05-08-47 PC Minutes i __: ,
�dinuEes of ffieeting of
May 8, 194�7
The regular meeting af the Golden �Talley Planning �ommission �as held a.t
ti�l.� Vl�@g0 �18� 8.ti � P� O�1 �8.�1 �� 1947e '
The foLlo�ing members a�tended:
P. B. Olsom 9P. l�. Cordner
� Clarence Seherer R. C. Jacobson
�V. .A. B�oes Harold gin.daeth
Ho�ard Lazerte l�elvin Hetland
A. D. Monchamp Paul Enghauser
The meeting was called to order b� the cha3rman, �dr. P. B.. OLso�,, who, a.Fter
roll call, requested th� minutes of the previous regular meeting and sgecial
meeting be read.
The secretary �ras inatru,cted to correc.t the miaau-�es of the regular meeting of
April 10, 1947 to provide that the zon.i.ng co�nittee �hich laad been appoin.ted by
the chairman �aere to elect their ov�n zo�g canmittee cl�airman. The mit�utes of
the previous regalar meeting and the speci�.l meeting were approved �rith this
� ` � eorrect i.�n.
, �r. P. B. Olson reques�ed �r. �. A. I�oes to eall the ficst meeting of the zaaling
ce�nmittee and �,ct e.s ehairman vntil this committee elects their o�en chairman.
Corresgondenee o� the planning oommission �a� revie�ed by the secretarg� which
aon�isted of the f a�lo�i.ng:
1. Plan�.ing �a�mission� letter to village a�erk, . d�ted 11 �,pril 194.7, ,
in �rhieh no recommeadationa were submi�ted for �the pezon3ng of the
J. 9V. Li�dstrom and Walter VPoodfitl properties to commzanity �tore.
� 2. Planx►3ng cammission letter to the village e�.erk;:dated 11 April 1947, '
recommend�ng rezoning from open deve7.opment to c�canunity store
approxima.tely 30 acres located at the northeast cox�er of the
intersection of 6th Ave. Di. and High4Pay •100.
3. Letter of vi7lage attorne�► to �r. Cl�rence �olg, dated 10 Apzil 1947,
in �ahich the village council inquires as to �hat plans Mr. Tolg Y.�.s
in mind ira connection with the roe.d decelopment in the Sun3ay.ridge
.�iddition. - �
ry 4• Pla,r�irig eommission letter to village clerk, dated ]l�. Apr31 1947,
� recommend�:ng re�ording of' the zoning ordinance for Co�unity Store
District of tY�t area l�ing west oP Turnerst Cross Road a].oaig the
south bordeg of the village lunits.
' �. Latter from Carl Quist, dated 15 April 1947, requesting the groperty
lying immediatel� bs�k of The Point liquor stare a,�d tavern be rezo�ed
� for co�munity store diatrict.
6. Planaing commission letter to the �3.71age clerk, dated 23 Ai�il 1947,
recommending the rezoriing of tha.t area lying just e�st o� The Poi�t
� liquor store ,and tavern to com�nUnity store distriet.
�� .
7. Pla� c�mmittee af the �lann3ng commission lett�r to the villa.ge
council� dated 25 April 1947, giving prelimivary a�„proval of the plat plan
kaown as Frank G. B�eCormiek aud flther� pl�.t.
�r. Kan.e, villag� attorne�, appeared �.t the request of the villa�e council to
�oirit out the ambiguous �ording af the zon�.n� ord3nanee on Commu�r.iit� Store
Distriet, Sec. l�, sub-paragra�h C. In addit3on to the aa�biguous v�ord�ng of
the zoning ordinance, it is the desire of the o�ners, the Hyex family, that
their er�tire property be re�oned to eomnunity atore district so that certa3n
c�nrnerc3al dev�elopment aan be undertaken.
�r. Eaghe,user made a motion tha.t �as seconded b�r B6r. Jaeobson that paragraph C
of �`�ction 1� of the zoning oxY3inance �e reeised to read as folJ.ows:
"Beginning at the interseetion of the east line of Mende].ao}� A�enu� �ith the
souGherl� line of the G�lden Vs.l1e�+ Road, thence sou'�h a�ong the east 13ne of
D�endelsoyn �venue 19g feet, �henee east 765.8 feet' thex�ce narth aztd parallel ' .
�ith the east line of' B�ende2sohn A.senue to the southerly line vf the' Golden
Qalley �oad, ther�ce �a a westerly direction along the �outherly line o£ the
Galden Valley Road to the beg3r.u�ing p�ixit. All of this area 3s in the B1�Y� •
af the S� of Seca 31' To�nsh�p 11�� Range 21."
The motion �as passed. '
I�Hr. gane a].so pointed out that ge.ragraPh I of Sec. �. of th� �ogi.ng a�divanve did
not definitely locate the progerty involved aince �here �ere� seger�J. Goet. Lota
4 ia the village. It was requested that any ir�forma.tion relati�re to the plat
intended t� be coaered by this or�.3nance be for�arded to the villa.ge attorney.
�r. Kindseth reporting for the pla.t committee recommended tba.t the Joseph T.
