08-09-45 PC Minutes GULDEN VPII�LEY PLAiVl�II�G CO���ISSION �� Minutes of the MeetiMg Au�. �, 194 5 1he r�gul�.r meeting of the �olden Valley P1. Comm. was c�lled to order b� the Pres. R. C. Jacobson �t 8:15 P. M. �t the Village Hall. The f ollowing members were presenta �. C. Jacobsrn �irs. W�. Bu�ch G. G. Sherer Neil Ry�dmark R, H. Ewald �lrs. R. B, Be�l Swan Erickson N1r, UI. A, Moes A. R. Wi 1 son N. S. NicholaQn P. I{. Enghauser The minutes t�ere read �,nd approved. Communicati�ns were re�.d �nd di��ussed. A�ter hearing from I�r. Kennedy about the T�rol Hi118 moat recent development� the Plannir�g Commission inst�ucted I�r. Kennedy to get the signature of those who approve of waiving o�' the ordinanc� requiremen�Gs and that he present same to the council f'or the3r action, sub�ect to the requ�red eetbacks as eet forth in the zoning ordinance. � There was �. mation by Paul Enghauser that the P1.anning Comm, request an opinion from ��.e Village A'Gtorney a� '�o Vill�.ge oblig�,tion in construc�in� ro�ds, str�ets and all��� in pl�,ts whieh have be�n �resent�d a.nd accepted by the Vill�.� . I�o�io� seconded by t�J. !�. ��es. Motion e�.rrled. .� �!otion by Harold Iiindseth, se�onded by Neil Rydm�rk, that the pl�,nning commission reeommend. to the council that they appro�,ch the proper county authorities as to the county construc�ion �.nd m�,intena.nce of a,n outlet road from 14th c& K�11e� DPivea �]e80 tha� the county take over m�.intenance � of the entire length of Winnetk�. Ave. �.nd of Turner° a Crossroad. Moti�n Carried. Letter sent. � motion by Swan Ericl�son, seconded by Mr. Rydmark th� th� village council adopt an ordinanc� regulat ing and eontrt�lling permits �,nd ins�ection on plumbin�, heatin� and electric�.l installations. t�otion carried. There was diseuseiar;� on the federal loan to vfllage �or post-�rar pla,nnin� as clescr�.bed, by Mr. Est�brook. A �totion by I�r. Moe�, sec. by Mr. R,ydmark that the Secy, invite a represent�,tive of �}�e Federal Works Agency to come to our Sep�, meeting and gi�e us details ont he loan we might get for advance villa�e - pl�nniflg, l�otion carried. �J - Q 1. ���a-� g� �! `+�' �^�ic.Za�� Mr. Rydell asked about a village map for each member o� the Commission.A motion by Mr. Enghauser that we ask Mr, Moes to get 20 copies of the a1 1-over map of Golden Valley, tracings of which are on f ile at H. A. Ro�ers Co. Motion �ee. by Mr. Rydell. Motion carried. Motion made the,tine eting ad�ourn. � GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING C�MP�ISSION -J�ec -- y. � �