05-28-47 PC Minutes �9 ' GbLDEN vAI,LEY PLANNING CO�ISSI�I� . � � Biliin.utes of Special B�eeting of B��y 28, 1947 � � A speci�l m�eting of the Golden ga.)1ey Pl�.nn.ing Commisaion was held at the vi7l�.ge hal]. �.t 8 P�, May 2g, 1947, and the f o1loRing members att�nded — P.B.61som Neil �tydmark B9.ffi.Cordner � Clarence S cherer R.C.Jacobsoa . l�rs. F. Thot land �.A.Moes Harold Kindseth Howard Lazerte . . �elvi.n Hetl�nd S�an Erickson Pav.l Enghauser The meeti�g �ra.s ea.lZ.ed to ord.er b� the chairm�.n� ll�r. P. �. Olson, �aho snspended. the reg�,la.r order of business in order to eonsider the qu�stio�. of recommendativn on theatre license applica�ions. The follo�ing correapondence ��,s readt � l. Letter aatea 13 �aay 1947 to the Gold.en Valle� P].a,n.ning Cvmmission signed b;� Bert D. Futnam, Clerk, Village of Goldem Valle�, requesting recammenclation of pla.nning commission on theatre license applications. 2. Letter dated. 19 �ay 1947 signed b�► V�.�.Cox�c3.aaer� Secretary, Golden �alley Pl r�a Commissioa t o t he Village of Golden � Va11ey s�ating a special meeting for the purpose af making . reco�mendat ion on theatre license applications was scheduled , for Ma� 2�. 3. Letter dated 16 Bday 1947 to the Golden Va�..le� Pla.nnirig Commission i . signed. by Bd.F.Schutt, PresicZent, Schutt Realty Compan�, on plans o£ the ocaner of the �eal .es��te in the northeast corx�.er of the I intersection of the belt line and Olson highc�ay. � � 4. Letter aatea a6 �a� 1947 aigned by Chas. E. Doell, Su�t. of P�.rks, � to the Gold.en Valle� Pl�,nniag Commission in.�it3ng members to attend a joint park an.d recreation discussioa group on PJednesday, June 4, � at g PDd, at Columbia l�anor. � The chairma�a a�po3sated the fo7lowing members to represent the Golden �1aZ].ey � P7.�,nnin Comffiiss3on at the oint diacussion ! g j gr+oup of the �dinneapolia Board of Park Commissioners to be held at the Columbia Bllanor, g PM' Juue /.�.� 194`7 ° I�essrs. P.B.61son, �'. Het].�,nd, �i.ffioes, H.Lazerte, �.B�.Cordner, and �.R.Nichols. �a addition to the members of the planning commission listed a.bove, the village � clerk, Bert D. Put�aam, and the village attorne�, Sta�l.ey D. �ane� a1 so attended the meetinga i �r: Olson requested D�r. Putnam to read the min�u.tes of the vi7lage council meeting of �ay 13 in order to determine �hat action the pla.nning �ommission � was expected to take relative to theatre license ap�+lica�ionse i A motio� �vas ma.de b� Mr. Cordner and seeonded by �r. Lazerte that the plann.ing i commissioats recommendatiox�s relatise to the the�tre license applicat ions be li�3ted to the lo�ation of the �oposed theatre on1y. The motion was pa.ssed. 1i � l�r. Engha_user outlis�.ed his plans for the theatre a.nd shopping center pro�ect to � I � i . �� � be loca�ed at the northeast corner of the belt liae aad �lson highway. Mrs. Held. outlined her plans for the theatre and shc�pping center �hich was �ro— �sosed to be loc�ted at the intersect3on of T�arners Cros� Ftoad a.�d �(�zata boulevard. B�ro J'acobson ma.de a motion tha� �as seconded by �r. Lazerte that after due con— siderat3on of the projeets for theatres regresented by B�x°. Engh�.user, 1VIr. Gorda� ' Greene, and Ddr. V9hetstone, the Czolden Valle� Plannin.g Gommission recommend to the village eouneil that the gro�sed location of the Gordon Greene motion pict�re theatre be at Turnera Cro�� Ra�.d and ��yzata Boulevard. -The ehairman request�d a secret ba.Z7.ot, ,the re�u].t� of which avere as fo17.o�st � Pau7. Engha�tser prv ject — 5 votes - Gordon Greene — Held projeet — 7 votes Archie �.ststane projeet � 0 votes . � sealed ballot �aas deli�ered to the secretary of the pla�ning co�ission o� the ma�ter. �r. �an.e voiced his opinion� e.fter being requested b� the chm3rman� that a vote su�itted b� messenger by an absentee glann� c�mmissioser could not be counted.. , A motion. �as made and �a.ssed that the meeting be ad�ovrned. ' i ° . F . . . � r P. B. 4LS61�, Chairma.n . �I. .CORI3NER, Secret�.ry �