Mollen plat be gieen preliminax� approval a.nd. passed to the �illage �eouneil
3.ncorporating certain revisior�s a,s to road layout �td lot sizes. This plat
is part of the �3/�. of the �E� of �he S�� of Sec. 31' To�n�hip 17.�, Range .2�,
l�i�g south of Flo�d B. Olsoa hight�ay. ➢$r. Kindseth mad� a motion which �as
ssconded by l�r. Engh�.use� tha.t grel3mivary plat approv�,l i� l�e w3th the
above remarka be gi�en. The motion �as pa.ssed.
�r. Jacobaon submitted groposed pla.t for coasideration o# the Jessents� �ropert�
l�ring �est of �9innetka Avenue ��st south of Superior Golf Club. � mot ion was
made b�► �dr. Jacobson and seconded b� �r. Cordaer that the pxroposed plat be
r�ferr�d to the plat cammittee for recomffienda�ions.
The secretary submitted to the plar�aing eo�ission the revised eopiea of
nPro�sed Subdivision Requirements of Golden V�lle�, �i�esota."� dated 1 D�a�
1947. A motion was made b� l�r. J�.cobson and seconded by �r. H�tland that the
. proposed subdivision requirements be forwarded to 'the village counci�. for .
corr�ideration �.nd approval, and tha.t the seeretary request a joint meetia.ig
of the village counci� and the pla,nui.ng catnm3ssiox� for discussion of this
ma►tter after the evrxucil has h�.d an oppor�tm.3tg to stud� the proposed �ub-
division requir�ments. The motion was pa.saed.
�r. Je.aobson made a motiom �ha,t �as seconded � �r. Enghauser that the vatllage
eng3neering survey on water, a�,nit� se�e�, and storm sewer pro�ects be taken
from the table. The motio� �as �,ssed. .
Hdr. VPillia� Seemanx� appeared befoa�e the planning cammission and stated he had
. ��
obtai�ed infor�ation that � s�nitary se�er for the �est half o� the �illage
could be cannected to the metropolitan ae�vage distriet. &e further at�.ted
. �hat the survey slio�].d cover the ent3re village, �nd he felt be£ore �he
,survey �aa undertaken that the matter should be coaside�ed further.
BHr. Joh�. Argetsir�.ger, representative oi the Public �arks Adminiatration e�
the Feder�.7. Government ap�eaxed and aus�ered qu�stiona to mem't�ers of the
� planning co�ission on the engiaeering sureey. �ter conaiderable discv.,ssion
. b� �he members of the planning canmission, the f QLl.o�riag motion �as made b�
Mr. G ordner �nd seconded �y Mr. Fnghauser that
An engineering surv�ey be made of the village to determine the
• �ater, sanit�.r�y se�ver and storm sewer r�quiremegts �nd th�.t the
� expense of the aursrey be covered by federaJ. funds which are avail-
able to the village �vithout interest d beeome due euhen and if'
� any actual v�ork 3s started, the amount�ing determined b� the
actual. projeet �rhich is �iven final approval fbr construction.
The engineer�ng survey is to eonsist of eighteen pro�ects s.s
followst �
7 pro�ects for sanitar� sewer
5 g�ojects for water supgly ,
6 projeets f'er storm se�rer
The motioa was ga.ssed.
A motioa was made by B�r. Cordner anc� seconded by �Hr. Jacobson that the
plannin� cetnmission recommend to the village caunail th�.t the above mentioned
engineeri�g sur�ey be conducted. on the b�sis that if it is economically
feasible �cl sound engineering that progision be made t o eventually connect
the sa.nitaxy se�er of the �est half of the �ill�ge erith �Ghe me�ropolitan ,
se�age district. The mo�Cion �ras passed.
Mr. Bdoes and Mro �Ietlan.d requested that the� be on record as havi�g not '�
votecl on the �.bove t�ro motions.
• B�r. Jacobson made a moti�n that ��.s aeconded by Bdr. Lazerte that the village
council be advised tha.t the planning cQmmission deemed it advisable to h�.ve
an exy�ession of the pragert� oc�ners of the v311age on the financial
, enc��rances �rhieh axe being 'un�ertaken on the en.gineering suraey for e�a�er,
storm se�aers, and s�nitas� se�ers. The motion was passed.
, �
�ir. Lazerte e�pressed a desire the,t the planning commission take same action �i
relative to prov3.ding the village �aith a suitable fire barn, that a mc�ster ;
road plan be made �-a.vail�a.ble, and that certain pa�opert� along the �finneagolis, ;
N�rthfield and Southern �tailroad in the northern half of the v�.11age be
rezon.ecl to co�ercial. �
�r. Jacobson stated that he w�u1c� like to discuas �.t the next meeting the
s�bject of Yernall Avenue.
Y�r, Ja,cobson made a motion that �as seconded b� l�r. Lazert� that the
pla�ni�g commission request the village coun.cil to take a.�progriate avtion
to �iave the county 3m�rove V9innetka gvenv.e for the entire length of the
village. The motion �ras passed. �
�he chairman exl'�ePtailled a motion to ad journ which was �.ssed.
r e �.r Z�
P. B. OLSON, Chairman . .CORDNER, Seeretar