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08-08-46 PC Minutes
i � � -'1 � . � � 25 �i �QLD�N VAL,L,EY p�=rTTTIT��G COP�rZIS�T�N Mi�u4�� ef th� ���tird� c��' ��i��.�� 8, 1946 i Th� C3�1c3.�I�. V�.11�y Pl�;�n.iri� C��:�►i�eiGli r���t C+n �!u�a�t �, 1��:G � �r��ided over� by Gh�!i:r���� JG,cob�an. �:n�l �,ttencied l�y the ftall�ti��in� ���.��e � ei�rit a�emb�r�: i i J�.c�boon �4o�e �n�;haus�r Ryc�xr�.�.rl� � �'ch�rer �'utr�� Ev��ld Pirsde�tla I�r�o ThQtl�.nc� �+Tin�,te� of July 11 r�e�ting wc:xe �,�aproved �:e r��:d. ��tter tc V3.11�g� Coun.�il re��:rclir�U the cor�;�l�ticn �f Ju�.e Av�nu�, P�yn��nt cf More11 � nTic�.ola inv�,3c� �,nd. r�aign�.tion of N. S. Tuicholaon �va� r��1 en� Fl�.c�d on fi1� . FouL copie� of co�ir�uraicr�,tir�n� to t�� Couricil �'r�w th� Pl�,t C��itt�e G:nd r�fexring tc� Glc�nc��l�, Du��n �c�idition to Gl�n.u�cb�n, 1�TO'�l� GT�v�, a.nd 3310� �1�,�� ��e-re p1�c�d. on ' �i1� �°dith th.� Secr�:t�ry� , Gommiaa3.c�ne� 1�0�� �u�r�3t,ted � t�n,t�,tiv� re�ort Gg Cn.�.i�°���n �f � �? Co�.3���� to �tudy etr��t r�n�.�ing. ��. ���11 �e su�;g�etin� neti� ; na��e th� report ���.t�d th�t it �rould be de�ir��.b1� to el�min€�t� � du�alicating n�r��e o� �?inne��poli� �treet�. Or� TJ�otic�n ky Kirlc�c�th, ; ` - Y a�cond by R�dr��rk, th� C�t�u..i��ion �cat�c� to acc��?t th� r���ox�t of the comm�.°ttee, ��.d it ��:��� �.�reecl th�:t �.r?cition�l consic�er�;tic�n of the problet� wc�uld b� xec�tair�d.. ;i Th� Cou.���l m�mb�� in �.�t�nd��,rac�, M�. Ct�rt�.�+ MC�, �ra.e r���ue�t�:d, ; tc� chec� ti�ri�lz the C�unail �e to �rh�� fo].?oti°�-up toc�Y pl�ce in the ! Council re��.rc�ir�� �r�v��u� reeyu��ta bp th� P7.�..�nin� Cor��i��i�r� th�.� , the Council cont��.ct the C�un�y Hi�h���y D�p�rtment r�c`u��ting their ; t�,kin� over and r�air!tai�ain� �Jinra�tk�. At=�nu� �n� Turn.�rs Cro�.�xo��.. The c�c�°�t�y �►c� ir?��rt�c�ed to vv'a�i�°� th� Council ��l:�in�; th�i� ' �+tt�nti�n to a�r�� bv�.ldin;; unc��rt�.ken �Jest of �tinn�tk�. �:t the �tinn�eot�.C"��t�r R�ilroa�. trr�ck� ext�ndine the u�� of p�operty* fo� ' c�a1, y�:�c�. It mr�,g su���at�d th�t thi� r�.i�ht con�ti�ut� � comr�e�c�,�� � i v�ntux� ,ir� �n �.r�r� zc+ned �or open develo�m�nt. .; � � ��r . Joa�ph Ne1nQn �nc? cthers �p�e�recl �t the �eetir�g prot��tir�� i the �r��zltirl� o#' a buildin.J ��err_i3� fc�� � Chv.���h �.� Gi�n�ooc'. � H��r�ld � .