04-10-47 PC Minutes . � 49
coi.n� v�E� Pr�.v� con�sszo�
�inutes of 1�eeting of
�g�il �0, 1947
The follo�uing members attended the regular me�t�g aalled at 8 P� at the
vil��ge Ya�..tl.
Present �ere;
Po B. Olson l�ei7. R�dmar�
�. N[. Gordn,er R. C. Jacobsaai
, �P. A. Bdoes Edmund A�dell
�arol.d. Kindsefi,h �ioward Lazerte '
Sv�an Er3ckson Paul Enghauser
� The meetisig was called t,c� order �+ the chairman, B�r. P. B. 61son, who, after
rol): ca3.1, asked that the ffiinutes of the previous regular meet ing and the
apeci�.l meeting be read. The minutes were appro�ed. ;
The secreta�ry read the �ollo�ring Qommun3cations: . , �
l. �r. A. R. 1Viehols� lett er of 1 April 1947�
amending the "Recommendations relative to Subdiviaions"
� - by providing a m.inimum apecification fos gravel surfaeing
of streets of' ue� plats. -
2. �'illage of Goldea Va11e� letter to Plannin� Commission,
da�ed 7 Agr31 1947, relatiee to o�n he�ring on April 15
on rezoaing.of cer�ain plats, action �aken oa Sunnyridge
A.ddition, arr�d the aetion taken b�► the eaincil to requiz°e
b�ncls of platters to assure �rogar grading and grav�Iing
of roads.
3. Letter of Enaco, Ine., dated 10 �pr31 194% to Golden i
Valley Plazming Commission requesting rezoning �rom open �
development t o commu�it� store an area of a�roximately ;
30 acres located i�a the northeast corner of the irrteraection
� of 6th A�e. N. and. Highwa� 1�0.
A motion csas made b� HBr. Jacobson and seconded by �Hr. Lazerte that the nev�
rev3.sioas submitt ed b� �r. Nichols far the "Recammend�,t ions r�latie�e to
Subdivisions" be accepted. �he motion was �a.ssed.
g re�rt by B�r. R�dmark �.s ehairman of rezoning commi�tee was ma.de on the
� Carl Qu3st property loca�ed �ust back of the building commonly kno� as
"The Poir�t"; rezoning c�ittee recommended that this gro�erty be rezonerl
• to eommunity eto�e. � motion b� Mr. Enghauser� seca�ded by �dr. Jacobso�, -
that the p3anning cor�ission reeommend. t h3s pxroperty be rezoned to eommunity
store vsras p�.ssed.
. � motion was m�de b� DQr. Jacobson, seeaesded b� �r. Enghauser, that �. written
reques� £or the rezonixsg of the Carl Qu3st �ro�rt� as covered b�+ the aboge
motion 'be made to the seeretar9 before the plannin� cacnmi�sion's ap,�ro��l. be _
£oru�arded to the v371age council.
�.r. Rydme,rk'made a mo�ion that was seeoncled by �r. Lazerte that a�x�a.tel�
30 acres loeated in the �ortheast cox•ner of the interaection of 6th Ave. N.
� .. . � ,
�� ,
axid high�ay 100 be recc�ended for rezoning from open developmen� to cammunity
store ar�d that the village couneil proeeed to hold �n o�n hearing on the matter.
The motion �aas pa,ssed. ,
The chairmax� appoin.ted the following zoning committee.
�. A. �oes Paul Er�gh�user Edmnnd Rydel.I
Sw�a�a. Eriekaon �e31 R�+dmark - �
This commit�ee is to elect thei� own chairman.
l�r. Jacobson ma,de a motion ��ei.ch �eaa seconded b� �r. Erickaon that the seere�ax�
advise the Golden 9alley 9illage Co�ncil that the pl�nr�.iag commisaion was
srtb�aitting no comments on the rezoning of the follo�ing areas beca�.se of l�ek
' o£ s�oaffieient time to gre�are recommenc�a.tioxis �arior to the open hearing scheduled .
on April 15 m
1. Lot 13, 91ock 1' Ha�ki��' Rearra�gemer�t of I�ot �j a B1oelt 1' �
of L�ons' Spring Park A.dd�.. to Bd3nr�eap�li�. (J.�A. Lindstrom)
2. Commencing a� ir�tersect,�a of the cent�r lixie of the 1�innea�Iis . �
and �'atertovYn. Road with the East line of Govt. Lot Lr.' then�e T�csrth
200 feet� thenee �1est 1�0 feEt� thence South to een�Ger line of
said road, thenee northessterly a7.ong s�id ce�,ter line to begin�ing,
exaept road, aIl 3n Sec. 28 — ].lg — 21. (9Palter J. 69oodfill)
�r. Fred Hay a.agpeared before t2�e glanra.i.ng cam�mission and asked for elari£3c�.tion
as to v�here the zone line for" �y�. stt��e d.is'�:." fell on the west side of .
