05-09-46 PC Minutes � 17 QOLDEN 9'ALLEY PLAIQNING C�ISSIOIV Th� r�gular mox�thly meeting oP the Goldea� Va11ey ple►�irig Comm3.eeic�a -�as held �.y 9 at 8s00 P.�li. �rith the Follc�.ng twelve membera in attendance: Jaaobson �eI{inncm Erieks� �ah�re Pu.t�am Hansc�. �does aydel7. Rydmark �rs• Beel Er�ghav,�er I�indseth Th� Chairruan dispensed �vith the regu].ar order oP bueiness i� order to firat pre�ent repreaente.ti�es oP the �innesrsta H3ghway �epart�sent vrho app�ared to exhib3t pl�as for the imprvvement o�' Olson �emori�.l High�ay. Mr. H. F. Chard assisted by �dr. �Paodbedk eahibited en�ineering dr�ings of the approgimately 13 mi1�s o� new construction, st,atin� that 3.t ie tc be a 4-lage high�e.y, t�o each way aad segarat�d by a 75 foot median strip with 200 Poot right oP wa�►. It �ae 311uetrated th�t as e, generality the ne� higl�.� through �oldea Valley vrill Follo4r �er�r x�earl�r the present location o�' 6�h A�env.e North to the Gol�' Course, then swin� Sc�uthward eros�3gg �linnetl�e. at �pproa3.�tel� 340 Peet Bouth o� the present ermssi�g, e.nd Mend�l�sohn Rciad approxi.m�tel�r 560 Peet South. It was brought aut th�t as more det�3led plaas are completed they �ri11 be �do �vail- abl� to the Planning C�isoion, aa�d that actual csonstructian vrould not bs �ommenced earlier th�� 1947. Pt[r. �Poodbeak expressed the �ppreciation of him- ee1F and th� o�thers ef the Department who are concerned v�ith ple.x�ing the high�as� Por the ac3-operat3.om extended by residents e.nd property omners o� the Village. Bifi,n�ztes oF the PP�P10113 meeting were approved �s read. �i�� Yurt�ier�ref'erenae to the oompletion of June Aaenu.e the Seeret�ry re�d e.�, apinion From the Villa�e Attorney that the v�.i�.g� ��.ia not be bw.xid to complete the ra�d wi.thout specisl assessment. Nir. John Gibbons stated that he �ould be agreeable to hi.s share o�° the cost a.nd that he vaca�.ld �ork with �r. , Fred �deCarth� ixi an attempt to diepoea o� th3s ma.tter. � Paul FF�sghauser, Chairman oP a aommittee to revise the building ordinancea �-1.th reference to the probl�ms created by need for tempor�ry haru.sing, et�ted th�.t the Co�.ncil ha.d instructed the yillage Attoraey to dra� up an ord�inanae re�arflin� temperary housiag and that in gener�l h3s ordin�.nce wan�ld r�"quire cnly the 3xistallation of pe�nent foua�dation, plwabang, eesspoal and septic tank, and extend the t�e oP completion for the d�elling to one year. �he f ollow3ng motian by gindseth seconded by �rs. Bea1 �s regularly pasaed: To su�ge�t that the Go�nail ta}re no final actiwa ia this n�tter until the Planning Csma�iseion Cos�aittee Ban iaeet and Ror1c �.th them. � Chairme�a o� the B�embership Coa�ittee g3ndae�h atated tho.t a report �rould b� made atthe next regv.lar meeting. , H�otion �eas m�de to �.ekno�ledge and plac� on Pile a letter fro� the �p1s. Co��rgctars and Bv,ilders Assoai�tiarn. 1�Tr. Hc�.rd IaZerte e.ad �rs, Ma.rc3.a Duberstein and a B6r. �fest appeared req�,esting a re-opening o� LaZerte's petiti�. to rezone all o� his propertg cm the Lilac Lane and. �edicine Lake Road. The Chairffian espressed the �i.ehes oP the P1anx�3.�ig Ccunm3ssiom in deaying the request, aad along thie same line there was read a oopy of a lettex° written ta theV311age Cov.�.�i1 by Mr. i�i�hols • sugge�tir�g the merit of prohib3.tiag iriduatr3al and aommeroial de�velopmeat ar3.thin b00 feet of �he existing right of �ay of the Be1t Line. ,� �otion by Enghauser, Seconded by Han�on wa.s re�larly pas�ed, that a . Co�mnitt�e be appointed to stud� the request o�' l�r. Bert 1�osher for re- zoniag property on Golden Va11ey T�oa.d �ust �Pee�t o�' O�.k Grarve Sahool � � froffi open deHelopment to Community Store area for the purpose of con- struc-ticn of a ��a�ery etore on ths site. The Chairman appoiated Swar� �'xiak�on as GhaiPam,n o� the Cor�.ittee and the follo�i.ng members: Sehere, �QI{innon, Rydmark, and 13a.nson. �r. lUiosher'a petitia�. �as given to the Chairr�n of the Ca�amittee. The appe�rance of �r. C• �. Hansan and �r. Russell Smith �ubm3.tting flcr apprc�val a plat ofi 40 aeres bc>�aa.ded oxa, the �est by �V'iz�netka �.�enue and oa the �outi� by 16th Avenue I�orth brought abaut a disau�sion of the ad�a�-�.ges of haQing e per�nen� css�ami.ttee est�lolished to �ke prelimi.aary atudy of plats. The follc�wing motion by Eagla��us�r, seconded by S�h�re �as regule�riy paseed: That the Chairman appoiat a co�mmittee of' not m,ore than thrse to �ork with �l!!r. Niahols �n plats. The Cc�ittee i� ccmp�s ed of Kindseth, Chairman, Eriegson a.nd ��Iti�cn �i.th the cf£i�era named e�- oPfieio membere. lk�r. I�fehols di�cus�ed the adve,ntag�s of estting up - sfi,andards for the guidanoe o£ develop�ers in subma.tting plats aad it wa� Pelt tl�t this shculd be cne of the projeets for the oommittee to �adert,�:l�e. Mr. Paul Eaghauser subm3.t��d pl�.te on Glendale Addit3.on to �rro1 Hills bounded by Natchez, 6th Averlue North, Jean Avenue, and Glea�aoad� easd �Toble Grvve, lying E�.st of Noble Avenue from 29th to 34th A�enues. �otiao� by Hanson, seconded by Sohere to rePer these r�.tters to the Plat Co�cdttee, ae �ell aa the aforementioned plat o�° �'r. ganso� and 1UIr. Smith� �ae regularl� paseed. �11 three dra�ing were gi�ren to the Ch�irma� of the Committee. The maeting �vaa regularlyad�auraed at 11:16. /�• c��/�',L'2��� � air�.n S�or� sry