05-10-45 PC Minutes C�LDE1�1 VALI�Y PLAI�TI�IN� C�i�lT��I�N Minute� of° the l�eeting � � ��a�' 10, ].945 i The re�.lar meEting of tho Golden V�lley Plan.ning Cor�mission w�s called to order by the President , Mr. R. C. Jacobson, � Nlay 10, 1945, 8:30 p.m. at the Vill�.ge I�all. ; The follo�sing membera were �reeent: R. C, Jaco��on A. F�. �tilson H. I3. Blos�o Mrs. Wm. �usch Paul Engha,user Ne�.l Ryd.m�rls I�3. S. Nicholson T�Zrs. R. B. �eal Dr. �ylvester Koontz Les El�st�d i' � The m�nutes of' 'Ch� l�,�t regul�,r meeti�.� �rere rea,cl and approved. ' There were Mo cor�munic�,tions to be read. - No reports �'rom a,ny stanc?1 n� commi�tees. A mot3.on by Mrs. Wm. �usc�i, eeQOnded by Nell Ryc�mark, th�.t the Chai�m�.n, �r. Koont�, of Plannin� Corumiasion 2mprove�ent Com- mittee, anc�. the Chairman, Y�Ir. Fran�.sen, of the Vill�.ge Council Committee hage a ,�oint meeting to �ct on the matter of sewage � disposal system Por the Delphian Hei�hts ad.�ition ir� the Vill�,�;e of G�o�den Valley. Nlotion Carrie�. Ch�,irman, R. C. Ja,cobson, entert�.ined � motion f'or the nomination of a perm�a,nent secretary to Pill the vacancy as �. O � result of the resi�nati�n of' �r. Harol.d �wen�on. Les Elstad ' €�nd 1�rs. l�. �. Be�,l were nominated �raith n.ominations declared cl.osed by the Chairman. The Commission then voted by open ballot ca�ting si�c vates for Les Elstad and three votes for Nirs. �,. B. Beal. Chai�man, �. C. Jaoobson, declared the records to shova Les Elstad permanent secretary for the bala.nce of the year 1945. Commission member, �r. Koontz, inf°ormed the Com�ission regard- ing the opera.tion of �, public d.ump located at 16th and Xerxee in the Vil2�ge. I�C was un�.ers�ood that the owner had a Vi11�,�e permit to d�amp cement scra�as only. Ho�rever, the location is bein� �used �ow a,s �. �eneral dumping ground.. . . .A motion by Dr. Koontz, seconded by P�ul Enghauser, that �re recoffiraenc� �o the Village Council to exercise t�.e V3.11a�e �olicing �uthority to inveetiga'�e the conditions of the �,rea located �,t l�th and Xerxes �,nd. eorreet any discre��ncies v�hieh m�.y be contr�.ry to the 'Villa.ge C�r�.inance. Motic�n Carried � tT�on �a; motion c�uly ffiar3.e and secon�ed the meetin� tPras a�-,�o�.rned. � I� �v� ecretary � � �1.a.�T