04-11-46 PC Minutes �� �
GO��,tY VA�LEY I��A1��I�G CO��S'��
�a.�.utes of �he �teeting of
� Apr31 11, 1946
. � The Golden 9alley plarr�nin� Cc�3.saion met ara Apr31 11 at the p311��;e H�.11
avi�h the �o11c�v3.ng fi�teen membere ix� attendar�ce:
Jacobson Ryde11 Eriakaon '
5chere Nicholson Rydmark
Bdoea Itbrrs. Beal gi.nds�-tl�
�cHi�aoa Enghauser H�ard
Pu.tna�m VPil�on �rs. Tl�.otla��
�inutes of the preeeding meeting held �arch 1�, T9�46 �ere appro�ed �.s read
'6y the Seeretary.
Cormmuniaaticns to aad fr� P6inrsesot�. Departm.ent o�.Higk�ays �ere read.
Following the re�.dimg of a letter f'rom the Golden Vallsy Civies League pro-testing
� the prob�ble �hoiQe o�' Golden Valle�r as asite For the Henn.epin Cv�unty G�.rls'
$,cshool, the �'ollo�ing motian by gir�dseth, eeaonded by �ebi.nnon was regul�rly
. . passed; The Present P1�xuaing Commissiosa is opposed to aay t�rpe of correational
ix�s�ti�utio� eomi.ng into Geldex� galley as a germanent looation. T'he secre�tar� wes
ir.�structe�l to oonveg this in£or�at3An to the Vil].age .Cc�u,ncil.
A petit3.on cireulated by �fr. H�'ard L�.zerte and bearirig �ppx°o�a.m�tely 20
ai�n�tures w�as offered b� hi.m in support o� hi$ pre4ious request �or the re-
� - zonin$ o�" his property on the Belt Line and 7�edieine Iake Road. Af'ter disaussi�
, and foll�iag the recc�end�.tion of the Buildiag 7n�pector, the Cot�ni.ssion eoted
to appro�e ths rezosiing of a 60'x 120' area as ahc�evn ax� �r. 7�zerte's draw3n�
and situated 300 �'e�t f'x�om the Belt Line from open deQelopment to co�unity
, ' stpre area, contix�ent upon the applicant's recseiv3ng the required number 0P
�upportin� signaturee to his ge�ition. Ob�ectir� to 'che C�ission's insis�tence
� that the area in question rem�3n a f'u,ll 300 fee� f'ra�n ths Belt Line, �r. Ha�rd
, cast a disaenting Yote.
Aa error ob. the �rt of the S�oretary in mi�inform%ng the High�ray De�.rtment
� . o� the date of the meeting �QOOUn��� for the faat th�t their r�presentative �as
r�ot in attendancse. The Sear��ar� �a.s 3nstru.cted to request the �ttend�noe of
this representative at the negt rsgular sahecluled meeting May 9 �o disc�t�ss°t�ie
�e�texly ext�nsion of the Olso� Memorial gighw�ay.
, Nfr. Jolu�. Gibbon� appear�d at the meeting requesting that some aation be ta'�e�,
toe�ard the completion o� June AQenue in T�•rol gills bet�eea Cleo gennedy's
property and Sout� T�Trol �ills. As e result o� this request the following
motion b�r Ehghauser seconded�by Aoward �s �ssed; To request the '�illage
Attox�ey to secure a lege�l o�inion as to �hether rc�ds ��atted ar�d e�oo�pted by ;
the Crnauo9.]. and not csonstrue�ed are to be an ol�ligation af the Vi11�ge to con-
strucst, end to f'oz�ard this opinion to the P].e,nning Ca�mnission be�'ore its ne$t
regular meetix�g. 3�e Secre�tary was instructed to invite �ir. Cleo Kennedy, �dr.
Fred. McCar�h�, a�nd B�r. Gibbons to attend the �{iay meeting so that some Pinal
agreement m3.ght be re�ched regardigg csompleti� of Jvne Avenue.
