06-12-47 PC Minutes ��
�Iin.utes of �Heeting of
J�an.e ].2, 1947
The reguvlar meetia�g og the Go].dea Va37.ey Planning Eommission was helcl
at � �'iVf, June 12� 1947, at the village ha]1.
The fo7.].owang m�ffiber� attea�ded � .
, g. B. Olso�. Neil Rydmark
�7. 1�. Coraln�r R. C. �'acobson
I►d�s. F. Thotla�.d �I. Ae Moes
Harold g�ndseth Swan Er3.�ksox�
The meetin� was cal7.ed tc� order, by the chair•man., fl�s. P. B. Olson� who
sequested the ro71 be calleda
g re�ort o£ the p7.a.� comm3.�tee was made by Flarol.d K3ndsetb on. the Jessen
glat which wa.s sutwtitted at the Ma,y $ meetib.g. A matio�. was ma.de b� Mr.
� Eir_dseth' which vuas seconded hy l�ds°. Cord.�.er� that the �e��inaxy �alat be
refera�e� back to fl�r. dessen for further st�.dy aud revi�w before it be
� r�commended for s,ecep°Ga,nce. The motiox� vuas passec� anc� the preli�ix�ax�
� plat plan �vas giwen to the re�resentative of fl�r. Jessen.
� motio�. was made 'by �. Cordner, tha.t was seconded 'by �dr. J�.cobson, that
the plar�ning co�nissi�n recommend to the village coun.cil that a �e.rls board
be cxeated for the vil].age of Golden Ve.Ll.e,y for the g���ose of establishirsg
res�onsibility of' �resent �moperty desigriated. to �arks and to prepare oves�all
�ark �lans for the village. The motion vaas passed.
Bill was sul�itted to the pl�.n�a.in� commission for �ofessia�.al sexvices of , ,
the firm of Pdorell �c N3.cho]� for the months c�f' �Iarch, .��aril.� and May, 1947
in the �mount of �492•00. l�ot3on was made by BGr. Cordner an.� sec�nded b�►
B�r. Jacobson that the plaxuz3.ng c�ommis s ior� recQmmen�. �.yment of tYie bill
� p€�s �he bill on to the vill�ge council for ag�rogriate action..
➢Qx°. Jaco bson brotiight in a ne�aspa�er stoxy that a�pea.x�i.r�. the June 10 is s�ae
of the Minn.ea��vlis Star rela,tiv� to the legal. use of basements as residences
�.n the- ci� of D6ins3.eapolis. T3e requested that a rulang be obtained as to
whether or not nev� baseffient resa.cences �ere legal 3aa the �illag� of Go1,clen
2t was rec���sted. that t,he secretasy brin� to the ne�t regular meeting o£
the pla..nning eamm3�sio� report that had origina� been su�itted by �r.
I�oes rel�tive to ehange of street names in the vi,llage.
� � ,
A motion �ras mad� by BIIr. Cordner �.nd seconded b� �dr. Kindseth recN.esting
the v311�.ge clerk �o notify both the g].anning commission and its�consUltant�
A. F. Ni�ho].s� o� the forma7, action tak� by -the v.f..11age counc3l rel�t3ee to
rezoning ordin.�.n.ees of the village. The motio�. wa,s pa.ssed.
NIr. Moes brou�.t to the atter�tion of the g].aa3.ni�sg evmmis�3.on the v,rgen.t �.eed
for �ear-around fire protection in the vi7..].�.�ee He �a�ate�. out �.t the present '
ti�i.e there �re no gaciliti�s aea3l�.ble to house f3re equi�nt fbr twel�e months �
• I
out ef the year. He also �ointed out that �ve cannot ob�ain fi e prote�tion � ,
from RAbbin.sd�.le or St. Loui,s Pa.s�. F3xe fighting eqTa,i�ent � be oiatained
from the eit�► of' Bdinx�eapol�,s 'b� individuals if the� siga� indiv dual agreements
but th� an�.�aa.1 cost of sueh service in the event o� r�o fire is �.�pro�cimately
�20.00 per �ear. In the ��ent yo�. do have a fire vnder co�tr�. ��a]. rela.tionshig,
the eharges far services re�.dered cauia easil�r b� �500.00 and he potent3al
li�bilit� invoTved v�as tremex�do�as sin.ce the in.divioaaal �as res nsible for any
�ro�erty damag� or �xsanal ix�.�� t�h3ch might �e 3ncurred �,s a result of the
it�innea�ol3s f ire equig�ent res�,ond3ng to a call as a res�u.Zt of the individual
contraet. It waa suggesteal. that the gla.�aing coimmission discuss at the next •
regular meeting the mat�er of recor�ending to the vill�.ge counc3l that a�pro—
priate action be take� to g�rovide the vitlage �ith fire protectio� fac3lities. ,
The balaziee of the m�eti�g �as sgent in a �oin�G d.iscussion with seprese�tatives
o� the villa.ge counc3l on the gro�sed subdi�sion requirements cf Golden �.Iley.
There appeared to be no c�,anges i� the draf� dated 1 �a� 1947 as�.d it is aiuti—
cipated that the vi1l�.ge° eo�cil v�311 take formal. acta�a� on tbe requirements
i.�s the nea.� futvre so tha� eopies of these requirements �an �� Bm,de available
��r plat developers. � .
The sec�etar�r rea,d a lett�r f'rom Harold Kindseth tender3i�.g his resignatioa
sinae he had sold his residen�e in Golc�en 9al.ley� g motion was ma.de � �dr.
Jacobson, �h3eh was seea�d�d: b� �r. B�dmar?�' that his resignation be acce�ted
� w2t� reTuct�.nce and that a rising vote of thanks for� the s�sler�olici service
gi�en by lli�Findseth be°reco�de�.. _ The motion wa,s pa.ssed,
The chairman entertaiiaed a mot ion to �.d journ vohich �as �.ss�d.
� .� ,
P. B. �lso�, Chairman VP. . 03'C3.T16P s 6ecretary