Tvrner"s �ross Road. Confus3on egists on the present ord.inanae inasmuch as the •
north bounda.r�► of the"a�munity"_��Are°iri this area is located 300 feet nor�Gh
of �P�yzata Boulevard. At t�is gartieular poiat, ho�e�ver, @Pa�zata Boulevard
dips into St. Louis Park end it, �herefore, ap�ars tha� the zor�3ng ordinanee •
is ambigt�oua.
A mo�i� was m�,de t�y D�r. �oes and seconded by ffir. Enghauser that the pl�ning
commission recommend. to the village coun.cil that Sec. ,� o£ the zoning ordinariee ,
entitled "Comm�ait� Store Distriet" be rev3sed to read as followa:
A. 9 str�.p of Iand 300 ft. in depth l�ing north of the aouth
boundar�► of the v�]..lage limits, bounded on '�he �est by the
railroad right—of—�a� of the BHinneapolis, �orthf3eld� &
Sou�her� Re.3lroad, �nd on the east by Turner,s Cross Road.
2'he mo��an �uas passede
I�o action �as t�.&sn on recon�eadirig rezor�ing to commere3al that part of �rs.
Iieldts �ro�ex°�� l�ing between Turner+s Cross ftoad au�c7. the Belt I,i.ne High�a� 100 �
beeause of lack of suffieien� ir�or�at�oa �.� to jw,st �here the rezoning lirie
should fall. There is� however, some queation arising as tv inter�retation
of what par� of �ra. �Ield�s gropert� is zoned co�ereial in viev� of the c�€iinanee
locating the zone from �T�.�zata Bo�le�ard. '
The follo�ing report was submitted by �r. $arold Kix�daeth, oh�irm�n of g�1a.t .
e a�mitt ee a
1. Carl Hix� proAex�t9 m changes rece�nmend�d in. plat are being
ma.de b� developers.
2. L. Z. Ca.rlson nl�.t m reeommendations of previous meeting haae
been suY.�i�tted to B�r. Carlson but as 9et� no further ae�ion has
'been taken by Mr. Carl�ara a.�d, therefore, the "status quo" has
not changed.
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3. �IcCormick and Others pl�.t — reeommended that the n�ber cf lo�s be reduced
frmm 16 to lJlJ.a.. and �Gha� 50 ft. streets be apgro�r�d for this plat since
- the street invol�ed i� minor re�identi�.l. The pla� as origina].7.� submitted
did not take advantage af the land and a tentative plat ineorporatigg �11
� �ritie3sms has beeg prepaaced b� �dr. 8ichols. �
� � 4. �extschel t�rro�rerts. known as Shan�ri—La — tentative glat 3ricoryiorating
criticisms of plat aubmitted. by de�elo�r has been ahown on �orell & .
1Vichols Ir�c. dr�.QVing 435G• The teatative glat remo�ea the objections
to the road grades, location of roads, lot la�►out, and draina.ge objeetions
t�aa.t were presented at the previous meeting. �
H motioa v�as mad� b�► 11Vlrr. liindaeth, aecatded by A�r. ftydmark, that the B�eCormick and Others
tentative plat as sho�cn on �orell & Nichols drawing 43,4.G be gi�en preliminary appro�al.
The motion vaas pa.ssed.
@ motion �vas mad.e b� B�r. �ind.seth, aecanded 'by �r. Lazerte' that the ten�ative plat
as shov�na on BHoreI7. & Niehols drawing 435G be gi�ren to �r. Henschel with the recommenda.tion �
that he ia turn restudy the area 3znroleed and resui�mit a aev� plat plan for prelima.nar�
• �PProva]:. , �
There heing no ne�r business' the cha3.rman eatertained a ffiotion th�t the meeting be �
ad�ovz�ned, �ehich v�as p�.ssed. ,
P. 8. Olson, Chairma�� W. 1�. Gordaer, Secretarq
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