03-13-47 PC Minutes � 4�
�di:AUte� of 1�ee�iag of
March 13, 1947
. The Po7.lc�ring membeas attended the regular meeting ealled at 8 �ff at the
vi3lage hal7..
Present were: P. B. �lson Neil Rydmark VP. �d. Cordner �
' R. C. Jacobson BIIT'S. F. Thotland �7. �A.' l�oea
� Edmund Rydell Harold gind.aeth Ho�ard I,azerte
�delvin He�Zai�d S4V2LTi EP].C�CSOIt A. iJ. Monchamp �
Pa�a1 Enghauser
The meeting avas ealled to order by chairman� �r. P. B. Olson� �aho asked for
roll ca71. The m3nutes of the previous meeting �asre read �nd approved.
The secretax�► read the fo]lowing communicationa:
Letter of Golden 9s.11ey Platauing Commission� dated F�bxuary 17'
to l�r. 3axold 6�, S�enson, se procedure of su�itting requests
for plat appro�al b� de�elopers. �
� Letter oF Vi7lage of Golden Qalle�, dated Februar� 20� 19/�7'
' addreased to the �olden Va]].ey Plann3ng Commi.ssion t� the effect.
all origin.al requests for app�oval of plats sh��I be made to the
pla�ing commission.
� Letter of Grolden Va11ey Plar�nit�g Commission, da$ed Februax`� I8'
to Mr. Harold �. S�enson on the sub�ect of �he progosed open-air
• theatre of Film Cla.saics, Mi�ineapolis.
• I�otion by �[r. Jaeobson aud aecond.ed b�t �dr. Enghauser that -the eorrespondence
read be filed.
Report �r�.s submitted by Ha.rold giud.seth �sith the assistance of b�r. Nichols on
' certain p�.ans�that had bsen sul�3.tted for ap�roval. The plats in�olved and
action taken were as follo�s:
l. Carl Hipp pla.$ - Seetion 28, To�aaship ].].�, Range 21.
B�otion by BII�°. �3ndseth� secanded by �dr. Enghauser, tha$
� �reliminary approval be given to the proliminary pl�.t g�].an �
�ith certain suggestions as to the �a.yout of lota, and also
that a temporaxy easemeat be giQen 'the Y311�.ge of Golden Valley
at �he end of �he dead end road to perm3.t f3.re trueks� d�rs� et
oetera, �o t�rn arotind. This latter easemen�G wovld of cawarse
expire and title to the propert� retura to the ad�acent land
. oeaners wh�n a�,d if the dead end ro�,d was eor�t inued. The ffiotion
. was paased.
' 2. Shaagri=La -- �easehel plat.
Several crit3aisms of th3:s plat pla�► were diacussed after Mr. Henschel
had outlined his plans for the plat. �cstion b� bdr. �e+eok�son, seco�ded
by �r. Ayde11, that the reeammendations of the gla.t ec�mittee relat ive
to grades, loeation of roads, and general arrangement be forr�arcled to
the developer voith the request that ��dditiox�al stud� be gi�en to the
plat and that it be resubmitted for �,�aproval.
4� -
3. L. Z. Carl�on p].a.t -
Bgr. Carlson appeared.to diseuss his �oposed plana which 3nvolaecl
a little over 100 aores. He pl�ns to have all lo�s p�ovided w��h
� an average of at le�.st 10,000 sq. ft. The �:reliminar� glat plan
orig3na71y submitted by 11�r. Carlson �a.s critici�ed and a,'proposed
pl�.t plan prepared by li�r. �iehols �as discus�ed. �r. gixidseth
made a motiom that �sas seeosded by �r. Hetland that the orig�nel
p]..�t p].a,n be rett�r�ed to ffir. G�rlso� for further stnd�► �ith
- rela.tion to the terrai�n of the land and �he possibility of a
eo�unity store- center. �he mdtion v�a.s passed. �
�dr, C. Z. �derson, 2915 Vince�,t Hve�a.ue 1�.� D�i�e�.polisa .appe�recl to dis-
c�ass a tovrist cot�.t�t that he proposed to loe3e.te on �he �outheast side of
the intersection of �he Belt Line a.nrl 6th ��e. �. �he propoaed to�r�x3st
eourt w�.s to be bnilt and oper�.ted by �r. .Anderson. The motion was made •
by �r. Jacobson and aeconded by I�rr. Bdonchamp that this project be g3ver�
further str�d� b�t the gl�ing commission.