�venu�� . Th� �l�l���,�ion c��.t�rldeci tha�.t the pr���nt te�� �ie�tin�� � he].d there ��er� �, detr�m�nt to th� cor�rnunitg� an�? th�.� th� �,rea a£ ;i �00 ' �c 123' �,c�,a�uir�c� �;�.s in�uf�i�ient t� pYogide �de��u�t� parking �I f�,ciliti�� �,nc1 �th�-r r�e.�u�.r�ra�nts c��' th� c�n.t�r�pl�Yt�d ehurch> Ir��s° 'i � �uch �� �c buil�=ir�� per�.it has be�n r�:�;uest�c as yet the Com�i��ion �u��e�t�d th�t th� p�°rat��.t 1�� t�.k�n ciizEC�ly to �hc Courzcil . � � Th� �nAEtir� °���� th�n �iv�n �v�r to � g�n���ai �.i�cu�s�.cn r���.��.- � in.� th� ��tition tc� thE Nletropolit�n Ai�po�t� Co�i�ii�.r��irn of p��raar_e ; ir�ter�:�ted in th� eat��'bliehr��n.t of � Pu�blic U�� Claes I� or II ! �ir�ort ��rithin f3ce r�il�� oT the Minn�Y�poli� lcrc��,. Such � ��ti- �ion h�,d. been circul�ted r�t �� Go�! .Pe �neatirru f�r th�.t pu�po�e h�1c: � Augu�t 7. Th� r���ti�!g ���e �.�tenc�ecl. by Bob A�id.rieh of L�etro�;�t�lit�.n ' Air��xto Co�naie�.i�n, �nd s�ok��r��n for tY�e �etitic�riers �d€�e c� �'� o 'i A1 �IuY�ba rcl. I� ���.� br�v�ht out th�t t�� �ir�ort �r�.s t� b� fo� � ` �u�cl��t, �.le:�.�u��, �.n�. ca�ru�GirY�; fli�;ht �nd �hould. be �3°�u�t�d �`t�r � � -'�� c��uicL �nd loti� ce�t acc���i°�ility �o thE loca�a are�.. � �, �----- J f- " �� . �r a I,ee El�tc�3. �,nclCor�3��ioner� Jacc�b�or� an� ��v�ldl�d attenci�d the m�eting �:n�l repo�t�d ths.t �.n �xea an �P�.yz�.t�. �oul�v�d �.ac� lying ��ithia the 1i�its of Gold�r� V�.11ey w�,e on� o� t�o �o�eible .�it�� re�.;ueeted �y the petitioner�. At the �;uguet 7 �neeting helC in ��.n�e�?polia it �r�,� �brought out � th�,t th� egt�;bli�hm�nt of euch �n �ir�ort ��oul� re�iuir� th� eonc�er�n�tion of r�aidence� w3thin the are�. �?.nd re�io��l of ho�e8 ta oth�r ��.�ee. In lin� wi�h eentiment �xpr��e�d. � r�g�,rd.ing the pr�viou�ly di�cu�eed "Fre�mc�u Air�o�t" th� Commie�ion� d.i�cu��iQa was co�cern�d �vith �r�y� of eff�ativ�ly � prot�e�irig �h� pl�,n pr���nt�d to th� Metropolit�n .�ir�ort� Comm3�sion �,� r�g�°cl� the Gold�n V�11ey �it� . Commiasicaner ��e�, on beh�.lf of the G�ld�n V�ll�y Civic T���gu�, �,gr��d. t� pr�v3cle th�ou�h th�t org�.n.ization me�,na of c�on�ucting a m�.�� , m��ting of a].1 vill�,ge o��s,niza,tion� �nd peraon� int�r��ted i� o�apo�ir�� tb.e ��t�bllehm�nt of an ai��as�rt withir the 1im�t� of Gold�r� V�ll�y or n�6Jr1y �,d.�r�c�nt �o it. On �oti��i by �n�hau��r, �econded by Sch�r��, th� �i��ta.n� r��u.larl�r adjourn�d. . � G�,fi'�'�?��t. - h�.irm� � �eaxet�ry