01-08-48 PC Minutes � GOLDE�' TTAI,LEY PLAN'1�TING CO�ISSION 7}9� �
�inutea of D�eeting of ,
J a,nua�y 8, 1946
Th� r�egu�.a� ffieet��g of the .G�lden V�.ley �la.�.�ing Corn�i��i�n t�a.s
held Jana �, 1948 at 8 P.M. in th� village hall. TI�e follo�ir�
members a�tended-� �
� P.B.41soa ��lvin Het3and C.��'.R�dolph;� Jr.
ATeil Rydmark Swan Erickson �i.W.�iamma.m -
Clarenae 9aherer g.�.Monchamp Le�3� Riegert
Ho�ard Lazer�e Paul Enghau�er K�.m Pofa,hl
The meeting was called �o order bp the cshair�an and the roll
wae called. New members Hamman, Ri�g�rt, and. Pofahl �rere in-
troduced t� the eommi�sei.�n members. .
The chairtnan turned the meeting ove� to the eecretary �ho eom-
duc�ed the election of offi�ers for �h� ne� year. The follow-
ing were nomina,�ed and uriamimouslp ele��ed"-- �
Chairman - - - - P.B.Ol�on I
Vice-chairmar�- - Ne31 Rgdm�.rk
SeCT�,'$aP�'- - - - �'i.�'.R�Clm7.p�1� eTPe
- �
The chairffian oa,lled upo� Mr.. Kokes and �r. �Iahlman of the ,
Mi�neapoli.s branch of the U.S. Postoffioe Depa.r�m�n� �o eaplain
pro�ee�Eed changee in the delivery aervice. I� is the .inten� of ;
�he Postoffice to chan�e all of Goldeg Va11eg emst of '6Pis�n,e�ka
A�e. from r�cal r�u�e to oity del�ve�r. This �vill nec�ssitat� �
the ��tablish�ent o� �n addres� system whieh co�tinues -�he ntzm-
bering eequenee ussd in Minneapolis. It �rae .po3nted out tha� '
�he numbering of houses in the sota.theast por�ion of the village,
inaluding .the Tyrol H�.11s distr3ct, would h�,ve to be ahanged ix� 'i
that it noe� assumes France Ave. to be 3400, wl�ereas, by the
�linneapoli� nvmbering sequer�ce, it is actuallg 3900. B�r. Kokea
' � etated t�at, iA general, thi� situ�,tion vould eorrectecl bq add- �
ing 500 t� all the numb�ss of hous�s on s�re�t� avhi�h run �as� 'I
and �est. � `;
s • �
Follo�ing this �as a ge�eral discuesi�on Qonderning the renaming �
of streeta in the village. It �as st�.ggested tha,t, if poasible,
the problems of �enaming and renumbering be worked ou� Qoncur- j
. rently, so that ma�oP �eadjustments in the future m3ght be ;
avoideda Ir� view of the fact tha�G �t. Lo�a.is ParY and Robbins- ;i
dale are involved �.n 'the problem also, �r. Kokes oonsented tp
�rite le��ers to the planning commissione of the intePested. ;
communities in order to lag the gro�.ndvaork for a �oin� meeting '
of those connmissi�$e in the near future. Before leaving, Mr. �
Kokes aleo agreed to enter the auggeeted �hanges on a paint of
the village map �o aid the village caunc�.l in �.te consideration ;
of the probler�. .
The minut�e o� the meeting of Dec. ,11, 1947 were�a�a�.d and
appro�ed. ;
. . i
Correspondence, sinoe the laet mee�ing, was r�ad and con�3.sted �
of the follo�ing--- I
, �
-- --- --- - - -�
1. Letter� from seoretary of pl�naing Qomm���io� to th�
gillage alsrk, dated DeQ. 15, 1947 , reaommending .fina�
�ppraval Qf the �oodla�n, Pa�k por�ion o£ th� L.Z.��.rl�on
plat sv.bjec'� to �[r. G'B.P�.80II� S execution of a perfor�anoe
bond to the village in the am�ur�t 'of �25,640 for oo�--
pletion ef roads, draigage faeilitie�, and street sign�.
Thi� work .is to be �ompleted by Dec. ll., 1948. .
2. Letter from A�orell & 1Qichol�, Ina. to sec�retary of
. planning eomIDission, dated. Dea. 13 , 194�, giviag theig
estimate of eo�t �� aompletio�. of roa.d� in �he �Fo�dlawu
. Parls Por�ion of the L.Z.Carl�on plat for purpose of
ea�ablishing� per�orma.n�e bond �ralt�e. Total eetim��e ��s
�12'800e "
3. Let�er from ��rel1 &-Ni�hols , Inc. to v3.17�age of
Golden Valley, dated D��. 1, 1947, inc�rporat3ng �tate—
ment of f�es due th�m for servicea render�d during t1�e '
�onthe of September, Oetober, �.nd Ia'��rember 194?, ia th�
total am��tnt of �237.00.
