03-14-46 PC Minutes � 1,� �o�n� ro��r� �ri���� �o��s�c� �inutes of t�ie �Ieeting oP B�arch 14, 1946 ' The regular meeting oP the Golden Valley Planning Commission �as ealled to order by the President, R. C• Jacobso�. at 8:15 P.�. at the Vill�ge Ha11 an �arch 14, 1946. Iri, additfon to lldr. g. R. �Tiohols the folla�+ring aom�3.ssioners �were pres�nt; Jaaobs on �'31s on � �an��� �.ia - H�oe� Eri cks on ` P�a.t�am Ryd�.rk R�rde 11 Kiad�eth w l�xchol�on Iic�e.rd �rs. Beal �rs. Thotland . Enghauser The mi�iutes oP the Jsn�e,xy 10 meeting were read and approved. 1Vo m3.nutes �ere re�..d f'or the February meeting 3.assmu�sh as a quorum was not present and no ° o��icial business was comduoted. A csc�nication from the Village Clerk was read, dated �anuary 12 containing the information that �drs. �+Tm. Busch, �r. Niles Nicholsoan, �rs. Ha1ph�Bes,1, and Mr. �{fm. Ho�.rd h�d been appoix�ted to the Ca�ission, terms �o espire December 31, 1948; that A�r. George Hanson had been appoin�ed to fill the unexpired term. of �trs. ; Craud�.11 to exp3.re Deeember 31, 1946; and that �Irs. Florence 3'hotland ha,d been - , appoi�ted to fill the uxiegpired term of Juanita Finn, t�rm to expire December 31, , ].94'T. . A second commcuiicatian �ran the Village Clerk dated Januar� 25 reported that �ir. ' �0'. E• �lfc$ir�xion had been e.ppoia.ted to Pill the unexpired term. of �r. H. H• Blosjo . ' expiriag Deee�.ber 31, 1947. 9 Qom�ic�a�ion frcm the Village �ttorney enelosing a eopy of the Dearee �rhieh , ' the Caurt atade 3n the �itoser-Lazerte va. �311age oP Golden �Talle�r �ca�e v�s re�.d � . and placsed on file. ' . �, letter oP resignation dated Jaauary 8, 1946 received fr�m. �rs. �m. Busch �vae aedepted. � The seere�ary re�ad the preliminary report of the Comm3ttee appoixsted to reeievv the �r�r ].945 and the final report to the Village Ccn�ne31 ag�in reQO�mend3ng the aequ3.sition of th.e 62-acre �engelkoch tract. Follc�ing e. geae�ra.l discus- �iom of inembers of the commission and. those in the audience, the cso�3.ss�.on , �vmted unaaimauslg on motion of Schere secoaded by �ricksoa to adopt the report as read, and l�ter in the prooeedings thie report bearing the eignatures oF all members in attendance �eas presented to Caunci].ma.n Curtis �oe present in the " , audience. Vice President $ydmark opened a discusaion as to the attendancse problem and the ad�is�bility of eatablish�.ng a quorum t�ith •fewer members in atten�3ance. 2'he follcvring motion made bg gindseth and seconded by �ghauser was unani.sc�sly passed: Reeol�ved that the Chairman appoint a csc��.ittee to s�udy attend.anoe and m�.ke ree�endations as to ways of' im.proeing ft. �he chairman a�amed �he �cllo�.ng to the Cammittee: gi.ndsetr, �ia, R�del1 anc] �.tnam. , � There Pollowed a discussion reg�rding the �osterly eaten.sion $nd improvement �� oP p1a� �demorial High�aay, �ith B�1r. IQi�hols reporting th�.t he �.s in- formed �hat �he H�i.nnesota Department of High�a�s �aeas narQ,r in a position to present svme canerete ia�flormatio�a � this de�relopment. Folla►,riag motion by Eaghauser ae�ond.ed 'by Ho�rard �as un�nimouslg adepted: Resol�red that the Secretarar write to �ILr. 0. L• gipp of the High�ray Depar-�aent requesting th� �ppearance of a represent.�.tive at the 9pri1 mee�in� o� the Co�iseion For the purpose of e$lnibiting r�.ps shov�3.ng the d�tr�lcr�.ent cf this high�ra� ezte�.sioa. Bdr. � Ericsksc�ri reported tt�t three prei'abrieated housa.ng �tiits had been erected �i.thout the c�wn.era Ym.ving secured building perm3.ts and in a �.nner �ot to meet the req,v,3.rements o� the present building csode i�.�smaeh as they h�d not been plaaed on perm�.nent foundations. Bdr. Erial�son r�ported t��at the �er� �.a.d agreed ta excava�.c� �.nd placse the un3.ts on proper fviax�datioae. Fo1lc�ig a di�csussion of the need f'or som.e rev3.sion in bu�.ld:i.�g ccdes to defin.itely regulate th3s ty,pe of development the flvlle�i.ng mot3.ex� by �iaghe.user secondad by Hcr�.rd �as unanimously approeed: Rescl�red th�.t the ohairman appoint a. ccmmitt�e te modern3.ze the pre�ent buildiag a�ies �i.th r�ferenc� �o �oreses�.ble situatic,ne brought abaut by the present ho�.sing emergenc:y. '�he Pollc�igg �ere appointed to the Committee: $qdell, R�d.m�rk, Ea��.auser �oes, Hcsaae.rd, Er3.oks on. �'r. Hc�+rard I�aaer�e appe�red before the co�issicm requesting the rezon3n� of property ov�.ed. by him on the Belt Line and 1�I��icine Ls.ke Road from Ope�a Development to Community S�ore Area.. It �ras r�co�►erided �o him that he • s�eure the proper petition signed by 40� of the property o�ners �i.thin a . �.lf mile radius o� the arse and the Chairma.n requestsd �r. Eriekson and Mr. �ilsan. t,s aet vsri.th hiruselP as a oo�3.ttee o�' three �o �.ke a personal inspectian of the T.azerte property. � BI�°. Glen Ross �.ppeared in behalf of himsel�, �ir. Donald Diekey of �'a�zata and a 1tdr. go�e.rd o�' EzE�lsior ezpressing their desire to eons�ruct - buildita,gs arsd o�rate a retafl lumber yard oaproperty nortb of �a�z�.ta� Blvd.and �Vest of �lae �p1s.NorthFi�ld and southern Railro�.d trac�. He �s inforffied uf the required proced.ure as to getting supporti.r�g signers to a petYtion and s�bmi.�ting this informatiozi to�ether �rith Qomplete legal dec�- - criptia� of the propertg vrtder co�sidera�ic3�,, for presen.�ati.�n. to the Ct�ura.cil or at the �.ext regule.r meetin� of the Plar�xiirs� Ca�i�sic�.. �r. St�anle�r �ane �ppearec7 3.�. behalf of �r. Leroy Sehuller reqtaesti�g �.ppr�al for the oo�.stru.cstion of a �illing station and hamburger stmnd �t the rear of �chuller's taver� on property no� zoned for cam�.ereial �na.rposes. Pre�i- cusly the Comm3ssioxi had acted to discourage thi.s coz�s�c�►a.c�ian i.��. �riew of the f'�cst that no acscurate inPorr�.tfoa regar3ing the deeelopment of Ol�on �emorial High�ay ori wh�oh the property fronts �aas a�rail.able. On motion �oP IIighauser the commissiors 4otad �to leaee the gra��-ting of the requeat entirel�r in the Y�.nds of the Council. � ° � �eeting e�d�ourned 10;45 P.Il�t. G OLDElV �TAZLEY PLAl1T1�ING CO�dIS S I(�' � � ������� Pres�. e Secre ary