07-10-47 PC Minutes s3 C�LDEI� VALLEY PL6NNI�G C4�IS3IOI� B�3.nut�s of Me�t�g of . dulg 10, 194? The regt�ar mee�ing c�f tk�e Gold.en Vall�y Pla�uain� Comm3ssion v�.s held at 8 1�' Jvl� 10� at the eialage hs.l�.].. �e follo�.n,g membera attended � Neil Rydmsrk 'PY.�i.COrdner � �.C:Jaco'bson �.A.�oea Edm`�ud. R�dell �delvi8 Hetlartd S�aa Ericksoa �.D.Bdonchemg� � Panl E�hat�aer C.�.8udo1� , The meet3ng was ealled to order t� the eice-�hairman, �e31 Bqdffiark, in the absence of the chairma�, P.B.Olson. �he aati�g cha�Irinat��reqxiested the roll be �aZled and �e miuu�es of the Jvx�e 7e2 meeting be read. 2'h� ffiin�uGe� of the Ji�ne 12 meeting �ere agpraved. '�he chairma�► requested tha°� caa�respon�clenee be re�aiewed which eons�sted. of the follo�i�ag - 1. �.etter oF aecretaxy of glannit� e�mmiss3oa. to village of Goldes 9a11ey, dated 17 Juae 1947, advising of the resigna$3�� of �r. H.V.��dseth and for�ardiag b311 for psofessiomal serviaes of ltorell � Nichols �mm the amouat of �492•� . 2. Letter oP e�rk of villa�e of Golde�t 9al�.ey' dated 2S JtQte 19�+'7a ad�ising of the appointment cf Drs C. E. �adolgh, Jr, to the . plann3ng cammiss�on to fi11 the unexp3red term of H. 9. gi�ds�th; , alsa ad9is3sg that �r. 1'3s�ch has be�n apgo3nt�cfi`'��,e g�ax�C � ea�missionsr. 3• �ecre°�ar� of planni� �aammiss3on lett�r t� the v311age �.ttoraey, ; dated 1? aune 1947' Qallia� a�terition to a stoxy on baser�emt reaidet��es agpeariag in �he ffi3�ea�lis Star and req�.�st3r�g it�forma.t3on ae t� whether the state law referrec� to effe�t�d t�,sements 3.n Golc'�n Qa31ey. 4� �iLlage att•carmey°s letter, a�tea. as a�m.e �94'�, e�dv3.s�ng that ; the la.ws involeed in the story agpearing in the �inneagolis St�,r had ao applicat3ca� to the e�llage a� Golden Va�.]..ey. ' 5� Secret�ry of pla�tg ec�ission letter t� the �illage of , ' Goldex� 'Valley' dated 17 June 1947, reqU.est ing that a pa.rk board be appo3nted, and that the v37.lage �l�rk be requested �o notify the seere�ax9 of the plann3�g e�iss3on and its eonsultant, A aft.�i.chols, of �he forma7. a�tioa taken by the vill,a�e �o�aaeil rele.tive to rezorii�g orc�ineacese 6. Letter of clerk of village of Golde� Valley s dated 28 J�ne 194'�a advis�ng formal aet 3�n taken by the village cc�un�il rel�tiv� tc� rezoning ord3.naneea. � ' g motion was made by �r. �o�s and seeonded �g �r., Eng�aLaser that the aeeretary request iuffos�s.�3nn from the v3.11age eounc�,l as to �vha� actiem had be� taken relati�e to the �oposed aubdivision requirem�ntss The motion was p�.sseda �� ffir. He B. Seh�raxtz, "`�2g Penn �.ve. N.' �3.Arteapo],is, a�►c1 �r. J. �. �ardors�].e, sur��yor, appeared befvre the gl�nning c�m3asion relative ta a pla� eat�tl�d "Cloeer Leaf �errace°', whieh the� grogoae to g� is o� the �o�a.aa�t "�orner of the i�ters�a�Gioa of �lso�, high�ray and the be�.t l�. �ot3o� was made by �r. l�ghauser and saeo�ded bq �re Monahamgrtha� the p,ropvs�d glat �e r��erred to the pl�t eQnmitte�. �he motioa was gasseda �he prelim3xia� �at was wi�.hda�a�on for further stndy by l�r. Seh�artz. 3'he eha.frman a.p�intad the follo�i� membera of the p]ann�ng e�mmisaioa to the plat e.ommit�ee - . �. Hetland, ehm�,��+� Dr. �rdolgh �..�.Ja.cc�'bffio�a Am. �el�i�noffi _ �wan Era�kaoa� ��il Rydmark �he file �f �he p].at �ommittee, orig held b� H. ii. �ind.���h, v�aa tur�ed over tm �re Hc�tland. There fallowed a gen�ral d3sc��sion relativ� �o � new fire bar� beiag bu31� �o - house fire f3.ght3ag equi�en�. �he mer3t� of �he iss�e were thorougkily disct;ssed and e�re��iva gi.vea by the ma jority mf �he a�mbers af the p]ann3.ag �ommission. � motion was mad� by �Ir� Cordner' seconded by �r. Rt�dolph, that the villa�e eot�ncil be requested to take a�oprie,te ac�ioa to ga o�atd� the vilSage �3th a suit�i�le fire barn to be located oa th� pioper� ao� o�n�d b�► the v3.11�ge of Gold� �e11ey on �he �es� side• of the belt 13ne be��r�en Ol�on. highwe.� and Colclen �alley road� v�hieh site has bee�. a�oved by the Fire Unde�writers' �ard. �o recommendat�n has been aa,de ae to the type of buildimmg w1a3.ch �o�tld be bu3].t or the emoua� of money tha� should b� speat for st���a �ro3e�t ir�asmta�h �.s it i� fel� �ha� thi,� �a,tter sho�3.d t�e decid�d by the eillage ca�mcil, but it 3.s reco�ended that a.ctiom be �aken 3mmedia,te� as the prese�t s3�uatio� ear�not - ca�it�ae �o esists �he motion �a.s passed. Yction was mad.e b� �r. Ea�ghauser aad secc�meled by �. �ordner tl�.� the matter Af , a etreet renami�rg c �tee be �arri� �ver �o the next meet i�ng. ��e ffiotior� �s �.SS�(�e l�ot 3pn �a� a�ade b� �a°. �onchamp and aeconded b,y I�r. E�h�ser tba.t a r�qu��t b� m�,de �a the-villa�e cot�neil t�at 61en�aod A�ernas n�ear °�he intersection of FIarold gseriwa be marked so th�t ffiotor3sts will be �uarned that a bad e�ve exiats, and. , ia this �a� att�agt �o �°eveat the a�e3,dents th�„t have beera takimg pl.a�� in this are�. �he ma�ioa was p�,ssed. • �he eha.irma� e�ertaiaed a ma�tion ta ad�cnrn �hieh �a.s pe.ssed. � �� ' � ��@���i�!�� :����`�� I�e Ryd�ark, 4 e-Ghairmat� �.M.CORD�B� Secre�aty i