12-18-46 PC Minutes R��
D�inutes o� a Spe�lal B�eeting of 'Ghe Qrolden Valley Plannittg
Commiesion, held 6:40 p.m. , December 18, 1946.
Preaent: saherer, Pu�nam, Enghauser, �filaon, Eriek�on,
�wald, 13yde11, Rqdmark, �loes, Jaaobson. ,
The meeting was ea�lled t� order by the chairman,
Il4r. daoobaon.
]�r. Putnam requested that he be reli�ved of serving a,a sec-�
retary �or this meeting. The ehair appointed E. T. Rydell
secPetary pPO-tem fbr this meeting.
, S Qommuniea�Gidn from the Villa�e Council, dated Deeember 18, 1946, '
. in regard to the ques�ion oF' the Tommey matter was read. The
YolloW9.ng motion wae passed:
The planning commiesion refe�s the
matter of the resolution passed at the Village
Couneil meeting of Deeember 1?, (in regard to
the pla�ing of the Tommey,e house) bac�� �o �k�e
village attorney for his interpretat9.on, and
�e�ues�s tha� he let Mr. Swan Eriakaon, the �
� build ing inepeator, know whlch ordinanae has
been eiolated.
Mr. Putz�am read the letter he had m�iled to �arious csit3.es
reques'�ing information x�egardin� open air the�trea. So far
ane�ers had not been reveived.
After a lengthq diseueeion, the follo�ir�g motion �a�
�ha'� �he planning c�ommission eall a public�
, hearing in regard to the ques�ion of the pro-
po�ed open air '�hea�re at ite next regul�r
meeting, 8:�J0 P.M. , Janua,ry 9, 1947.
�'hat the chair �vrite Mr. �o1Pe and - j
asaoc3.atea, requeeting them to be p�esen� a� �
8aid mee�ing with a plo'� plan o�' the theatre,
ahow3n� i'�s relation to ad�aver�t p�operty.
�dr. Putnam rea�d a report for the year 1946. �n motion,
the report wae a�cepted �ith thanks and �Yie seoretariea° book8 ,
and recordg were turned ove"r to the chair.
On �motlon, '�he mee'Cing ad�ourned. �
. l-'�• ' �%�
E. T. �qdell,
9eeret�,ry, Pro-tem