10-11-45 PC Minutes � '1 i
, 3 ��
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C�olden Valley planning Commiss�.on �
I�inutes oP the h�eeting
. Oc�tober 11, 1945 �
The .regula.r meetin� o� the Golden Valley Pl�,nning Comm4seion 'i
; w�s c�.11ed to order by the. Vice-I�resiclent , �Tr. �I. H, _ Blos�o, '!
at 8:15 P.M. . The minutes �rere re�.d �,nd �,p�aroved. �
The followin� members were pi�esent: �
NTr. �los,�o . I�r. Engh€�user
Mr. Beherer ��r. I�utnaxn ;
Mr. Ewa,lc� Mrs. Buach
I�Sr. �rickaon �r. Rydr��,rk
���r. �ilson Mr. Kuidseth �
�r. �Ticholson IUlrrs. Beal
�ir. Rydell I��r. �ioes
There �rere no netition� or cornmunications. ��r�. Vd. A, Moes ;
reported on a tour of the village with I�r. P�ichols, looking
esAeciall� at the Foss a�nd Mengelk:ock properties. ��r. Niehols
� in making his report atated tfi�,t he ha,a only one ob,jective ,
ln mind in �olden Valleg - �iz to ser4e the village. He
atated he �aas much impressed with the 62 acre Mengelkock
prop�rty. He believes th3.s property i� re�.�onably centra.11y
loc�.ted in th� Vill�.ge for a Civlc Centei°, �.nd recommends
that the CQmmission recor�nend to the Couneil that �hey aoquire
the entire 62 A. track for a, Puture Civic Center. �he school !
problem has been thrust upon us, �nd he feels sooner or later ,
a sehool will be necessary in Crolden Va,lley, t�nd th�,t this
tract would serve for �.11 these �unctions. . �
Th�ere was no unfinished business. I��r. Kuidseth moved �Ghat the
Pl�.nning Comm3ssion recommend. to the council that they reconsider
their forner action in the acquisition of a site for �, fire
barn, and a.ccept the reeomnaendation of Mr. Nichols as to its �
loQation �ithin the� 62 Acre tr�,et a�:sis���recommended to be �
acquired �or a CSvic Center. �2otion sec, by P�ir. Scherer.
Roll C�.11 - ten �yes, four n�.yes. �Zotlon by Mr. Moes, Seconded '
by Nii�. Rydr�ark, to reconsider the previous action. Motion `!
carriec�. �Iotion by Air. ��oss seconded by Mr. Enghauser, th�.� the ��
Planning Commission recomnzend to the V111a�e Council that they '!
�a,ke steg� to acquire the entire 62 Acres kno�un as the Mengelkock i
property for €�, future Civic Center and park purposee and to i
inelude the immedi�,te ereetlon of a fire station thereon. �otion �
earried una�im�ousl�. A motion ��,s m�.d.e by �ir. Ku9.dseth, seconded i
'by I��.'. E��,ld., �:n reg�rd t� �,equiai�ion o� the PZengelkock property
�nd �ocation of a fire station. Both �qotion a.nd secan�. ��ere �,
�i�hda.��.wn before bein� brou�ht to a aote. �otion by Mr. Putnam,
I �
` �econded by I�2r. Ewald that the Planning Commis�ion recommend to
�, the Council that the recor�mend�,tions c�f Mr. Nichols, given �.t
'; this meeting �nd thase he e�pe cts to make �.t the ne�t regi�l�r
meeting o� the Commission, be considered in determ3ning the � '
�roper location of a proposed flre atation �rithin the 62 Acre
engelkock tract, also recoramended for acquisition by the �ill�ge. i
N�otion c�.r��ied unanimously. Sec�et�.ry w�s instructed to so inform
the �ouncil.. lY1E�8 t��s �some discusgion �bout the school problems ,�
both fron the comr�ission and fron the �loor. The Secretar�
presented bills for stationery, etc. , to the amount �
of' �1.85. Motion by I�r. En�hauser, aeconded by Mr.
Putn�m, tha,t billa be allowed. This le�.ves a balance
. oP �3.�5 in our �etty cash fund. l�iotion by Mr.
Enghauser, seconded by Mr. Putnam, to ask �r. Niehole:
if he �ould print up to twenty copies af €� reduced
sized pla� �of the village for diatr3butian to membera
of the commisaion. Motion c�.rried. l�ir. Ni���������ed
that he as$umes th�.t part of his du'�ies, is o r
the eill�.�e map* There bein� no �urther businesa the
meetin� ad�ourned. _
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