05-02-47 PC Minutes ,- ,
D�in�.tes of Speeiel �eeting of �
, Bday 2� 1947
A special meeting of the Golden 'Valley Plazzning Commission e�as held �.$
8 PM at the village hall arid the follo�i.ng meffibers �ere presents
P. B. Olson �1. �. Gordner
Clare�ee Schc�rer R. C. J'aeo bsoa�
" Ildrrs. F. T hotl�.n.d �P. A. �oe a
�dmund Ryde�.l Ho�rard Lazerte
• �delein Hetland Swan Eric�son
Paul �nghataser
This mee�irig was a �oixit meeting �ith the �ii.11age council� reps es�tatiees
of the engineering f3rm of Hitehcock & Estabrook, Inc., and repreaentative
o£ the Publie �Porks Administration of the Federal Government.
The purpose o�' the meeting was to a�quaint members of the pl�..nning c�mmiss3on
with the progosed village surve� �n.d to get recommendations of the plana�iag
� eommission as to how far the survey s�ould extead.
, II�der -Ghe �Par Emergenc� Po�rer a fund has been set up which is �,vai]..r�..ble to
• °vil].ages such as Goldcsn na].l.e� to conduct a planning survey for publie utiliti�s.
�he funds tm.der this aecount ere withdra�a after J�a.ne 30, 1947 and a decis�ion,
therefore, must be made 3mmediately as to �hether the village of Golden Va'_le�
will accep� feder�.7. fu�ds for tb.is purpose,
The proposed sureey e�ill be coaducted as fo7lo�rs:
l. �illage will be divided into sevex� districts
2. �T1.thin each of these seven d3striets there �ill be
three snarveys which eonsist of the fat7.lo�rings
�. V9ater
B. Sanit�,ry se�er
G. S�torm see�er
The Public V�orks gdministration dfles not w3sh to approve funds for ssia..ch a
survey tm].ess it can be reason�.bl� assured that actual construction work veould
be star�ed �ith3n four years a.£ter the s�ey �vas comp].eted. The f�.d� for the
svrvey ar� loaned to t�e village by the federal government at no interest axid
become due vahen the construetivn work is started. The amouzzt that woul,d be d�,e
, is onl� that portion of' the svree� expense tha.t is �pplicable to the pe.rticular
project; i.e.� if water �aere to be installed i.n district �o. 1, the oril.;� surae�
• e�egse that would be due the federal gowernment �oulcl be that amou:n� apZolicable
. to the we.�er s�°�tem i� distriet No. 1. ,
The svree;� has been divided up into eighteen different �ojeets and. the total
survey egpense if est3mated at $57'000. or an aeer�.ge cost per project o£ �3170.
�er considerable discussion, B�r. Enghauser m�.de a �otion that was second.ed by
BHr. Cordner that the engineering survey be conr3ucted with the grant of federal
f�ds on districts Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 as sho�n on preliminar� pla.t of ,
Hitchcock & Estabrook, Iac. for �ater, sa►sitary se�ers, and storm ser�era.
�r. Jacobson made a motion v�hieh wa.� se�eonded by Yr. Lazerte tha� the
previous motioa he tabled .until the next regular mee�ing saheduled for
�ay 8 at the village hall. The latter motioa was carried.
The meeting wa� adjourned.
P. B. Olson, Chairman �. �d. Cordaer, Secretary