07-12-45 PC Minutes GOI�EN VALLEY PI�.�NNTNG COR�NIISSI9Tv Minute� of the Meetia�� � Ju�y l,a� 194 5 The re�ular monthZy m�e�9.n� of' �he G�ld�n Val,ley P1�nnir�� C�mmi�sion wae c�,lled ta ord�r bg the Pree. R. �. Jacobson at 8t30 F. M. at the Village �i��,l. Th� t'ollowing members �rere pres ent t R. C. J'�,�obso� H. H. Blos�o � �o �. Sh�rer I�. S, Ni�holson Swan Eri�lsson Pau7. En�hau��r �irs . R. �. Beal W. 1�. 1Koes Dr. S�lvee te� �oor�t� - � �h� minutes o�' �h� l�+st regul� meeting were x�ead. A�t�r corrections the� were a�a�ro�ed. A Qom�unj�a,tion �ram the Vi7.].��e �ouneil. d�.t e�, June 20 �rith reference �o esh�,ngin� o� na�e� o�' streets in D��.phi�,n Hei�i�a, �l so to chan�in� the n�,me o� Da]�phian Hei�hta to ��en�v3.ew Terraee was re�.c�. (Letter on �ile) . Mo°�ion b� ��a,n Eri���on Seeondec� b�r I3. H. Blos�� tY�.�,t th� aboe� m�t��ioned petiti�ra be gra,nt�d. MQtion c�.rried, � Rep�rts o�' aommitt�es : � Th�re w�,� ].en�tl� dia�useion ab� ut ��lla�e �l�nni,n�g �,��� about th� t�kin� o�' a, census fbr bu� se�vice im�rov�m�n�o I't was �u��ested i� we develope a maste� p].�,n we s�.ou3,d .con�'�r with th� c'�ty. There w�� discuas�on �,bout takin� o� l�.nd b�r - th� �illa�e Coun�il which may be obtain�d. ?�or no�hin� �'or Vill�.�e pux��oses. �; ffio�ion by �����?�:,�-� �e�ond�d �b� C. G. sherer that t he Pla,nning Commission recomi` nd. �o the �Till�geCoun�1l that #;h�� pic� up ��o� the et�.�Ge �he a0 a�res , whieh �,a on�e e,��epted a�c1 le.ter t�e �,e'��on �e�Qind�d. �o'�icn c�rx�3.ed. l�rs. Koontz �.sked from �he f�,00r i� �nyone k�o�rs how m�y other tr�.cts of l�nd there might be �,eai�ble �'rom the st�,te. This ��,s referrea to the improvement committee. It was su�gested those wh� wiehed to sere�e on th3s eomm.ltt�e solurite�r f�r it. No one dic�. The �hai�°man t}aen �,ppo3.n�e�, �h� ���].o�Tin� �ommit'�ee a Fi. �I. Blos�� . Dr. Ko�nt� W. A. N�oes � R. C. Jacob�on ° Niotion by Dr, Roont� s��onded by �ri�kson that t�e recon�menc� to �h� council �h�t t�,ey fill the three vacancies ea�iatir�g on the Planning Commi�sion. �I�tion carriede The �'�llowir�� fl��s were propQS ed. to be consi_dered by the �ouncil o M�.ur�,ee Ni��ofPre�', 41 �arkvieva Terrace , ! � B�r� Putn�s 32�� Noble �v�. � JohnF�ya,ns �42� V�l.le� View Ar. �dmur� R�rc��l7., 340� ��lc�woacl D�, A l�tter to the �ouncil b� this e£�'ect was een� on Jul�t 16, 194b. There was disauasion on ahan�in� the b�-1��s �it h referen�e to a quor�, �+Ir. �herer stt�gested it �t� on �,�:it is for now. . Chairm€�r� Jacdbeon sa�d. Y�e felt we should h�,ve �. de�'inite �ettlemeMt = on some planr�ing er��inee�, ,ar�d get some�hing started. Swaa Erick�o� ata�ed that he thinks the vi�l€�.ge development i� suf�ieient now �o have a plumbing inspector� alsa aa elemtri��,1 , ` �nd heating l�.Qenee fee €�nd ina�ection. S��n Erickson say� we are supposed to coffiply �rith A�.aneapelia ele��rical �nd plumbing . ordin�.nQ�. - ' � - �Iotion by PauS En��,ser, seconded b� H. Blc�s�o th�,t the � oommiasion. re�umm�rtd to the eounoil tha.t the� ta,�e ap�ioa on �he en�i�e 18 A, k�►flwn �.s t�ie Foes Estate, east of the Qolden Valle� Gc>lf Club and ncrrth of 6th �ve. Moti�on ca:r�ied un�.aimouslg. I+etter to this e�fe�t writ�en Jul� 16t�. Sug�estion was �na.de that '�he Be€��. �rrite nates t� all abs�n'� members t}a�.t be�r�use � f poor atte�anae �he q�tes��.on of the quo�t� will bs yp ��ain for further dis�c�ssion, and th� the quorum may be reduee�:� Letter �rri�ten Ju7.y: 16. Ni�tion. ma.de and seconded that the mee'�in� he sd�ourned. �Iotion carried. -� � ` �� � , � x _. � ,, � . -< � _ ; ., �, -