01-10-46 PC Minutes i il ' GOLDEN VALI,EY PLAl11NING COI�+lISSION � Minutes of the Meeting of January 10, 1946 ��ie re�ular meeting of tYie Pl�.nning Commisaion r�a� oalled to � order by the ch�,irman , Mr. R. C. Jacobson. Roll Qa11 was as followe. Mr. JaQObeon Mr. Ewald Mr. Eric;kson Mr. Hanson ' Mr. Kir�daeth Mr. Howard , Mr. Ryd.mark Mr. Wileon Mr. Putna,m Mr. Enghauser � Mrs. Beal The minutes of the last meeting were read �t,nd. appro�ted. There being no repor�G� from officera, the regula,r bueines� oY the meeting follo�red. There wae diseu8eior� of .development of roade in �he village. �loL1�n by A�r. Kindseth, eenonded by Mr. � Eriakson that we. write the cou�ail to urge them to again co;n- , tact the county highway authorities asking them to t�.ke over maintena.noe of Wir�netka �ive. and Turners Crossro�,d., leaving out the req,uest as to �ahat to do �rith �elly drive. �].so we � might Bug�est to the oouneil tYiat if' and when they cont�,ct the �ighway Dept. that some member or members c�f the Plannin g Commission be asked to go along. Mo'�ion carried. A motion bg Mr. Rydmark, seconded bg Mr. Hoti�ard, that we reQOmmend tha.t the counQil inve�tig�.te the condition of Mr. Maki� � yard where there la a great accumula.tion of all kinds � of material vi� left over Christmae treee, Qord wood and fillin� s�d. Motion carried. ' The Secy. repor�Ged the resignation ��e of Mrs. Wm. Buseh ' - �'rom the Plannin� �ommission, but sinee '�he u�ritten notice �as �navailable at this meetin�, aetion on it by the Commiasion will be taken at the next meeting. . Swan Erick�on reported that Mrs. �chuller wants to b uild a,n oil � s'Gation �.nd ha,mberger stand back of the present si�e of achuller' s Tavern on Glenwood A�e, side. Th� eoncen�us of opinion after muoh diacr�s�ion was that the boa• d ._should diecourage an� development of this nature on the Point, unt9.1 the Hlghw�,y Dept. makes known their plans Por extensioa�oY Olson Blvd. A motion by �r. Kindaeth, seaonded by Mr. Haward that we� reeommend to t he Qouncil that sir�ce �the Planning Commiesion has alre�d� inquired as to the plana oY the St�,te Highway Dept. a,nd found th�,t there ie as yet no def 9n ite plan Yor extension of Oleon Blvc�. ,that both the Planning Gommieaion ar�d. the m uncil should defer aetion by Mrs. Bohu�ler or anyone else �nti1 the Highway pl�,ns are definite. Motion carried. . In aceordance with the Constitution a.nd Bylaws, the annual � eleetion af offiaere then took place. The seoy. was asked -to !! ° take the ehair, and nomina,tions for eh�,irma,n were as f ollows : I � - -_ __ _ _--- --- --- _ , �� Mr. Jae�bson - 8 votea Mr. Aanson - 0 vo�es ��cl�TOL�i l+�r. Putnam - 3 v�tes Mr. Jaeobson deelared el�eted ehairman . . Nomina.tiona for vime-Chairma,n were : � ' �r, �iaward - 3 v�tes - - _ I�r. Kindseth - 0 Qotes � �Y's p ti'te Yl$II1 � � oO tt @ 8 �Z'• 1�yC�.ID82°$ " � � VO$�B • The re--b�lloting on the �o recaeiving '�he same number of votes resulted in E�ydmark 6 votea, Putnam 5 �otes. Mr. N,yd.m�.rk. declared elec�ted ae Vice-Chairmm� . � � Nominativns for Secretarya �. Putn�m - 10 votes � Njr. K1�ds eth - � -vote . . . Mr. Putnam dealared elee�ed Seeretarq. ` � The Cha.irman .then took �he oha.ir. It ��.� decided to aet � spec%ial- � c4mmittees ae needed, The Chairmar� a,naounc�d the apec�ial report and requests eommittee will.;meet in the Village Ha�l Mor�. eee ' � Jan. 14, 'Co ma.k e up their report. ° _ ° � Mr. Ni�hol� gave his report 'aad emphaeized the importanee of study of t�e report on Village, 1�� every member c�f the Co�mission. The ` ' chair�a;r� ask�d 1+�. �Ti�hols to dioe�tss this repor� a� negt meeting. �he 8ecy, was ' in�trueted to ma31 a oopy Qf this report to each memb��° ,�+f the planning board. - � _ "There:;bein� r�o further business, the mee�ing �.d�ourned 'at Z0 P.A�, � �� � �� , � � . a