09-11-47 PC Minutes �,
, � 6'� �
� Mintxtes of Meett�ng of
Sep�ember 11, 1947
. i
: 2'he regula.r mest.ing of the Golden Valle� Plann.ing C�mmission �ras held � '
at g Pl�, Se�atember �3, 1947, at the village ha11. The follo�ring members
�ttendec7 -
P.B.Glson Nei� Rydmark �J.�.Cordnea°
C. Scherer �T.A.l�oes E. Ryde]1
H. L�zerte M. Hetland S. Erickson
�=���e����= P. Engha�zser C.E.Rudolph
' The meeting i��.s cGlle� to orcler I�y the chairma.n, �Hr. P.Ii.Ulson. After roll
ca�l, the minutes of the August 1.L,. meetin� �aerz read and ap�roved. The
chairm�n requested that correspondence be revie�ed �vhiah -consisted of the
fo?�Q��ing - �j
l. Letter of secret�.ry of planning commission to the
ti i�l�.ge af Gv3clen V�.l�e�, dated 15 August 19L,.7, for- i
' v7�rain� tlie repoi~ts of the street n�`ming cc�nmittee
clGted 1�/l�/�.6, a.n.d the re�:et oi the fire de�artment
�n street n�.mes, dated 5/6/l�6. It �as a.lso t e�uested
in the �etter that the village counci.l u.ndertake by
�.g-_�pro�riate act ion to of f icia?ly change certa�n street
n�.mes in the village.
�:. L�tter oi e�erk oi villag� of Golden Valle� ta ti�ie p�axining
eommission, dated �0 August 19L�7, �.�.vi.sing that a special ;i
meeting cvoulci be lield Se�itember 9 at the village ha.Il ixi
t�hic�i the ma.�ter of ren�ing certain streets c�ould be discussed.
This msetirig v�as de�ayed until September 12 bec�.use the ha�l ;
:�as not available on September 9• ;
� 3• �/oueher of MoreLl & Nichols Inc, dated 1 September 194.7,
fo-r professi��nal services fbr th� months of June, Ju1y, and
.August, 19�.7, in the a,mowat of �177.
It ��,s moved c�y PJIr. Cordner �.nd secondec� b� Bflr. Sche�er that�the bill of
i�orela & Nich��s f'or profession�.l services for the months oi Juxne, July,
and Augu�t in the aan�unt of `�177. be for�aarcled to the viZlage counc� �ith
�he r�cc.�L�en���tion th=�t it be �icl . The motion u�as ,��.ssed. ;
' � at
The secr�tary brau�ht t� tlze �itt�ntion of the planxiing co�issio�. that�the
ne�t reguls.r �a�eting an �.greeL�ia�L� ��LOU�d t�e reach��l on a �roposed buclget for
the ;y�e�r of i94� so that tris bu�lget could be forcaaraes to the village counci�
in time t� be eonsidered before th� tax �.ev-� w�.s set. The matter is to be held
over unti�. tlze ne�t regular �eeting an�. in tha me�ntime it�r. tJicho3.s ��ai:tl pr�par�
cert�?.in figures i�r bur�get purpc�ses.
l�Jir. �tt� �lickstr�r�, Rt. 7, Minn.�apolis, apge�,recl �c�rith a. rec�uest tlzat Lo� 56 ot
Au�ito?s Subdivision 3��, Hennepin Count;�, Minn. be rezoned to co�mercial so that
he can i�e issued a buil�ing permit £or a �varehouse. Some discussion resulted from
this rec�uest �.nci it v�as �ointed out t� Mr. :'dick.strom that tent�tive p�a.ns oi the
higharay cle�art;-;ient for th.e e�t�nsion oi Flo;�d. B. C�lsan high�ray indiea�ed th�a.t tha i
Iat involved �►ight possi}�1J become highv�ay progerty. In �vie1R of- this situ�.tion, ;,i
NIr. ��ic:�st�°�u� requested no actior� t�e ta_ken on his -request. ;�
' I
---- -----_- - ---�----- �
�� `
Mr. S. BiI1m�.n, �.0 S. T�r�� Tr�.i1, Golden Valley, appe�.r�r1 requestir�g recam�encatic�n .
From the p�anning cc�?nission that a 'r�uilc�ing �er�nit be issued per�nit ting him to '
bui%� =�.n unclergroun3 ga.r�.ge ti�ithin. � �t of the south �ot line of his 3ot. After "
discussio� in c�hich �r. Ericltson anc� �r. Moes indic�.ted. they had viaited the
location. ancl revievJed the m�,t�er, a mot ivn was made t�� Mr. Hetland and secon�ed
��� Mr. �oes tha.t the planning c�mmission rec��end to the village counci.l. -thha.t a �I
bui��ing �erniit be granted to build an Za,nderground garage of al.� ecancrete construction �
�lithiri � ft of the south Zat line subject to approval ot' Mr. �obt. Parliln' 1�6 Kaltern '
Lane, Golden Va�Ie�, �ho is the only "neighbor involved. The motion �as passed. It
is the p�anning c�iss3on's unders�anding that Mr. �'arlin has nd objection tv this
garage being built. ,
� I
The p1�.t committee submitt�d a re�rort far preliminarq apgroval of plat known as '
Bald,rin City Vie�J, tiah.ich area is locatecl just south, of Jessen's addition. The
rec��m�ncati�n �f the plat com,-nittee i� containe�. iri a letter, dated 11 Septemk�er,
in :��hich cert,�.in recommenda.tions v�ere m�.r1e, and upon indica�iog b� the o�ener that
he �::�iil �.gree to necess�.ry reKUirements, th�.t the p�at committee and the secretary
�e a.uthcariv�a tv recom����3 to the vi�lag� council a�proval of fina� pl�.t. �r.
L�.ze��te m�de � motion, secQnd�c� i�y Dr. �udolph, t�at the pla,t ec�ittee's repor� be
accepte�l �nr� that the ii�.�.I ��at l�e �.�proved b;� t�ie plar�ning eommission �cith the
e�ce�-cican af p�ints r.�ise�l in th� �I.at com�ittee's report of � Septoml�er.
l�r. Nicnels �,resente��l �ia.ts in i�hic�. certai� ar��s �oaed commerci�.. anc� c�mmux�it�
store �*ere delin��.te� an 7 another�plat tivhich\shou:ld be the basis oi study for m�.ster
ro�.�. p�.,�n for the vill�:.ge. It �a�:s pointed out� considsr�.t�le study �ou�d be required
bel�re ix�th ��irs could be ce�npl�ted and that th� purpose of maps at this �oint was
t� shoc� the groblems th�.t are to �e enc�untered on these ti�o projects. .
� :nct i�n ��s r�a1� b-� �r. Corr.9.n.ner �.n1 sec�nded vy; �Ir. Englzauser that �he vi�laga
e?e-rh be requesterl to �ruvida infcir��.�ion for M�. Nichols as to a1� r�zonixig actions
' a.nd vac�.ting of streets t�.i�en by the village council since publ ication on ]..2/I�/.�1 of
the vil�l�ge'ordin�nees. The pu��ose o� this reque�t is to pr�vide complete inf'orma-
tion Qf �11 aress tlzat �.re rezoned sinco that date so that they m�..� be outlinecl on a �
master plan �rio-r to fu!~ther stud� Ueing made as to additional areas being rez�n��..
The motian �ras p�.ssecl.
The ehair:nan ente�tainecl a motion fo� adjourxunent �rhieh �as p�.ssec�.
P.3.Glson� Ch�irm�n � . flQ. C(�RDNEN., Seeretar