09-13-45 PC Minutes �_ � -- - _ _ _ i �
�Iinutes of the Meeting .
Sept. 13, 1945
The regular meeting o� the Golden Valley Planning Commission.
wae cal 1ed �Go order by the Vice-president Mr. H. H. Blos�o a't
'8:30 P.T��. The Pres. R. C, Jacob�on was absent at the opening oP
� the meeting,
The follo�ring membere were present:
R. C. Jacobson P�,ul K. Enghauser
H. H. Blos�o Geo. A. �Iomberger
R. H. Ew�.ld Bert Putnam
6�ran �riekson Neil Aydmark
A. R. Wilson Harold Kindseth
N. S. Nichol�on I�rs. R. B, Beal
Edmur�d Rydell W. A. Moee
The minutes of the pre�ious aneetin� were read �,nd ap�oved.
Communic�.tion� were read and filed. A�r. H. E. Van Ornum, Asst,
. Chief, Gontrol �eotion of Feder�.l works AgenQ�r, talked te the
oomrgission about federal loans for vill�.ge planning. �'he opinion
o�' the comm3ssion �.fter hearing I�r. Van Ornum' s talk was tha.t federal �
loans for our partioular situation in Golden Val ley would not be �
. feasible at '�his time.
A�r. Nichals then talked to us �.bout �illage plann�.ng. He stated
• ° emphatical.ly th�t he d oes not believe ifl a h�.rd and fast master , ;
pla,n whioh can not be altered. A master plan �hould si.mply be a
guide. He ou'�11ned his serQlces as they have been rendered in the
Village of Edina. '
• IKr. Ja,cobson moved that we reeoffimer�d. tha.t the eouneil set up �.
village preliminary planning fund. of �2000.00. to be drawn upon
and to be used in t he developing of an over-all village p1an. i
Seconded by I�r. Moes. Motion aarried.unanimously. I
Mayor Geo. Flanson, ancl Atty. A. T. Nelson both spoke Yrom the
. floor in regard to villa�e planning. . �
• Motion made by Mr. l�oes,second.ed by �ir. Ewald that the planning
�ommission retain l�r. N3.ehole u�on a per di�,m b�.sis, pend9.n.�
an a��.�ropriAtion ol a working fund b�r the eouncil for �uch purposes.
�lotion carried unanimously. -. _ _ _ _ ,
Mr. N3�hols sug�er�G ed that a small group be n�.med. �Go make the
neceseary stud.ies with him on any day but a Sunday. The suggestion
was m�.de that tnose vitallg interested, meet at 2 P.t�. Sat. Sept. 15th
at the �illa�;e Hall, with Mr. Nichols. ,Any maps or other �.nformat i�
with respect to planning of a suitable l�ocation of a �ire �t�,tion
should be �ade a.vailable at that t3me.
�r. �toes reported tha� Ro�ers Co, has na map tr�.cings e�ce�t some �I
section�l �T.P.A. ma.ps. . ,�
Mation r�,de a.nd carried that the mee�ing ad�ourn.
� Golden Valley Plannitng Commis�.on j
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