The meeting �.s th�n given oaer to an open disaussion of the matter og
aaquiring the propert�r for a Civie Center and to acscom�todate the e�r1y cons�ruc-
tion of a fi,ra st�.�iona Zed 'by 1�r. .S�enso�, President of the Cc�unail, int�res�ed
� partioi�nta 3.n the �eetirig �ere given an oppor�un.3.ty to express opinione r�gard-
� iag the aequ3.sition by the Village of the 62-a�re �engel�odh tracf,.
. _ --- __—----------- - -- --_ _ _-�
In general �he follc�ti.ng objections �ere sxpressed;
�. August piazza obja�ted atating that in his opxnio� the area was un-
sui.t�b�e for any buildin�$ or a�i�letia field. �dr. Paul Enghauser refuted
his previous confos�m3.ty �ith the �nag3mous opinian of the Camm3.ss�.o�a the.t
• the lamd should be acsqui.red, stating that only 5fl% of the are� v�s build-
abl� and o�ly 2ba ot' i.t was builda'ble w�ithaut �b�.ormal expensa. lUir. Rd.A. '
Hetland �t�ted that 3t �� lc�, marahy land and t�at he f�eored more
s�11 part are�.a dis�ribiated �hrc�haut the V�.11��e. �r. Hc�v�a.rd L�z��te
qu�stioned the aree. �s a site £or a Pire barn �rom the �tandpoint of the
department's equipffient enteri.ng direotly irlto the h��y traffic o� Highw��
I00. ltdr• John �nghauser e�pressed an opinxon that a �e�.r�te bond issue
�hauld be voted upoa �or the aaqu3�ition of funds �or tlie csonstruction oP
a fire bara.
Th� poeition csf t�e Plar�asing Caaamission �as restc��ed in gen�ral by
�ariou� membere;
The eatablishment of � Cieio Ceater is a necessar�r beg3.rui�xig po3nt in
the d�velo�nt o� sn eyv�r-a11 �ills.g� plan. The area undex� Qonsideratic>n
i.s oe�tral].y 1oc�ted and �.ot too ��.11 to proaide for :future nee�s a� they -
ma� develop• �he '�illage �ho�ld a�guire the prop�rtg nc�ar �rh3le it i� still
poss3.'6le to �ecure �.n �de'e'elopsd tract of this size centrally lvcaa�ed. It
�as emphas�tzed that no immed3ate de�r�lopm�nt other than Qonstructirm of the
f�.r� �tation �ea� contempl�ted and the.t 1�r. Niahols' sket4h ha.d been prepared
merely to shau� �hat raight be done �vit'� an ��ea of si�il�.r size. Furth�r�ore
it �rras af.a.ted that uaturally s�.11er playgrounc� and pe.rk areas �aould be
required in fia.ture years to aupplement the C3.vics Center.
l�dr.. J. �P. Held appeared be�ore the Comm3.ss5.on reques��ng the �acation
o�fl aa alleg �.nd o� Roll�r Ae�n,ue rua�ning from Dc�glas A�c�nue nortYs 650'
�.s �o� plat,ted i.r� Block 4 0� gagalia Cedardale. �otion by �IQBirrnon, �ecsond-
ed by l�qdmark to recommend to the Cc�ancil apprcyval o� the request, �as
regularly passed.
�r. K. L. 2ie�ier reg,uasted inform�.tion c�tk�e Co�.�siola re�arding the
pex�me.nent looaticn of a servi�e road run�ing on the East side o�' the Be1t
L3.ne and North v£ �e.�rtiat�. Boul�ard. He vs�s invited to att�nd the nezt
regular me�tia� so that more time might be given to eonsiderat3on o� the
The meeting was regularl�afl3ota.rned at 11:30 P.�• �
4 � �- �/��d .
Pre� en eore ry