02-13-47 PC Minutes ��
�iriutes of l�eetir.►►g of '
February 13, 1947
. The follo�ving members attended the regular meeting of the Golder� Valley
Planning Commiasion� February 13, 1947, �.t � P� at the village ha11.
Present: Cla.rence 5cherer P. B. Olson
Rodn.e�r C. Jaeobson V�. ffi. Cordner
Neil Rydma.rk �delvin A. Hetland
Mrs. Flarence Thotland Swan Erickson
Harold K3.ndseth Ar�thnr D. flHonehamp
Ho�ard Lazerte Paul g. Enghauser
The meeting �vas ealled ta order ba► chairman, l�r. R. C. J�.cobson' who asl�ed
� for roll eall. Letter dated 6 Februar� 1947 signed b�► Bert D. Putnam, clerk
of the 9iZlage of Golden 9al.ley, list�ng the names of the members of the
Golden Qalley Plaan.ixig Commission and thsir term af offiee was read.
�6i.nutes of the 1a.st regular meeting, Januar� 9� 1947, �ere read and accepted.
, �lominations were opened for new officers of the Golde�: Va]].ey Planning Camm3ssion
and the followiag �nd.ividua7.s v�ere aominated and ur�s3mously eleeted —
P. B. Olson, chairman
Nei1 A�dmax�k, vice chairman
�T. �. Cordner, secret�.xy
At this poin-E, �r. �'. B. Olson assumed the cha.i�° as chairman snd ea�ducted the
' bal�.nce of the meeting.
, There being no uxifinished business, ,report or the plat cor�i.ttee was submizted
b� l�r. Harold Kindseth. This re�ort consisted of a�sproving the subdi�ision ';
aubmitted by Ca.arence and Ebba To1g for pi�co of progerty ]�ing south o£ 4th ,;
�.ve. N. and east of �deadow Lane, with the reservation that the final plat be �
submitted for fixial apgroval of the pl�.��ng co�nisaion as outlin.ed in a letter
dated 21 Janua,r� 1947 addressed to the Village Council of Golden 9alley, �3gned
b� H. V. Kinc�.seth, ehairman plat committee, Planning Commiesion of the 9ill.age
of GoldenValley.
�dr. Nichols of �orell & l�ichols �aa.s introduced to the planning coanmissioa by
�r. Kindseth.
l�r. �acobson moved that the resolution pasaed at the last regu�.�.r meeting of
the planning commission (January 9, 1947) as outli.ned i.n letter dated
20 January 1947 to 11�r. Bert D. Putnam� elerk, Village of Golden Va11.ey,
signed by _Bdr. R., C. Ja.cobson be incorporated in the minutes. The T.BSOZ'ITF�j.011
provided that the recommendatiox� of the �1�,nn�.ng commission to the Village
Gouncil is favorable granting a germit to o�erate an o�n—air theatre, grovided �
that the a�plicant submit plans, specific�.tions., an.d estimates to the plannin.g
eommiss3on for its approval; and. that a license to operate ean he issued which
�ill be renewable from �rear to year upon satisfactora► com�liance to the approved
plans and proper conduct of such an enterprise. B�otion vaas seconded b� �r..
Hetland and was passed.
. �
4� '
�Z'. ,BU�Y'�@SS 811C�.��. Hensc�el stated the� �anteal: to S't8T'� '�OYk OYl e. �3�,'�
]snown as Shaa�gri—La "as soon as th� �reather break�. The plat invo7.4es
approx:imately 33 acres having var3ous sized lo-�s; the �nallest be3ug
97 g 155 ft �.nd the Targest being 106 z 1�� ft. D�r. Jacobson made a
motion that was aeconded b� �r.-Rydmarlt that t�.e pTa.t be referred to
the pla.tting commit�ee and-the pl�.t committee be g3ven a.u.thority to"
recam�end 'appro�rral."of the plat �o the Golden Valley Village Council..
The mcst3:on �ras p�.ssed.
�r. Nichols submitted glat plans tlnat had been left at his offiee by
�6r. G�rl Hipp and E�r. L. Z. Carlson. I�ir. Scherer mo�ed that the plans
be referred to the glatting committee. �r. Enghauser secor�ded the
mo�ion �ahich was then gassed.
B�r. dacobson mo�ed that hia earlier mot�o� relative to the Sharigri�a.
pl�.t 1aa�e the following �ards deletec�: "the plat commi�tee be gi�en
, authorit� to recommend ag�pro�r�1 of the plat to the Golden Va11e� ViLage
Coruacil". Motion aeconded b�r Dlir. Rydmark and was passed.
Ddr. lYichols suggested that it be macie �own that the shortest posaible
time of ay�proval of a� ne� plat that ia su'bmitted by �developers Buould
be thirty daqs.
ffir. Cordn.er suggestsd that requesta for plat ��roeal be ma.de in �rit3.ng.
A discussion �as conducted b� the chairman on the matter of the plattin�
cammittee disclosing any ob�ections they might h�.ve to a pl.at to the
c�evelogera prior to the platting cw�ittee's recommendation to the
pla�tuzing commission. It �as the concenaus of opinion of the pl.anning
commission that sueh action b� the pla.tting committee was in order.
�r. Jacobson ma.de a motion �hich was seeoxided by l�r. 1�onehamg that the
secretary request from the president of Golden Va71ey �uhat groeedure was
to be fo].7.ov�ed b� developers in requesting �.ppraval of plats. The ffiotion
�as pa.gaed.
�r. Jacobson made a: motion �hich �as seconded by Dflr. Scherer that a pro— _
cedure of apgroe�ixtg plat plans be referred to t�.e next regul�.r meeting of
the Golden �Ta7.ley Planiai.ng Commission. D�otioa ��.s passed.
l�r. Gain�le�, attorney for Film Classics of �3nrieapolis, submitted appli—
ca,tion far building apgrov�..l of strueture for an open—air theatre.
Prelim3.nary buildin� specifications �vere also sub�itted. �r. Gainsle�
requested tha.t the tentative plana be approved. .� discussion resulted
as to �rhether the p].arining co�ission h�.d authorit� to pass an bu3lding �
s�ecif`ications. .
Mr. Lazerte ma.de a motion �ebi.eh �ras seconded by �r. J�,eobson that the
preliminar� p7.an.s be approvet� providing the fina,l p]A.ns eompl� etiith a11
village requirements and that the Vil.].a.�e Couneil be not ified of the
action taken.
Hdr. �'ichols regorted ths.t the village ma.g is 95� completed but la.cks
recent �].at plans that had been agprovec3. �r. Ex�ghauser agreed to 'get
the m3ssing data uo.to B�r. Nichols heazda so that the vi7lage map eould be
_ 41'
Motion �cas ma.de by Mr. Scherer and seconded by �r, Cardner that the
. meeting be ad3ourned. Motion was pa.ssed. �
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P. B. Olson, Chairman � � �. � . Cardner� Secretexy