01-09-47 PC Minutes � - - - ___. i � . ��� � GOLDEN �A.LT,EY PI�NNING C�P+�IISSI�N Mimates of the Meeting of Ja�a.u.a,rg 9, 194'7 �I3.nn.tes of the Specia.�. Meeing accepted. Mee�ii+.g opened to general d3sc�a.ss3oa - p�o aad con ma,tter of ope��,3r thea�er oa Wa�zata Eonlevard. , yetters from other c3.ties in response to request Por 3nformatien by Mr. Pn.�xi,aJa were read to thoae 3n the audience. Approx�matelg 25 co�- �n;eat�.ons were rece3.�ed, the ma�ority being favor2ble to an. ope� air �hea�er. These eommvs�.cat3ons were put on file. _ (Floor open for publ3c hea�ng� �Irs. A. S. W31�oa voiced her ob�eetion. to such a pro�ect npan the bas3s that it would �e fa a poteat3al residentia7. �,rea. Mr. �Zen Bro�m, navy ve�eraa who is to bvild �n Goldea Ya11e�, eapressed himsel� as ia favor of thi� project - stat3ng tha,t it would bring em- ploym�nt and a place of clean amu.sement. . , Starzl.ey Blagrove, owner of t�ro aeres �,d�aeeat, spoke in fa4or of the pro�eet. Stated that he ha� atte�ded such �, theater �.n.d th3nt�s �h��r are a benefit. �1sa sa,w ao reason for �3.11age �o refv.se perm3t. I+�rr. John �.ghauser �oieed. h3.s o�aec'�ion to sach a �hea�er on grov,ads of pr�mu].gating �naen�.le delinqueac�r, s��,ted that a closed a11-�ear theater ia a pract3cal thillg. ' N1r. �cGinnia �oieed h�.a e►b�ection t� an. oger�air theater on groands r of at�racting c3ty du�e�.].ers and resvlt i�. need for more police prote� tio�.. W. D. Sbaxp� 4334 6th �ve. N. �lo3ced ob�ectien 0a the graund.s of � crea.tia,g a de13.n.q�ency proble�- c7.�.3ms there wou7.d be dri�k3.�g 3n '�he cars �arked 3n the theater. ti�o9.Zd interfere �ri.th CY�rr3st3aa pr�r�eiples ��+.ach he is a atavnch s�a.pporter of. ' Mr. Cli.ft, Winnetka Aeenue, oppo�es the theater cn the basis that �ae � a. fnt�.re �a,tter it wou7.d be shor�e3ghted to 3nsta1l snch a theater as it wov].d deQaltia,�e tre val�.e of surroun.d3ng property. Hypothet3c�1 case: 30 acres - $15U,000. ealv�.tion. same 30 aeree,:- �400,�00. 3f p].atter for homes! mal�i.ng more re�en�.e if �he ].an.d were left �o residential 'bn.ilding. Seeommeads moving the project to more spe,r��]�,� �e�t�led area. A1so �states it cre�.tes a co� d�eive sitvat3.on to pett3ng aad drix�].�a.g. � Howard Lazerte spoke in favor of the pro�ect. Want's the area developed as he is for commereial interests. He poiats out that the axea to be used 3s not fit�ed for res3dentia7. a�wa�. States tha.� a commercia], ;i development is the thing we need. N1r. Carl Johason, ca-o�.er of 40 aeres in the area, spoke in favor of � the pro�ect. I � 3� Mra. Lo4ering opposed �he pro�e��, statiag tbat 3� is a de�in3.te a�iisance. Ro3se beca�e of pro$3.mi��, also bee�.ase of traf�'ic. � �'raa� Slea�vir� opposed to °it - com�ared it to a, wa]�-ath�a. , Mrs. Areid Jobn.sos s�ated �ha� it vuould be a nn.isanc� on the bas3s of car soises and pa,rk3.ng. �.1 �ould result fram the opem-e.ir theater coming out to Golden 9'a13ey. - Mr. �3merle, elos�s$ tA the aite 3s for it - cwn.e �fl aeres ad�oin3ng. Mr. Ba� Zupaa owns propert� acl�acent. States tha� o'bjec�3.oms are largel� esa,ggera.�ed. He 3s de£initely r.ot opp0sed. l�r. �. 8. �'ilson ° epposed. States tha� he eame o�� to Golden Yalle� for peace �.d qtz3.et. Wants �o plar�. for the fi�.�are. S�ate� tha,t this theater 3s � aetrba�k. . llulrr. Lester Elst,�d states that area covld. not be used for res2d�ntial - 12 feet of pea�. The land is geod for nofih3.� but commercial. lsked for soa�one �o d.isp�'�e �rith him as to the reaiden�i�,l ealue of the land. He , 3s no� opposed. �o the pro�ec�. - 1�. a. 8. �ichols, coasultaat to the Plann3.ng Commiss3on, poiats out tY�at Wa�*zata Bovlev�d is plaased �o adeq�a.a,te7�r take care of the traff3c �ah3ch �on1d east�.e. Mr. &�7.g►h Beal stated tha.� from the standpo3nt of sehool f3na�n.ei.ng Goldea Valley sh�ra�.d invite indn.s�ry, This commercial ��p� of indv.str� is t�.e k3ad �ha,t is aceep�able f�r ta,g re�enrae. A�r. P�elansl�,y is opposed to it mn the baa3s o� attract�,ng aftsr-theate� par�ng _ wh3ch 3s a xtv3sax�.ce. - - Mr. �a3�.sley at�.d �ttoraey far the applica�ts po3nts o�� tha.t the lette�s �Q�.d. axe fron �.biased people, not igteresbed whatsoe�er in the a,ff�is of Gr�ld.en 4a11ey. Al�r� reaffirms the tax re�exsae poas3bi13.t3.es. � � �tia� Harold Sind.se�h, Acting Sec�. I