. , . Minutes of Meeting
IQov. 8, 194�
The regular meetir�g oP the C�olden Valley P1.annin� Commiesion
was oalled to oraler by the Vioe Chairman, Mr. Blos�o, in �he �bsenee
of Mr. Jacobeon, �he ahair�►►a,n. � Tffie min�ates of the previous meeting
�ere read and. approeed. The mi.nutes of the spe�ial meetin� of����J9��
with Mr�. V�m. B�ech a� aatin� seoretar� were not available eo we�e not
The following members answered to the roll oa.11:
�. H. Bloe�o Bert Putnam
C. a. 9csherer Neil R�rdmarlc
R. H. Ewald H. �indseth
8wan Eriokson I�s. �eal .
P. K. Erigb.auser Mr. R�dell
A letter trom Mre. J. J. Finn stat in� th� she i� resigr�ing f�om
the Plaaning Commi�sion was read anti approved verb�.11y b�'��the Village
CounQ31 �hich w�,e in ses$ion at th� time. . Swa,� Eriokeon reported about
the �arage addition to '�e Farris prop er'�y on Frauee Avenue, and. th�,t it
did not conform �o the Yillage buildin� ordinanQe� and that operatio��
ba,d beer� hal�ed by him u�til eome deeision was �iven by the Planning
�! mo'Cion by A�r. Enghau�ser,seconded b�r A�r. Rydmark th�,t the Plannin�
Commieaion refer the Far�is and Weise matter to the village attorney for
a legal opinion, �nd. that auch opinion be Pefe�red �o the building
inspe�tor at the earliest possible date: A�o�ion e�,rried. The �eting
village attorne� being presen�, the matter was presented to him at onoe,
wi'�h the understanding he would give his opinion as eoon as p0ssibie.
Mr. Srotehmar aeked �he Plannin� Commiseion to consider hie
buildin� an his acre of ground. The whole plan was referred to tbe
b�ildin� inspector/ Swar� Eriekaon for hi� eonsideration and p ermito
Motion by Mr. Enghaueer that the Planr�ing eommi�sion requeSt ot' t�e
- Minneaota Bighway �ept. any mapa or pla.ne of hi�hway or rc�acl,6onat�u�tion
�hiah may di�ectl8 or lAdireo't].y affeot the eill��e of Qoldea Valley
and that suoh lnformatimr� be sent to tbe Pla.nnir�g Ccmmiseion from time
�o time, as it beoomes available. Motion seeonded by 9wan Erivkson.
�otion Qar�ied.
Mr. Lyle LarBOn app eared bePore �Ehe PlanningCommisaion and sug�ested
that we wateh the widtY� of planned intersectlonB along l�ayzata Blvd.
as it developes. a
Mr. Eriakson brough'� up the guestion of I�rs. Scshuller� e propoeed
filling statio�. Motion by I�r. Kindseth, seeond�d by �r. Enghauser that �
r�e reoommesd t+� �he Co�neil t� no permits be �ranted for the ereotion
mf commeroial bu�,ldings abuttir�g on �th Age. I�o. until regulations �overn�-
ing sueh development�, and plans of the 8tate Y�i�hway department are kno�n.
The euggeation was made by Mr. Kindeeth that we take up �rith Mr.
�Tichols the po�aibili�y of zoning the Villa,ge for commercial or li�ht
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There being r�o further bueinees the meeting ad,�ourned.
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