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10-10-46 PC Minutes
,� . � � 29 '� � GOLD�T� �1.�.7 T��Y �L�.���F1T���G COIV�-2I�,cI��1 .I 142ir�ut�� Qf th� �I��tin� of � 4ct�b�r 1�, 1��G ; `�h� Gold�n V�,ll�y P7.�.�:n�n� Corr.�7�iie�i�n wet on �ctsal��� 1Q ��ith th� fc�llcy��in� r�Qrnber� in �.tt�rsd�nc�: ; �cl�����, T�l���, ?utn��, ��a.ld, Er3.ck�on, Ry�.��.�k ��c? K,n����h � �Zinute� �f tlz� S�ptem'b�r 1� m�etinb ��f�er� r��,�. �,nc1 �pg�r�v�d . i t+e�7.1�Wring th� r��ding of a report by Co��r��ie�i�ner �o��, Chair- � ��n of th� Coln��itt�e tc+� coneid�r r�-r_��min.� �f ��tT��t�, thv cc�nr�i�- ; ' ci�n ���1 r�v�d the fo1lo��ing motion `by Kir�d�eth sr�cca�cl�c? �y��ch:.re�: Tn car�rr��n�. �:r, Mo�� �.r_d h3� cor���.t��� fc� th�:ir x��ort, t� �:cc��at ; ° th� r���rt but t��.�� n.e� d�zir�ite gte�� ir� the �.�t�i,�r un�i•1 th� inforr��,ticn cont�.in�d in it c�:�n. 'b� �p��1?�d fc�r �tudy tG �n ����-t�� , d�t� V'ill��;� r����. Th� foll�yain� rnotion �y Ddc��s ��°c�r�a�c� by cct��rex � v�r�� r��•ul�rly ��a���de T� in�truct the P3�.nnir�� �i��in��r tc t�rir_� thw Vi1�.��� r���a u2�-t�-c�..-�,�� tt� ��t,��,,,, �1�, �hi�t?n�° �tr��t� ��,nc: �1�vtE� ! � �.re�� . . � � u�rxitt�n re��u��t fro� the C�auncil. th�t the Co�ii��icn a�� i.t� � bud�;et far th� ye�� 1�47 1e�. �ca th� follo�iiZg motion ��y �ch�r�r ��c�;zc��cl b�r Erick�on: Te� r�r�u��t the Coursc�l to �:.11c�1�f � '�uc?��t of �'�12�� .00 for th� y��.:r 1��-7. �'h� m�t�erof �,Z� 0 1�oY�bs' xi�3_ii��� at�'bl� h��vir� �ae�r? ��f�xr�c� �� �Ca th� Cor�m���a.�n f?'�m t;h� COUn.Cil, �r. 1��`�1�� �.�r���.�ed �,t th� � me�tin� at�.tinu th�,t he og�er^t�� ^ ferm ��n� h�.� hora�� for hir� ' on 6th Av�nu� �P��t of the Golf Glu�. Th� Ho11a5v�rir�� moticn �y I{�nc���th ��c�r�c�ed �y ��ch�r�r ti�r�� r��,�u1�,x1y par°��d,: Th�at the �on;� - n.iesic�n r�co�n�i,end to the Council th�.t D�7?�. D�b�s �� �11c�Ved. to ' . ccar�tir�ue thi� o�aer�,ticn un.til �Gh� Con?rr.����i�n c�.n �1ecP ,�? clC.��?- fic�,tie�rz 2r� th� Zoninv Oxc?in�nc� on �er?t�.l et��1��. �,�r. Jo���h Mo11P�. �pg��$r�d pr�s�ntii�� � p1�:t on. 13 �cr�� on �th� �outh Side of 6th �versue . On Notic�n by 1�2o�c eec�na�d �y Sc�?�-r�r it d��� vc�t�� t� r���;r thi� to th� P±�.t c�mmi�tee enlpo�r�ri��; th�m ; t� gep�rt dir�ctly to th� Council. � 'I Ina.srrluch ae nca isif�rr�aticn y��.� �,v�il�ble re��.rc�ir; �.r�y �1�ri�; � of T��r. �.rcY�i� �7h�t�t�r�� �cflr � pro�c�s�d Vh��tr� ir th� i�il��,��, nca I �.cti�n could b� tak�n. � � � i �-tuciy ��' ;�.c�li�ni�a�J' c��:�,��ri�.�� �f �. �latted ar�a �ub�i�t�d by i a, T�r. Nr��nk I�:cCesrn�ick 1ed-=_to th� paa�in� of a m�ticn� �aJ �ch�r�r � ��c�nded by Eti7��.1d th��t th� 7�1at vvould. rec_.uire r�vi���n vy the ; d�v�:l��er� t� m��� the rer.uirer��ntc� for n�tiA�ly �t��d ��,r���. Th� dr�,u+ir��; ����.s tu�n�n. over Vo Ca�ni;,,i��icn�r �inds�th, ch�i�=r�,�°n �f tlz� i �l�t Cor�rr�itte� for th�lt �c�uiritte� ' 6 cli�ct�ssicn v�ith th� d�v�lo��rn ' ��r�d r�-�ubnaitti�?b tc th� Cor�r��,isaion �.t �t� n��ct re�ul�r meeti:�;;. �oti�n �y �ch�r�;r, ��cc�r�d�d by �'utn�rrl, th�,.t a 1�tver �+i � �e�i�n�.tion rro� �,�-��o �e�.1 be acc�pted �nc1 su'�mitted to the Co�sc?.l ' ��vith the ���ue�t th�,t th�y t �k� no �.�.ctian to �il� �. �1z� vav�ncy. . On �����;� '�y Sche�.'�r �econ�l�d 1�y �iz�c'���t �ch� m��tin� �,cl�c�n�d. o�l ���+CTit1.,.Gz� � i�'rti w�c�:�:,°��y 1 �__ ___ . J