Minu'Ges of the Meeting
� April 12, 1945 ,
The regular monthly meeting of �he Golden Va11ey Pl�,nning
� t�ommisaion wa� c�,11ed to order by the President, R. C. Jacobson
�,t 9:00 p.m. at the Village Hall,
The follo�►ing members were p�esent: .
R. C. J�,QObson Dr. 9yl�e.ater Koontz �
C. G. �eherer P�,u1 Enghauser
�wan E�iekson Neil Ryd.mark
Mra. Wm. Busch Mrs. R. °B. Heal
Leonard Bies Les Elstad
�he minutes of the last r�gular �eeting were read an�
A aommunication �rom the Vill e Council dated M�,reh 30
was read which advised that at the�ounil' s last regular
meeting the following were a�pointed to aerae on the Planning
Commisaion to flll the four vaQancies: Mrs . T�m. Buseh,
�llke Nlolan, Neil Rydmark, and Leon�,rd Bies. !
A commur�ication fro� the Vill�.�e Council dated �ipril 10,
advising the appointmer�t of I�rs. R. B. �eal to aerve on the
� Planning Commission, P�rs. Beal to complete the term of
�r. Landry �ho hae reaigr�ed.
A eommunication d.ated April 10, 1945, from the Villa�e
Council ae followe:
�At the C�ouncil meeting held Apr11 3, 1945, a mo�ion
was dulg made and seconded that the letter from
I�rs. J. Kennedy be referred to the PZanning Commission. ��
The letter refers to an improvement in bue service in Golden
'�alley. (Letter on file under communieations) a
P�.ul Engh�,uaer introduced a �tatement ln the amount of
�7.85 �rhich 4,ra� p�,id by En�hauser for 'the purchase of 500
multigraphed G�overnmer�t �ost cards, said cards to ser�e the
purpose of notifying Commiasion membere of forthcomin� meetings.
A motion by Dr. Sylveste�^ Koontz, seconded by Neil Rydm�,rk, ,
th�,t P�,ul En�hauaer be reimbursed in the �.rnount of �7.85 from
the Planning Comrniesion treasury. Motion Carr3ed.
Chairman R. C. Jecobson informed the Co�ission of the
ap�po�.ntment of the following members to aerve on the Improvement
Committee: Dr. �ylvester Koontz, H. H. �los�o, and Les Eletad.
A mo�ion by C. (�. �cherer, seconded by P�,ul Enghauser, that `
the matter with reference to the need o� improved bus service
� for the Village oP Golden Va.11ey as introduced by Mrs. J. Ken-
ned� be referred to the P1�,nning Commisaion Improvement Committee,
sa�.d Committee to investigate and make �, sur�rey Por the purpose
o� determining what me�.sures are necessary to obtain the desired
results. _ Motion Carried.
• t
Golden Velley Pl�.r�nin� Commisaion--April 12, 1945--Pa�e 2. ;
� A discussion followed with reference to the need oF � �
seza�a�e disposal system for congested �,reas of the Village
�rhich m�y require this service in the imm�diate future or at
some later rlate. Reference was mac�e of the faot tha.t this
matter �aould soon become a ma,,�or problem of the Village because
af th� rapid develonment ��tpected directly aYter the War. ';
�pecial mention wa.s mede wlth referenee to the advi�ibll�.ty '
of conaidering the need o� sewage dispos�,l for the Uelphian
�eights pro�eot. � '
� A motion by Paul Enghauser, seeonded by Swa,n Erickson, ` '
that the Planning Commiasion adeise the V'illage Council that
the matter o� a sewage dieposal syatem for the Delphian Heighte
area be eonsidered with the recommendation that said Villa,ge ?
Couneil appoint a Comraittee to co-ordinate with the 1'l�.nning
Co�miseion Improvement �ommittee. This eombined Committee tv
m�ke a preliminary survey f'or the purpose of determ inin� the
advis�bility of' such a �Oro�ec'�, the cost involved, and the
engineering servicea required comprehensive to a Village plan
for sewage dispos�,l units tha,t may be required in other a.reas
of the Village. (Letter to Council April 16, 1945, )
Motion Carried.
A �otion was duly ma,de and seconded that the meetin� be
� ad�ourned.
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