11-13-47 PC Minutes .i m � GGLl7�1t VAI�LE3 PLANNIDTG CC�MlfdISSI6N � I�digutes of ineetirsg of �! �3 November 1947 The reg�lar meeting of the Goldsn Va.]1e�+ Pla.�i.rtg Gommission was held at , � � PBd, November 13, �-947, at the �ail.lage ha11. Th� followring me�bers attended: N. Rydmaxk �il'. Bfl. Cordner � ��. A. �oes E. Rqde� 13. LA�,zerte S. Er3ckson P. �nghauser C. E. Rudv�ph � `?'r�� �u:3-tir.� ���.s caT�ec3. to order by the vice chairmari, N'eil ftydmark, in the � �bsence oz P. �, G3s�n. After ro'_=1 cGll, the minzxtes of t,he Gctober 9 meeting ', ��ere re�d �,n.ci a�grovea. The �ctirxg ch�ir�.n requested that the correspondemce � �� revie���ct since the ��evious meetin.g, �hich .c�nsisted of the feallo�ing — � 3.. �ettex� v� seex°etary of planning eon�rnission to elerk, vi�ya�e o�' Go�den V�le�, dated 13 t�eto ber 1947, 3n cvhieh � it i�c s rec�mmended t 1�.t 1et 56 of Auditors Sub�.ivision 3�2, �3er�:a��in Cn�nt�, o�a.ed i�y Citto 6��icks�rom be razoned to cvrn��-rci�.�. In this �etter also it �as recc�mmended to t�.e viA:Lugs counci� th�.t � building �er�it be issued to U. A. �ehmer gernitting hi.ri to obse�°ve �•r�y a ��� set�ac�. from �Va�zata Blvcl. �;raviding he h�.s ��ritten �.�eement oi the adjacsnt pro�rty � o�rner� �.�ong �us.yz�.ta bl�ra. ; I �,. L�tter of secretary as pZ.aanr�in� cQmnission to cler�s, � vil�.�ge of.Galden Valley, dated I:/. �ctober 1947, in o�hich ; the �lanning co�nmission recommenc�ed tentative preliminar� i a�groval af pl�.t af W�od].�.wn Park; such a�,proval being subject � to appraga�.. c�i the plat couunittee. i '� � 3. Letter of secretar9 of planning eom�i.ssiQn to c�.erk, " vill�ge of Golden V�.11e�, d�.ted 20 Getober 191�7, in �ahich ' the vi�lage counci� �as requested to approve a budget of ��:t}00. for the p�anning commission far the year of 191��. 4. L�tter of secretary o�' planning commisaion tv f�r. Hensche�, ; ��te� ;eU Gctober Ig47, aut�.inixtg the status of non—�r��.iminar� a�pr�val o f g��.t �.�nor�n as �Shangri—La. i 5. Letter o£ cler�C, vil3.age� of GoZden ��11ey, dated 2 �c,�rember 1.947, in ��hich :be �rer� ;�clvised t1a�t the g�lat of B�,ld�i�n. Cit� Vie� �as 'j given �'in� acce�,trznce by the vi��zge counciT. � 'I 6. Lei,t��r of cler�., vi�l�.ge of Go�d.ea. Va„�..ley, da.ted 2 1�lovember 19L�7� � in �hich are e�ere �.dvised no form�� �.ction cv�.s taken on our budget requ�a�t uut u��e �viil be cQnsid�ered in o�era�.� budgeting ior al�. f�.ct ions of the vi�1..�ge government. , 7. Letter of c�.er�, vi�l�.ge of Go�.de� Valie�, datea � �Iovember 1947, s.n �nhic�, �re �rera �d.vised that pre�i�in�ry plat agppava.� 3aad been giv�n t� th� aast portic�n of the p]�,t of �Joo�11�.�y p�,r� ��yi�.g a � 72 - i?�tr e�;n �Tob�e Avenue �nd ���t �as origina�ly shov�n �.s Ni3dvale Avenu�. $, Lette� of clerk of vi;��.ge Qf GvZden Ua?1e�, da�ed. IG IVoeember 1947, in �hich the clerk advised of ce�t�.in re��ning or�ir��ees �.ssed '�y the counc�.l on l�a� �:�, 19�.� ancl Cict�i�cer 3, �9�.4.. �1 z ep�rt ���_s suq�itted by ��. A.. �oes of the street n€�ming ccamtnittee on his cc!�it-�e�F s ���r� �n this m�.tter �Jith the village eouaci�., gast eff ice depart�ent, . �ne� c�ther int�-resteci g�op��. His rep�rt is summarized in his iettezs flf Uetaber 1'7 ��.�.c� Gctob�r �� to �Che counci3, c�pies of �rhicl� �.re in the secretary's fi3es. .A3„�o he 5uba�it�eci �, repr�rt on st�eet name c�i�ges for the ��o�il��aan Pa.rk pl�,t. Tt �as incliekte�l �� �. ft. Niche�Is t�,t the pl�,t p�.ns had been ch�ngecl in �,ccordas�c� �rith Pdr . l�aes' reco�mend�.tions but tia.d not yet been formally �.ppx°oved bg the o�vners. A mt�tion s�as �de i�y P. �nghauser and secoaded b� �I Lazerte th�.t the report of �he stree� n�.ming committee be accs�ta�.. C. E. Rud.o�.ph,' chair�an pro—tem, pl�.t eommittee, �epo-rteci results of their reeie�r of t��� pla.t caf �rood�.a.