07-11-46 PC Minutes - :� � �'�) � - GOL����t VALI�Y P�rTI�TING CO���ISSIt�T1 , �Iiaau��s of the �i�eti�ig of July 11, 19�6 ' e The f�lloy�ia�; ��mbere att�izded the r�gu:].�� r�� i�� of th� Golden Va�1��,► Plz_�Ili�.3.ri� Co�a��]1��, os. July 11, 194C, cOZtc�uC��d by Vice PrPeid�n� Ryd.�nar�.: ; l�chs�er , Rydell :�rickaon �oe e � B�al Rya'l�►a,rk Putaa�m Et��ld Tl�otl�nd °° 3'he �i�ut�� of tl�� pr�vioua m��ti�i� ����� re�i. ancl �p�ro�red. , Continued coneider��ion of the rr�uuch-c�i�cues�d comp2etion of � June Av�nu� fo11.o��i�.g a r�port by Mr. �ioes �,�.c� l� . :�3ichol� l�d to the ;pa�ai�.� of �he follo��'in� r�otion by Moe� e�conled. by neal: To recommend to the Co-uncil that they unde�take th� gr�c�in? of J'un� Avenue follo�'ing the pl3x�.� of NIr. Nicl�o].� �nd a���ssing the ce�t to th� abu�ting prop�rty o��nera; following the ;r�c�3ng, tha.t part of June Av��ue fro�i it� hi�h�gt poii�t t� �9�yzata �ou��vard. ehould tr�at�d witla oil or t��vi� ax�.cl provided vuith gutters t�a elir�i- •n.at� �xo�i�n o ' � �'C►ll��v��ig I,�Ot�.ol`l k3�1 �c���, ��C���c7��� �,y R�/d.�ll., � p3a.t t�f �+.���@7�i- �ately 1� �.c�es lying on the �J��t �id� of �finn�tk��. Av�nue �r.ra..c� i�?orth .:;f��rr� Su.Z��r�Gr Baulev�v��1 �►u.b�it�ed by ]�fr. � . J. ��1c1��in, �r�.a r�f�r:�er� � to th� Pl�t Cc��mi�t�� . ` 1�x . ��i��.ol� ���o�tEd or� beh�lf of the p��'� cor�rrr�i��Ee tha.t �1�� Du��.n, C�1end�le �.nd i�oble Grove Acclitio�i �al�.t� hed b�en rei�rree� te t�z� Counc�l bed.:�ing the te�ita�iv� �,p},arcav�l of th� ��2at cc�rr�rn��tec �ruith �hE p�QVic�irr� that ch�.n�;�a 3nc�ic�.t�d on ther� ti�ould be followed ; . by the p1�tt�ra. � Fc�11o��rin� �otiorl °by Moe�, a�cond�d by cchere�, �.t vu�s r�gula-rly ! voted th�.t i I�e Ch�.i�rr7�� r��:�e � cornri�i e fe� of thx�e to �tudy th� �e- i n�ming of ��re�t� te�°�,'arc, th� vi��• of eli�in�.ting th� ca�liuc�ic�n exiatin� ��caug� cf �ir�il�iti�� i� n���� �.rc� �ronur�ci���iGr�� c�f I pr�g�nt �tr��t� . 3�rr . ��oes ���.e nam�d ch�.3rg��n c�f th� c�mr�itte�, � �rith Mre . Tl�ctl€�x�c� �:ncl l�r. Ryde11 th� oth�r t�aca r����b�rs . � ;� Fol��°��i�i�; �o v�c�n L-y Sch�r�r, g�e�n�.�t� �y Ev�r�,ld., it ��°asr��ul�rly � vt,ted. to a�;,:��v�� ��.nc? �ub��it for ��y;p�n� to th� Cowrio�l invoic� i�o�rs �iorell �nd i�'ac�.o�s, Inc , foz ��rvic�� fro�i D�c . l, iQ45 to JulY �s � 1 1�46 in �h� ��c�ur�t o�' 4;a�36.?5. j � ����i ��t�c�r of re�i��rtic�r_ tir�s r��d �.r�d acc��t�d. irarr� r�Ta� . i1. S.. , iuicl�olsoa�, ��nc� 3.t �v�.� �e,�a.l��ly voted t� ��fc�� it to -t?�� C�w�,�3Z '! f'er th�il accept�na�. �i Continu�d for d.i��u�eie�n �at th� ne�:t re�.zl�r �r��ti�g �r�� �he � �att�r af th€� �r�.�.;�1 pit ��:d?na.nc� �.1��. the d�vc�c��r�ent Gf comn���ei�1 �re�� t� �r�v;�e ��� li�;h� in.duc�try. � , Meetin� r��u�a�ly� �d.�c�urAne�. ' , � ; CI��� �2.�_=_ . � .G�-'�¢-c�_- i t��a �T'CRN.�.�R�i � , : �, -- �