06-13-46 PC Minutes I � �9 ; , ; � �OLI]�Td VAT�EY �I�'��TP7I11TG CO�t�II�,�ION �+Tinut��� of t�ie �Ie�tir�g of J'une 1�, 1J�6 ' � The fol].ov�ing t�ielv� �e�.b�rs �.ttendecl �he reGui�r r�eetin� of th� Gold�n Va11�y �l�,nnin� Cor���,i��ion can June :L3 at 8:OC1 P.M. �t th� 'P�.11�.�e Hz��l, preeid�d ov�r by V�c� Preeic�ent Rydzr���a ' J�,co'��or �Io�innqn Ewald �i�d�eth � Sc��r�r Putn�.� �rick�or� Hansor� �� Moea Enghau�er Ay�lmark I�oward Th� �inu�ee o�' th� �eeting of May 9 r�ere �nproved �� re�d. A repoz°t of the eecret�.ry on b�h�lf �i tla� mer�b�re�.iF comrr�itt�� �r���nted th� �oll�wing recommende.tione: 2 . Th�.t in order to L�� �.a�ur�d of a cbuorwn to o�en the m�eting prou+.�at1y at 8:4C� 0?c3ock �n�. taa trane�ct bu�in�e�, fi�teea me�b�r� be eetebliehed. �s con�tt t�tifl� � fu���;��e�berehi�. 2 . In order to bett�r co-�rdinate the �ct�vitie� of th� Pl�n..rii�.g Cor��mi�+eica�. wri�h th�se of the Cour_cil i t i� recomm�nde�d that ane mer,�ber o� t�ie Counc3l b� pres�nt �,t ea.ch �eetinb of t3�e Co�ci�eion. ��otian by Ja.eob�an eec��nd�d by �,2cF�i�.non that the Secret�y writ� those me�ber� who h�,ve �een in�ctiv� in attencl�.nce re�ue�ting their reeignation �.f they fi�d it 3.r�pos�ibl� te� regularlp attend meetin�s . � - Motion by �ngh�u�er seconded by Hovvard. tivae regul�.rly pa,�eed that it be su�ge�ted to the Council that they t�ke no actian to fil� vaeancie� on the Cor�;ission unti�. resu�n.ation� establieh a _ membersh3� of �ifteen, anc� to rer;u�et the Council tg��o�id� one of it� �e�iber� in att�nd�,nce . On be�h�lf of the Co�r�itt�e or� T�mporery Hc�us3r�;, Chairm�..n Engh�u�er r�ported th�.t the Committee h�.d recemmenaed to the Couracil th�t the pre�ent buildin� and zoning lav�� should not be ch�r_ge�dm ! Chai�man of the P1�t Cor�mitte�A� Aindoeth re�orted that their i cor�i��ee h�d. eet�blished the feliowin� six gen�ral ccan�ider�.tiona ; to d�termine 3,f th� plat r�pres�nte the b�st th�.t c�,n '�e done �r�ith � th� �a:re�, under con�ic�eratian and ia �cc�pt�ble tc� th� V�I1���: 1 . Provi�ien for th� con,tinu�tion of pre��nt stre�t� and ro�dso �. Elimination of �har� curves anc� d�.ngerou� a.p�roach�s in etreet� ; v. Est�bliehr��nt of road� follov�in� present contouxa a.nc� ad�.�tin� the l�yaut to the t�po�r aphy ot the are�. ; 4. ledic�,tior� p�° p�rk or p1�,y areae of goo� 1a.nd uaable �ithout e�t�ns�.�r� c�ct fe�° i���,re�vement on the part of the villa�;� . ' 5. E13min�,��.ca3� c�i ir�egul�,rly �h�.ped lots �d r��3.r�ten�,�.c� o�' 7� ft, �; " f?"OLltreg�' g�Tef�:r�,bly 100 f t. i 6 . �etabli�hment of ro�d wic�th� CGII��.Bt�II'� �ath us�ge �nd �.+C1�O�.II7.21� �Z`O�@ P'�ll'8. . Th� Ch�irman furthEr euggest�d th�a,t developer� me�t�.with the corr�ittee �o thet they might vror� to�gether in ref ir�ermer�.t of p1�,t� i �,,nca tha.t the com�aittee i� �orking ta�rard the est�bli�hment of a. ! set of etandards for th� guidan.c� of platt�r� ira nrep�,ring pre- '; l�minary pla,t�. i , , -- - __ J �� . �. �r . 1Vichol� r��orted th�.t he expect�d the activiti�s �f th� Cor,unittee on P1at� to be a� co-o�;er�.tiv� effort for th� b��t inter��t of the vi1.l�ge anc? in no w�.q to v�o�k a h�sdehip oa d�veloper� . . � P�oti�n by 3aceb�on s�c�nded by DBoee regular3y paesed, that the Con�nisaion eoncur �ith the repoxt of the Committee �nd th�.t the i�umedi�.te disc�.�sion of plat� under �con�ider�ticn be t�.ken up i� lir�� �rith thi� plana Follo�ing �r . Nichola ' pres�$t�.tion of Co �. rianeon' s . plat and � �k�tch of tlae area made by him�el�, Mr . H�n�Qn agreed to r�-deeign his p1�,t to better provid� fcr outlet . � road.