Yr. �iehal� sntuaitted a statement for hi� fees for �.he �mnths of �o�ember
�.nd DeQemUer, 191�6, and �'a�uar� ancl Fet�ruarg, 1947 in the amouut of �597.00.
A motion was made by �[r. Rindseth and seconded by Mr. Jaeobson that this
b3.11 be appro�ed an.d that the secreta.ry for�axd the sta.teme� with the
aetioa of the g],a�ning comm3.ssion on to the village Qouncil. for paymext�.
�dr. ��ichols advisecl. �he plannin.g aoffia3.as3on that he had a set of etandards �
for prasg�etive developer� dP�.�a up 3n aeeorotaace �ith �he reques� of the
planni�g Qommission in an earlier mee-tin�. �dr. IIiahols advised that he
wo�il.d ha.�e eopies mf the auggested pl.s.tting requ3rements in the k�ds of
�he searetaxy by �ch 17. �r. dacobson m�de �. motion, second.ed by F�r.
Hetland, tha� the tentative plat requirements be ma.iled by the secretar�►► �
to �the members of the �rl.aruaiag commisaiAn with a eopy �o �he vil].age �.ttorney�
and �ha.t �. special m�eting be held on I�axeh 27 at g P�H at the village hall
fmr the sole p�ar�mse, of discussing reqv.irements for plat developers. �he
moti�n �aa.s passed. �
�r. �'ichols submi�ted prel3mina.� prints of the m�.p Qf Golden �alley. Eaeh
member of the platming commissiaa present received a �op�r and it was req�a.�ted
by �fr. �iehals �that any errors known to the members 'be bx�o��ght to his atten�
tian so that the village mag could be cor�eeted.
AQr. Lazerte req�ested th�.t 220 ft along the belt Iine �d 430 feet along
Cotmt� Road 70 be rezoned to commercial. �r. Enghauser made a motioa that
�as seconded by Mr. $et].�.nc1 th�,t this matter be referred to �Ghe plar�ai�ng
cammission eng3neer, at�d that a zoning subevmmittee be a��ointed to �Ark
�ith the eng3neer to prepare reaommendat3ons u�n this reque�t. The eh�3w
appoi�ted the fc�l7.o�a�ig members of the ple,nnixig �ommisaio�. on the zoanixig
s�abca�unittee: S�� Eriekson;N��1 Kycl y►1�.rk.
ffix�. L�zerte requested tha,$ part of the �vest 10 a.cres of the east 20z acres .
af the southwest qvarter of the north�est qUarter lying south of the Gold�
Valle� road be rezoned to eommuni-�y store district. This property ia loca�ed
i.�� Section 32, Tcs�nship llg, t��.nge 21, Sehool distri.ct 2y.. �otion �as ma.de
'b� �ir. Lazert� ax�d second�d by �drs. '3'hotland �hat this request be referred
to the pl�iag eommissioa eng3neer and zoning cammittee. The motion �as
�.ssed. �
T]�e� aha.ir entertained a motion �hich was gassed that �he meeting be
�.d3w�ed. �;r �
, �)
� • � � ����>•1;�```'�`�--�`'�`'�`-�-'��
� �
�. B. Olson, Cha3rra�.n �9e �. Gordner, wecretary
4 e5 .
9�]'D➢dENT �o D�inutes of �eeting of
�axch.l3, 1947
�r. Jacobson ma.de a motion that was seconded by E�r. Hetland �Ghat
� resolution be passed and sent to the �illage council requesting
' that the� require suff3cient b�nds from p].a.t deeelopers �,0 3nsure
� pro�r grading and graveling of the roada sho�n in the plat plans
3.�a accordance with the Bu3lding and Zoning Ordinanee 3g, Sec. 7,
_ as shown on pp 57 0£ the Rulea of Procedure, Ordinances, and By—Laws
� of the Villa.ge of Golden Val].ey, H�inn�sota, dated December la 19/,�1.
TI�e motion was passed.
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P. B. O1son,�Chairman. ' �. �. Cordner, Secretaa�
� __ _ ,'