03-27-47 PC Minutes �� ' . GOLDE�t V�Y PLANI�I�G CO�dISSION l�inutea of Speeial Meeting of D�ch 27, 194'7 `�he follo�aing members a�tended the special meeting ealled at 8 P� a.t the villa�e hall: P. B. Olson IQeil Rydma.rk @9. l�. Cord�er R. C. Jacobson [�. Ae I�oes Harold g3�dseth Hoaaaxd Lazerte �elvin Hetlar� The meeting wa.s called to order 'b9 the chairman, �dr. P. B. Olson, �eho� aft�r roll call, suspended the regu].�x order of business. , , �r. Hasold �indae�h, ahairman of the �rl.at srrtbcommittee' �ubm3.tted a recommendation for final a�proval of the ��rinyridge pla.t, eommonl� �o�a as the Talg propert�. B�r. �indsetht s mot3on for �.pproval was seconded by �ra Cordner and the motion was passed. The recommendatiox.�of the pla.nn,in.g commission relati�e ta general requirements for glat developess� prepared by �dx�. .A. R. N��ols� were re�,d end gieen greliminary �.pproval �3.th cer�ain minor reais3ons in the wording and �ei.th the suggesti.on that mi.nimum gra�eling specifications be prepared and included . in the documegt. l�r. Jacobson made a motion that was aecaeided by B�s. Rydmark that the recommendatiogs be revie�ed at the ne�tt regular meet3ng of the planning eommiss3on. The mot�on was �.ssed. B�r. R�dmark submitted �. faeorable report on rezoning to ecammur3ity store district the area brougb.t up by Mr. Lazerte in the �arch 13th meeting, �h.ich lies 220 feet along the west side of the Belt Line and �.30 feet a].ong the north s3de of County Road 70, commonly �o�un as the �Hed3cine Lake Ro�. Mr. Hetla.iad made a motion that �aas second.ed b� l�r. Jacobson that the planning eanmission reeommend the rezoning of �his area as requested by Mr. Lazerte and as recommended by the rezoniug s�bcommittee. The motion �as passed. The ehair entertained a motion �ahich. �as �ssed that the meeti�.g be ad�aurned. I , �� � • ��'�����j,����� P. B. Olson, Chairman VP. l�. Cordnsr, Secretary