairman
Jacobson �,ppo�.nt three members of �Ghe Commiasion to aot on the
Imp�t��rement Committee in conneetion �ri'Gh �ublie buildings
comprehensive to a. Village plan, said. committee to report at
the Comffiission' s ne�t regular meeting. Mot�.on carried.
A motion by En�hauser, seeonded b9 Scherer that �he Commi�eion
request the Villa�e Couneil to fill the �ou,� vaeancies now
open or� �he Plann3ng Cvmmission. Motion earried.
(Letter to Council meiled March 14, j
A motion by Koontz, seconded by �cherer t11at the secretary be
authorized to subnit by corn�nunication to the Vill�ge Council,
the findings of the Commisaion with reference to Mr. Moser' s
� etition. Motion carried.
�Letter mailed Mareh 15, 1945)
Upon motion duly made �nd seconded, the meeting was ad�ourned.
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