�n Par3r. This report is containec� in plat co�mittee's let�er of Gctc�ber �I., 19/�7 to the villa�e council, co�y of u�hich is in the secreta.r�'s fil.e. A m�tisn �as �ade b�r �.�.Cc�idner, secQnded by P. Enghauser, tha,t the p�.�.t �rnmittee�s � rs�c,rt be �.ec�g�ted. - The sec'retr�a��i�se� the questian �.s to cihat policy shou7.d be follo�ed ix� releasing infcra�a�ion� o �. ion oa t�ie Fl�nn.ing ca�missiun to tl�e pui�lie. A mot�.on �ras made . k,y H. L�zerte, secQnded b� C.E.Rudo?ph, th.at the seeretary be authoriz�d to release an;� in£o�n�,tion re�.�tivs t+� z"ina..Z.. �.etiern t�ken by the p�annixsg_ cammission on ar�� m��.tter� or issues b�aught '�ef�re the planaing c�3ssivn. It is also ur�c�erstood i��� �.�I_ �embers ef the glaruaing corrunissian that any matters discusse�. 1�y the planning cam�issien �.n closed. r�eetings wii� not be rele�,sed until a joint resv�ution is p�.ssed ��.'cing such inf'earrr�,ti�n pub�ie. The mot3on ca�.s p�.ssed. _ � _ �-1 mc�ic�n �r�s m�.de '�,� Y a "r;ngh�.user, sec�nded by C.E.Rudo�ph, that �he eouncil be rec�uest�� to a.dvise �.Il utili-ties aah�a h�.ve appiiecl �c�r perma.ssion ta pl�,ea utilities en cer°t�i..n areas 3.ri trie vi�.le-ge �.s tc� the st�.tus of the are�.. It is felt that the ccuncil sl�.�u�r1 advise the uti�.ities �cmpaniss as to the status of glat apprava.� ��nd ,=�3�e�h�� r�r nt�t t�.� utiZiti�s vril� �e �c�cated on vi].lage or �rivate praperty, Tne mct i��. �a.s ��.ssei.�. . 'T�e-��cre��.r;� brou��.t to the r�ttex�ticrn ot the �7�nnir�g commission that the tei� of r;ftice �i iive �em�rs expir�;s Dec�ra'�er 3�, 1�'�7 an3 th�.t at the ne�rt �eeting o�E' t�.e p�.�ziva.ing ec��i.ssion it v�ou�d be apgropriate to recommend to the village councii �eitb.er re�.gpoint�ent a� th� memi�ers �hose terms expire or suggest n�.mes oi patenti��.� members. �.. t�. �Tiehals �pp�2red bef�re the g��.iag cQmmission and ac�vised that due to the , tremendous �amvulat o� �aork in his office, he ha.s been carr�Zing a personal �rork loac�. ' far �oo heavy �hich is effec-�ing hia heaith. It i� necQSS�..r� fbr him, therefore, to I�.ghten his �ersonal �ork load �.nd that his p�r�ner, �Ir. l�ason, c�iLl. in the future . serv� as a,ctive cons�3tant to the planning co�aission. il�r. I�ichols assur�3 the planning eommiss3on th�.t he e�as interested in the af'fairs of the vill�.ge and �vould � se�re i..� an �.c�vi�or3r cap�city to Mr. i�asvn but the.t the ae�ive I.oad must 1oe carriea in the future by Mr. �ason. �r. I��,son �a�.s introduced to the pla.nning c�mmission an�. it was pointec� out th�.t h� is fully g,ualified to serve in eonsulta.r�t capacity tc� the g�.anning commission ix�. that he is �. member of the Ameriean Soc3ety af Land— scape �rehitects, is a registered civil engineer, and a registered. lanciscape architee�. It wra.s gurther painted out that he h�d. ma�� years experienca �ith the S-�.. Paul �.rk � 7 3� �ard on this t;�p� crf �or� prior to being associated with the firm of D�orell nnd Nichc�I.s. .� rese�tuic�ri �ras intr�aueed by �`. �. Cordner, seconde�. b;� I3. Lazerte, that a �aritten expressiou be made ta Mr. Nichals in a�preciation of the services rend.ereu the vill��e oi Gelden Valley and that �re further agpreciate his ccntin�a interest in c�ur probTems even though it �ai31 not be possible for Izim to t�.ke �ctive hs.nd ixi the affairs i.n. the future. Tha ch��ir�an then entert�.ined �, motion to adjourn which �r�s passed. u �'�"?' ° �i. Rydmarx Cfice-cha,irman . �. CGi�DNER, Secretary � . . , ;