08-14-47 PC Minutes 6 e�`
, ` Min.utes of Meeting of .
� August 1[�, 1947
The regular meetir�g of �he Golden 9alley Plann� Commission �vas held.
at 8 PM, Augus� 11.�, at the vi]1.age ha11. �he f'ollo�ving memt�ers at�ended -
P.B.07,son ° �eil Rydm�.r� •�f.M.Corda.�r
�.C.Je.eobson Mrs F Thot].a�d �.Ae�o es
E. Sydell �s Lazerte . 1�. Hetla.a�d
S. Ericksora P. �ngMa,user C.�.�dol�,
The meet3ng �wa.s ea1].ed to orde� by Mr. P.�.Olson a�d the ffiinutes of the '
. �'t�]� l� meeti� were read. An amendment to the �ixtutes �as made to the
• effect ��.t ffir. Seh�ar�� had �rithdrawn h3.s prelim3,r�ary �7.at fc�r Clover
Leaf Terrace for f`�rther study before s�akrnisaion. �he mix�,u�es �er� app�oved
as am��dede
ffire Je �'. ET�jes� 24�� Fenn gve. 1V., �i�eapo73s agpe�.red befox�e �he pl�ing
co�ission request3�g i�aforma.t�n as to �.€�.t a�t3pg m3ght be takea ts� ��93de
aa aceesa rmd to gzv�rty that ha awna on the soufi�a�est eox�n.er o£ S�eeney
Lake just north of the ffiinnesota �Peatern ra3lro�.d tracks. �e o�s ag�rogima.tel�
69p, vf lake. shore prog�erty and is at the �resent blocked off fron any pub13.�
' � road by the �bo'tla�d �r�part3e�. 11Gr. tTyes �as �ef�rred to th� g3.11z��e at�t�r�.�
fo� f�rther advic� on the matter.
, �orrespoadence o� the p�7.anuing c�runission c�a.s read and is s�nnmarized below m
" l. Letter of secr�tary of plara�ing cammission to cler7��
. village of �oldon �alley, l� July 19�r7s request3�g
i�ox�ation ae to �rhat aetion the village council '
� Y�.d �Ga.ke� r�lative to �he �roposed st�bdi�33.s3on
• reqta3rements.
2. Letter of s�eretaxy of p�a¢u�3ng ca�nission to elerk,
�317.age of Golden V�.].ley, 15 J�19 1947, reeom�e?�d.ing
that ac�ir�n be ta.kes by the gi1la.�e couneil to have
a fire station cons�r�e�ed oa the �e�� aide of t�he
bel-� like high�ay bet�een Floyd S. Olson highePS.y and
the �olden 9�110y road on �o�rty no� owned by �he
vi].l,age. .
3. Letter of secret� of p].�nning ea�mmission to eler3��
�illage of Golden 9alley, 15 �vly 19�.7, requestix��
the aiLl�.�� eowseil $o take a�grop�iate acation to mark
Glen�aood Age. near the 3nt�rseation of I�arold .A4e, �ith
s3.�xis incl3.�atia�g b�.d curv�s.
4. yet-�er of clerk, v311age of Golden Qalle�+ to ple�ning
e�anmission, 21 J',a1qy 194�T, 3nd3.aating °�he follow�a,g -
� g. Vil].age council voted to adopt th� sn'�ateision
r�qu,iremerits grrog�sed by th� pla�n.ing commisaion,
B. �'i7la.ge �asz�a31 aommuuicated �i�h the h3.��ay
eng3.neers relative to warning si� for h� ctu�ve
on Glen�ood �,Qee near Haro].d �ve.
C. Pl�,a�ing cammissi�� aammvnj.cativn rea.a�i�re to constr��ioa
of a f3r� atatio� �a� read and r�cc�rded b� the v�311ag� co�eil.
A ��re�� r�n�m3ag �ommitte� �.� ��pointed by -�h� ehaigman consi�ti�a,� of the
fs�o��t �essrs, H�oes, eh�.�s�au; aacobson� Ryd�a.rk9 �s3.ekson� Thotland,(B�rs) °
�ydell, and �dne�.
� mAtioa �a� m�d� by BRr. daeobsoa aa�d secamd�d by �rs. Thot�'a.nd that the re�rt
sub¢n3.tted b,� ffir. B&oes, c�+A���n af the �treet �amisg c�ittee, da�ed 10 Octpber
1946, be foa�arded to the villa�e �o�m.eil for appro�riate actiono The motivn
�as passed. . �
][mformal d�seus�ioS 'bet�ee� �he m�m�ra of the plannitag ��ssian �.� held I
r�la.tive to the requirements of a master pl.e.n f'or additional roads in the . i
�311age. I
• �I
�h� ch�.irman entertaised a motion for adjovrnment �h3eh was �.ssed.
. .
P.��Olso�, �h�man .� �.�Aa�er, �e6re�a.ry