� 4. Le�� r fro�n searet�.ry of planning co�miee�.on to -
4311age°,`"�ated Dec. 15� 1947, r�oommead.�.ng names of
people �o fil]. �vacan�ies on t�ie planning cummiseion due
to exp3rat�on�➢of 5 .pr��ent mem'b�rs' �erms and �o tT�e
xesignatios of t�.B�.Cordner to beeome Preaident of �he
village aot�oil� , �
�. Let�er fror� secretary of plannin� :comm�.ssios� �o
��.11age clerk, dated Dec. 15, 1947, reco�ending -�hat
commitments, required bg �he FHA on pl�.�s contaigi.�.� FH�
i��ured. mortga.ges, be rendered. by a �rilla.ge offiQer.
Further, atating the requee� t�a �he consulting eng�.�.eer
. for ��eci�ications for a standard type of street s�.�ns,
and, quaai-�ity thereof, to be u�ed in the 4illage, agd that
plat req�irements no� require developers to i�.atall
s�ree� signe of appro�ed type.
�ir. Lazer�e commented on �Gh.e �I�a.nging Qont�� of the propertg
north of his prop�rty. . �
There wa� no old bu�iness. y
The ne� pree�.deat of �he �illage coun�il, �P.�.Cordner, spoke
before the commissiaa v.rging immed�.ate ��t�.or� on t�e r�a��er
zoning plan for the ville.�e ia vie� 'of the r�,p3d7.y ir��r�aaing
de�elopment. He j�O�.A'�ECl. out that i� m3ght be wise to so13c�.$
the eo—opera-��.os of the pl�.n.�ing commissions of the adjoinzng
vil�.�ges in this rnatteP. He suggested��h���..�he pla�n�ng oom—
m���io� soru'�inize any -�ax delinquent land �rhidh i� pr�sez���d
for sale v��.th a �ie� �o rec��end�rin� �.ts purah�.se bp �h�
village if it eeem� des3r�able for �illa.ge purposes.
� Motiom by Rudolph, seeonded by Lazerte, to appoint a zc�nir�.g
oo�ami�ttee, v�h3.eh was pas�ed. , The chairr�an app�inted Pau7.
Enghauser chairman of �he zoning �omrnittee �..nd author�zed h�.m
• tm e�'Iect hie o� �ommit�ee. En�hau�er chos� the follo�ing:
�im Pofahl Nei.l Rpdma.rk �
Mel Hetland Cl�reace Soherer
�1 ��;
The chairman appointed Neil Rydr�ark- to aet as chairman pro�tem
of the s�reet �e a�am�.ng �o�mi�t�ee in th� ab�ence �af '�insloov
�oes. Other i�embezs of this commi.ttee are:
S�an Er3ckeon R,C.Ja�Obaon Ed. Rydell
B�el�r3.a Hetland �ras reappointed oha�.r�an of the plat vo�it�ee
and �hose as his assistant�:
Le�r Rieg�rt Ed, Rydell
, H.VP.Haa�ma,�t A.�.Monahaa�p
Mr. Nason, �onsultir�g engineer, preser��ed sp�c3fications f�r
�t�eet �igns. �dotion by Scherer, sec�nd�d by Lazerte, to
rec��mmend amending p1�.t requirement� to 3.ncalude these speeifi—
ca�ions, plue tb.e requirer�ent that there �hal]. be at least �ne
si�n at each interseetion, and, in special Q�.ses, a� mang more
as the plat eommit$ee�.eems ne�essary. ��tion �v�s passed.
�0t3on b� Pe,ul Engha�.�er, seo�►nded by Neil Rydmark, t� ad.vise
the village�counQil that st�eet sign standards had been adop�ed,
� and tb.at present �nd fu�c�re developers ahould be informed of
t�ia. Moti�� was passed. Mr. Nason was reques�ed. to make up
5� Qopie� of �l�.ese spevif3.c�.tions for distr3buti�n, �ith other
plat requ3.rement�, to a�evelopegs.
Motion by Enghauser, second.ed by Lazerte, to inatruct c��s�l—
ting engineer�y�bo pro�eed �ith comple�ion of the topogra.pha.�al
�ap ��' the �v3].le,ge. ��tion �aa passe�..
• T]ne meeting a�as e�d�ourr�ed.
, , �
� `, PoB.Olson, �h�.irman C.E.Rudolph, Jr. , SeQ'y.