10-09-47 PC Minutes 69 '
Mi�.utes of �eeting of
� October 9, 19/�7
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Plarning Comm3SS3on tEtas held.
at 8 P�I, dctober .9, 1947, at the v3].l�ge ha11. Th.e f�llow�ng members
� attended — �
P.B.Olson Neil Ryc3mark t�.�l.C�rdner
R.C.J�.cobson Mrs. F'.Thotla.nd �1.A.�Ioes
H. Lazert� lld. Hetland S.Erickson
A.D,Monchamp • P. Engha�.ser C.E.Rudolgh
� The meeting r�as called to �rder b� the chairman., P. B. Olson. After ro1.1
ca�I, the minutes of the Se�tember 1Z meeting �rere re�.d an1 agproved. The
� chairm�_n rec�ueste� that corres��onclence be revie�ved �laich consisted of the
f Qllo�^*ing:
l. Letter oi secretors� of planning commissiQn to clerl�,
viZlage �f Golc�en Valley, ciated 17 S�tember 1947, in �
c�,�ich it �r-as req_uested tha.t A.R.Nichols, consul't�nt, be
furnished r�ith informa.tion from the vill�ge fi�es as to
. the revonin� ordinanees th�,t v�ere �,ssed duria� the period
of 1�:�_��l ug to the s�,:ing of' I.947. Ai�o �, rec�uest v�as
� macl_e th�t the consultant be given information as to �hat
streets hac� been vaca.t��. by �ri11_age council actz.on so that
t1�e viI�2 ge m�p cen be corrected. .
�:. Zetter oi secretar� of planning cammission tv clerk,
vi��ge of Gc�lden V�,�Ie�, d�.tea 3 Gctober 1947, in e�hich •
the fina.l plats oF ttie 6�.1d��in Cit� Vie�v v�ere recommended
f�r iin�.l a.�prova,l, subject to road gerform�.nce bond being
3• Letter oi L.Z.Carlsen Home Building Corg. to p�a�iing j
cora�.ission, dated 9 Uctot�er 1947, transmitt ing pre�iminary
plat on 4�GGDLA�JN PAi�K requesting preliminary approval. '
/�. Letter of �orell & Nichols, Inc. to g�anning C07Yll'IIlSS1021�
� d�te,l 9 October 19�,7, on r�commendations far budget of 191,�.
A m�ation �r�.s rn�.de by &Iro Jacobson, seconded b,� Mr. R�dmark, that the communications
requiring�action be s�t ug as old business so that a�propri�,te action could be �
taken on them a.fte� hearing from people on the floor. �he motion �ras pa.ssed.
D�r. Utto �uickstrom, Rt 7, Golden .Ur�Zle�, �.�e�.red �ith �. reneu�ec� rec�uest th2t
Lot 56 of guditc�rs Subdivision 322, Heunepin County, Minn. be rezoned �o
. � commerci�.l so that he can be ,issue�. �, building permit for a �a.rehouse. A
motion by H. L�zerte, seconded by P. Engh�user, that the plannix� commission
rec�enc� to the vi�.lz.ge counci�. tha.t this lot be rezoned t� eornmercial �as
�Ix�. G. A. 8e:hmer, L�333 �Adashburn Ave. �1., �ftpls., �ho ov��ns p�.rti o i Lot t� and part
of' Lct �o �Zock 3 c�_f T_�ro� HilZs, preseutea �, y�rob�eru ui suit�,.Ule set'�aci�
liaiit.�tions spacified in tiz� vi_��,:;;e or�3iii�nces �ahich. �,rohibit� him f'r�om
:�uiZcling �_ suitr.�1e ho�e oa .his g�ropert� due to t1�e terr�.irl oi his �ot. '
. i
� �o
A mc�t ion c��s na.de �� P. �nghauser, sec�nded by C.E.i3uc�olplz, recorumenrling to the
vi�.lage. council th�.t �. �uilding g�rRnit �e issuec7 to Mr. �e�er reducing the setb�.cls
r�qui�°einents f'rqm 35 ft to �5 ft along �Jay��ta B�vd. ixi this spec�f ic case, �iriro-
vic�ing he gresen'�s svritten evid��ce of agree�.ent to the re�.axation-oi the vi7lage
setbaclt or�.i�a.nce of th.e o�vners of Lot 13, Block 1�, �.nd Lots I, I0, 11, ]2, and
13, Blocl�c 3. The mation ��as p�.ssed.
Mr. L. Z. C�.ri�on of L.Z.Ca-rlson Home Building Cor�oration, 2�:29 BZtler Place,
Mpls.� �ppeared �efore the �Z�nning c�mmission and outlined his pZ-a.ns for his
plat o�' V�oodl��n Pa,rk. The g�at in�?icates pla�s of i�r. Carlson to r�qu�st re�- .
z�ning to ec�mmunity stor�s of Lots 6 thru 17 of Block 2 of this plat. The re-
zoni�g matter �ill be presented at a later date and is not to be considered at
this -time.
A motion �v�s made by �.M.Cordnex�, seconded by R.C.,Tacobson, that tentative �re-
liminary �.gproval be given to the plat kno�n as �Iood�a�rn P�.rk, subject to• a�proval
of the p��t �mmi-Etee, and that the p�a-� comnittee was to su�snit its Y'OpOrt
directl� to th� �illage counci� before their regul_ar meetang o�' Getober 2�,
�.n� �.Zso tu the pl�.nning com�ission at its regular meeting of Novembe-r 13• The
motion tvas �.ssed.
A motion �aas made by u�i.�d.Cox�ln.er, seconded U� C.E.Rudalph, tY�.t the �lat ef �ood-
�^.�an Parls be reierred to the read naming committee for approval of names of roads
A discuss��� ��n the buclg�t by various members of the pls.nnin� �ommission r�sulted in
�� m�tion b� H. La�erte, �hich ��as s�conded by R.C.Jaco�so�, that a rec�arnendation be
for�s�r�1e�� tc� the vill�.ge counci� rec;uest3n� a�Froval of � buc�get of ��OQO. be set u�i
f'o-r t�e pl�.nni�.� comnissi�n ior I9l.,.�. It is ielt that this budget must be la.rger
than last year ir� order t o ader�uatel;� carr� out plans on the f o�}o�ving m�.j or at ei�s -
�. Master rc�a,d plan
�. �aster rezvning p�an
3• ��.st�r ���n f or �a.r�CS & playground.s of t he viJlage
The motion cd2s� passe�. �
A mot ion �a.s mad.e b� ft.C.dTacobsan, seconcled. b� H. Lazerte, to �he effec� that members
of the plannixig commission attend the n�:�-t regtit�r me��in� of the cou�ci7. on l0/21�47
�hen the rec�uest for neGV budget will be �resentecl to the village council. T he motion
v��.s gassed.
The chairman entertained a mot i�n f ar adj ournment r�hich. �,s g�ssed. ,
�----,'�Chai an � �7.I�.CC�RDNE A -
�., Secr„t�,xy