12-11-47 PC Minutes 75� , ; � i GC�LDIIV VALLEY PLANPdING CG�lIISSIGN 1Vli.nutes oi meeting of 11 December 1947 � � The r�r�ul�.r meet:�ng oi the Gold.en Va,lley plannix.tg commission was held December �l, 19A�7 at � PM at the village }i�a1s The fo]1ov�ing members . a.ttencled - P.�.G�.s�n N. ftydmark �rd.M.Gordner � R.C.��cobson Va.A.�ves E. Rydeli H.Lazerte M.Het��.nd A.D.Monch�mp P.Enghauser Th.� meeting �as c�Iled to order by the chairman �nnd after ro71 call, the ninutes o�f th,e Novem'oer 13 meeting ti�e�e read and apgY+oved. The chairmr�.n requestecl the corres�ondence be ,revieeood sir�.ce the grevious meet3ngJ; which ce�nsisted of the fbllo�ring: - l. Letter of secret�r� ot planninb commission t� elerk, vil�age oz G�dan Valle�, d�,t�d 24 November 1947,. in �hich it �aas rocommendecl to the village caunci�. that the utilit� conpanies be �.dvised as to the status of the land vuhe�e the • utilities �ri1.� be ].ocated. � 2. Letter of secretary of pl�w�.ing co�mission to A.R.2lichols, ' dated 11�25f/�7, in a�hic�i a resolution of' the glani�ing � can�nission e�pressing app�eciation for the fir�.e servie� j �nd coQgeration of PBr. �tieho2s �ras foroaarded. 3• Ze�ter of To�vle Comgany to the village c�erk, Go�den Valley, datecl 24 Nove�nb�r 1�47 on the su�ject of F`H3A require�e��ts for Nob1e Grove ad�ition. 4. Lett�r �f secretary of �l�.nning c�mission to the Tow1e Company, j dated l;�%�/�.7, requesting a representative of the Toe�le Co°.pany �d, if possible, a representative oi �'H�,� to att�nl the g�,�nning c€�cmission meeting on Dec�mt��r lI. 5. Letter oi A.R.NichQ�s ta the secretary of planning ecxnmission, d�.te�. 7..2/9//�7, expressing appreci�tior� oi the resalutio�. outline�l in the secretar��s letter of 11.��5, and assut��,nce o.c his continued i�terest in Golden Va��e;� p�a�ni,ng program. l�r. L.Z.Carlson a��ear�d before the pl�,nning c�mmission requestang approval ' � o� the f�n��a gl�.t o�' 6'Voocilawn Pa-rk. The iinal plat of LVoodl�.vvn Park ecavers , the east haZf of t�.e origin�l pre�i�.inary plat. The caest half oi the pre- ' � I�:vin�ry ���,t is not being ap�r�ve3 at this time and �aill of necessity have t o Ue i�.�nt if ied in the future b� a. di�'i erent narne. The roads are not in in this area bu-t it is the desire of tLe glatter t� obtain f'inal ap�roval . so that tl�e �l�.t ma� be -r�co�cled at t�e court house. �r. Car�son gave every assurance that the ro�,cls �rill be c�rnpleted �ex-t summer �nd �vas wi�l.ing to post perfor��nce bond to guarantee this action. � A motion ga�.s m�de by Ii, L�.zerte, seconded by E. Ryde�.l, tl�at tl�e planni�.g , commission recommena to the village counei7. that the fin,al plat of �7oodlativn . ; -- -----_.J �� P�.rk be �.pprove� subj�et to perform�nce bond being executed to the villa.ge 3n a.n amount equal tQ t'�ice t}�e est�.matecl cost of completion of the roads, such eatimate to be prepa,red by the firm of R�orell & Nichals, and e�i.th the , provisQ �th�.t the r��ds, draina,ge, �:nd staitable street signs be insta�.led and eoa�pleteci��aithin tauelv� marr�hs from t�.e date of -the planning commissian meeting. The motion �v3.s g�.ssed. M-r. Catt�nac�i, tre�.surer of the To�le Cc�mpany, ap�eGred beiare the pla�snin.g c�mmiss�an. �nc1 st�tPd that the FHA no� required �. statemen.t of° i�aten� of the vil.lt ge on plats r�h.i�h eanta,ined FHA gusra.nteed mortgages as to vi7lage res�ronsibi�ity tu�da.rd maintan�.nee oi ro��.s, y�a.rks, street r�ames, ancl str�et