� end proviae eome p�k ar�a on higher grc�und. �om��.r�,�iv� s2s�tche� �ere nre�ent�d �.nd digcu��ed regaxding th� Glenda2.a Addition �,nd it �ras d.ete�ffii�gecl bp mation tha� in the int�r�et of avoiding fvrther d�lay to these developer� �h� P1at Cor�mitt�e be empo�rered, �o rea�r�end � apprav�l �f t�nt�tive p1�t� for these �r�a.� if the�r are sub- r��.tted s�tisf�,ctorily revia�d, an� to �o iniorra th� Counci7. . o� 3.t� �:�tican. . � Mr . T�ichol� introduc�e� to the �omr�,iaeior� �r. Plason ef his office v�ho h�,s �vorked v�ith hir�� on ma,ttere pert�ining to � Golc7�n V�,11�y ar�d �rho �ri11 be �,vaila�l� on tho�e occ��ic+ns . wh�n M� RTichol� i� out of the c�ty. Ch�i�ma,n ���n�on of the Cor��i�tee e�t�,bli�hed. to study th� ree;uest of �r . Bert �oshe� for the rezonir�g o� p�operty ad�ac�at to O�,k Grove School en Gold.en V�lley Ro�,d repo�t�d that the Ccmmit�ee recommen.ded the ap�rov�1 af r�zo�ing to co�munity �t�r� area. M�tiQn b� Rind�eth �econd�� by �cher�� regul�.rlp p�,esed to �uppo�� the opinion of th� Com�itte�, anc� the Sec�c�tary to inforr� the Council . Mr . Mo�her app�ared �t the meetinb r��3ueatin� th� �rantira� of e. t��pox�ry 1ic�n�e to operat�a gr�v�l pi� �.nc� cement block f�etory N'ortYz of ��d.ici�.e L�k� Road �.nd ���t of th� ��1t Line . Fol�ovring ar�gial�r �oti�n by Scher�r �econded by Jace�b�on to do so, the Ch�,ir �,ppoizated ScY?�rar, . ��icl�EOn, Ryc�mar� to con�tit�.t� a c��nr�itt�� tt� �on- " �ult �rith �r. I�ichol� on the r�e�ue�t and empo�ered the c��.i�tee te �ek and to rep�rt ita findings directlq to th� Covnoilv �ir a Alvin C . �nl��, accompani�d by �Ir . P�ul Se�r�an repre- ��nting th� �c��d�n:���;�ey Civic League, �poke in opposition - to p].an� no�r u�.der con�ider�,tz�n by the �ietrepolit�n AirForte Gor,�ie�ion for th� eetabli�h��r�t of an ��r�ort of po�silaly C1as� II r�tin� in P�innetonka �nd P1qr�outh Tc+vvn�hips . �tr. Enke aol�cit�d th� �upport of the P7.anning Co�a��ion in the exten�i�ri of our zoning restaicti�ne to the unircorpora��d. �,re� �.�vo2��d. �o�ion by ��cobeon, eec�nded `�,* Schere, duly pa�eed th�.t the Secxetary cantaot Mr. Enk� for additi�nal infor��tien �� t� �►rat ��f�ctive hel� m�y be le�ally giveno � On l��ti�n �p Jacobson ��cc�nd�d by Sch�rer the Co�i��ion vot�d to r�f�x the p1at� of Mr . Blom �nc� �lr. l�u��.n to the Pl�t Committee . - 2l : � ,, ;`" `� Di���.��ian of � c�n,n�unic�tic�n ��a�ivect f���i Fire Chi€�f ���utt,I����th �.�kin.� fpr c�n�id�r�,tian of the r�-n�,rr:3.n� ��` �$��tain, etr���� �rh,a�� �i�.�:e� �r� cc�nf'u��rl� �.�d ta th� pasa�.n� Ca i �. m�t i�Y1 t0 �G�'1'G�.r1t,�E' thl'. �u��.z'i��s tb '�•h� T2�x'� S°8 gu1�x i3°i!��t�.ri�. I��Z�tian by J�c�r��r, s��c•ndec� k�y �ere�er, th�t di=c�?$�ion � ,;�i r�z�ni�a� 07 a���� t� con�rr,er�i�:1 to �n�c����.�F .li�Y�t inclu�- triG.l d�v�lc�ment be �?Zac�d �n the �,;�n�3.� �f bu�ir�sg fox �h� next re�ul� m��t�ng. T�c�tion b�T Jacabac�r�, geccand�d by �.:n�h�u�e�°, th�t rr.��bers _ ���e� and J�,cc�b�on �*hca vie.v�Ped th� prablem o� th� Ju��� AvEnu� r3G�np�.�tion cor��uu;�.� �>.iih "r:"s . �3ic:���.� ='.��=- :�nla��^W t����rd i�� �t��.ut��n �� ��,u e.�xt r��ul�x �����in�. , Irt�ti�rt �c�x ad��urx��nt 11: 3�JP.Id• �° l,/`� c'"'✓ ��.�-�•� � � _._._._�._ __ - - -- �,� m... � ..�. . �� ri��n S�c���ax'y , � . i b � ..�f.':';. 'f�, � �_,. e ; , i ' i $ . � r: ' ; ,;� 1 i� ;,� . 3. ' , .