lightir�g. From the discus�i�n, it �°�uI1 a�ear th2.t el.l th�.t is recuired is a stateme�t frQm a res�onsibl_e vill�.ge ofi icer th�.t villag� progert�r will be maintainec� on develo�d areas. A moti�n c�as m�de by R..C.Jacobson, sec�ded by DT. Rydm�.rk, that the letter oi" the T'Q�Ie Comp�;ny, dated Noveral�er �:1� be referred back to the village couxi.ci� for approgri�.te action. A moti�n �ras m�.de by �'V.11fl.Cc�-rdner, seconc�ed by R.C.Jacobsvn, that �he villa�e pl�.t reyuirements be �,mex�ded to provide �hat developers are to i.astall approved . street signs in their p�.atte�. area before final plat av�.�s aecegted b� the vi]1age. In vi��a oy the fo�egc►ing motion, Mr. I�ason �a,s requested to prep�,re a �et o.f standarcl specific�.tions ior street signs s� that street signs will be tinifor� throughout the vill�.ge insofar as possik�le, a.nd that a set of speeir"ie�ztions �e devel�ped. out�ina.ng the number of sign.s t1�at guauld be required for �ar�eous t�pes of intersections. �. �ietland reported his findings on the Carl Hi�p proper-ty and advised that the �inal pl�.�c requirements had nvt been Teceivec� nor dicl the pla.t cvmmittee feel �hat the one street i�.vol.ved was in suitable, sh�.pe to be accepted by �he �ri:7lage. A. motion v�as mad.e by 1�.C.Jacobson, seconded b� P. Engh�.user, tha.t the plat committee advise tho deaeloper of—the a�ditional requirements e�hich �ia.d to be met, and that �hen t�.e require�ents h�.c� 1�een completed,, the m�..tter shoul.d be t�rought to the attentie�n oi the ��anning comtnission for further aetion. The secretary brought to the attention of t�.e gt�in� c�ission that the fal.lv�— ing in��ividu�.Is' te:cros on the p�.auning eo�aissi+�n e�ire Deeember 3�, 1947: " l�essrs. C. Scherer, R.C.J�.ce�bson, N.Rydmark, uVm. �He�irinon, and Nfrs. F.Thotland. The seeretary �Iso a.dvised the p�arm.ing ec�m�-nission that effec�i4e �.rn��.iately he iu�.s resignin� �a aecept position of president of the vilZ�ge council. T he secret�.ry requested that �. �te�pc�r�.ry seeretary be appointed to aet in the inte�im until the ofi'icers for 19L,.� c�u3d �e dul� elected. A motion �vas macle by P. Fngl2a.user, � secended by o].Nt.Cordner, that C..�.Rudolph ac-� �,s te�parar� sacretary of the p�.€�aaaino cu�ission t�ntil the regula.r os"fieers oi the planr�i,ng comruission for the year �af 19� �'�re eiectc�d. T he mo�ic��. was p�..ssed. " A mation e�as made by P. Enghauser, seconded by I�.Hetland, that the planning co�nission reconunend t o the v�.lage couneil that Messrs. C. Scherer, R.C.Jacobson, anc� N. Rydmark, b� �.��,p�oin.ted to the plan.ning ec�mmission. The mot ion �as pasaed. A motion �as inade by R..C.Jacobson, seconoled by N. Rydznark, that �he follo�ing ��.mes be forvrarded to the gi�.Iage couneil as suggestions for the three �ddit 3ona1 vacancies over and above the three reapgaoi�atments mentioned �bove; �essrs. I�i.� Pofabl, Geo. �d3ntnez�, August Piazza, P�.K.Patterson, Stan �'redr�ckson, �esdames. Mayme Ii�er, R.T.J�cobsor� (r�o reTation to R.C.Jacobsoa) . The motion v�as " passed. - 77 Hoevard I�azerte spc�ke against locating the new fire station on the belt line high�vay feeli� tha.t the �ire station ga the east end of the vil.lage shoul�. be Zocated on UIs��. highway some pla.ce between the east village Iimits �.nd the belt I3ne highc�ay. There being no fur'ther business, the cha.irman entertained a motion for �.djournment v�hich �ras gassed. � r ° - � P.'r`i.Glson, �ha.irman. , Secre ry ; �