02-12-48 PC Minutes �� i
_ �inutes of �eeting of
� Februesy 12, 7.948
The regular meeting of the Gold.en '�all�g Planni�g Co�nniesion �ra�
held. at 7:45 P.B�. , Feb. l�, 1J48, in the �illa,ge hall. The follov�-
igg members attended---
P.H.�lsor� Ed Rydell Pavl Enghauser
�'eil Rydma.rk Howard Lazerte C.E.Rudvlph, Jr, .
Clarence �eherer �elvin Hetland Lewis R3egert
R.C.Jacobec�� Swan Er3okson Kim Pofa.h7.
The meeti8g �as called �o order and the roll �vas called. The aeare-
tary read the minutes of the regular January meeting, which we�e ap-
pr�ved ae read. .
�ecause of' �he I�.r�e number af peopl� �rith p�oblemB wiehing to ap-
pe�r before the Qommission, the vhairman euggested the.t the regul.ar
order of bueine�� be altered. to acQOmoda�e them.
B�r. John Bronaer, pastor af the Golden �'alleq B�,pti�t Church, �e-
q�.ested tha.t the lot line building requiremente for public and semi-
public buildings be ahang;ed. He stated �ha,t the present limitation
work�d �a hardship in this a�.ee beeause it did n4t allow st�fficient
room for aonte�rplated exp�.nsion of �h� proposed churoh faciliti�s.
Af�er some disc:useion of posaible me�n� to alle�iate the eitu�.tion,
there �as r� motion bg �ietland, seconded by Rydell, �Go recommend to
the council that Rober� 8t. , from H�.rcald Ave. south, be vacated,
therebg a.dding sufficient �idth ta the �est side of the lo� to allow
the propoeed building. The motion v�as paesed..
�r'. Harvey Jones , 3350 Texas Age. , �tated that he o�ned lots 1 , 2,
I5 and 16 in the e.rea kno�rr. ae "Yaanall Golden V�7.le�r Outlots" a.nd �
that he was building a ho�e on one of them. H� requested that �he
village acce�� a sixty foot road, an exten�ion of Bo�nan Ave. ,
th�ough his propert�r, to be built bg him aa eoon ae possible, and
�. th�.rty foot half ro�.d along �he ea�t end of lots 1 a,nd 2, to .be �
conetrv.�sted �,t a later date. A�otion by Enghauser, se�ond.ed bq
Lazerte , to refer thie to the plat cao�mit�ee �as p�ssed.
. E.G.Henschel and Joe Scheid, Hpland Station, Route ? , requested
tentative approval of the plat knoevn. a� ��hangri L�� . After dis-
cus�ion, it was decided t��.t �u�t �hat portion of the proposed plat
e�hieh is north of Golden �a.11ey Road w�ould hencefor�h be known as _
�BhaA.gri La� . On thiB basis, there �as a motion by Scherer, se-
conded by Lazerte, to refer it to th� ple.� eommi�tee for �at�u:d�.
� �dotion �as passed. .
� Correspondence, si.nce the la�t meetin�, e�a� read, and includ�d the
1. Lett�r from �ill�,ge clerk to secret�zry of ple,nning aommis-
sion, cia-�ed Jan. 1�, 1948, vonfi��ing appointing of Clarenoe
Scher�r, R.C.Jacobson, Neil �3�rdmark, H.VP.Ha,mman, and. gim
Pofahl to the planning eommission for three year ter�as. �
_ " Also confirming Le�is Riegert' � appointr�ent to Qomplete the
unexp3.red term of �'.�.CSordner, �hi�h ends Dec. 31, 1949.
��.: -
2. Copg of letter from presiden� of v�.11age aouncil �o ohai�-
man of street �enaming comr�i�tee, dated Jan. 1C, 1948, re-
questing earlp �,ction on the eub3ect of renam3�a.g and renum-
berir�g the �treet�s in Gvlden Va].ley ia aacorda.nc� �rith sug-
gestions �ro�n tlae Post Offi.ce Department. .
3. Letter froffi �orell t� Ni�ho18 ta secretary of planning com-
miseion, d�ted Jan. 16, 1946, eubffiitting vouch�r for ser-
vicea rend�red tYae village during December 1947 , in the
amount of �18.�0.
4. Le�t�r �ror� secret�ry of pl�nning eo�ission to secretary
of Robbinadale plannin� oo�missiom reguestin� a �oiat meet-
in� of the ta�o ao�nissions on the sub�ect of ren�in� �nd
renunberin� streets of nau.tual irsterest.
5. Le�ter frvr� secretary of pla,nning commiasion �o villa.ge
clerk, dated Jan. 25, 1948, re�o�endisg a.d.opti�on of street
s3gn �tanda,rde �.ccord3r�g to �pecifica�ions p�epared by
�orell & I�ichole. F`urth�r ��eor�nendin� �hat f�a�ur� plst
developere be required to furnish �pproved etreet signe in
plaees �nd qua�n.tities TECOIDIDBIId��. b37 1;�.e commission.
�. Letter fro� �rilla.ge elerk to secretary of plar�i�g com- .
' ffiis�ion, dated Feb. 4, 1948, referring list �25� C� of ta,�
delinquent land� in the �ill�ge far inves�3ga�ipn and oou-
sider�.�ion �,� �o their desireability for pari� purposes.
7. 'Pouche�C from �forell & Nichol� to Qillage of Golden Valley,
dated Feb. 9, 1948, for ser�ices rendered duri�g Je.nuar�
1948, in a,�ot�.n� of �3?2.96. � � .
�otion by Rydma�k, �seao�aded by Eriekson, to recor�rr�end payment of
�.orell � N�ohal� bill for December 1947, �as passed.
B�otion by Rudolph, seconded. by R�dmark, to co�t�,ct �he group of
citizens in west Tyrol Hilb� who expressed in'�'�'he siz tax delin-
quent lo�� of blocsk 12 aa possible park property, and. to learn �.f
they in�e�d to p�reh�se a�d maintain it as a par}�. '�I�otion �r�.s
�assed. '�
�Iotion b� Enghauser, seconded bg Lazerte, to r�fer��he other �ar-
oele of tax delinqueat la�nd in list "250 C" to �r. Nason for exam3-
natioa ae to tlaeir deaireability for villag� purchase. �otion �as _
passed. �
�r. ld�sog sho��d. avhat progr�ss h�d bee�. ffiade on the !topograph3� map
of the v�.11age, a.nd st�.ted th�.t, �rhile the Qo�.tour linin,� �ae near-
ly Qom�lete, mo�e inf'ormation �as neeaed on locations of bu3ldings
and other inste.11�tic�ns. He co�ented par�3cularlg .on th� faat
that the genera,l drainage problems of the gill.a.ge �rer� relativel�r
simple , �.� se�n on th� map.
�otion 'by E�ghauser, �econded byr Laz�r�G�, to recommead pa�rwent o�
vo�ch�r from l�orell & Niehols in �.mount of �372.96, for serviv€��
r��dered. duain� Januarq 1948. •
Neil Rydmark repor�ed on progre�� of the �treet renaming and re-
nv.rr�be�ir� co�mit�ee, and showed the map ia�dicating the changes sug-
ges�ed by the Post Office Depar�ment a.nd. ��ie cor�mit�ee,
_ bl 5
There being no further busi�ess, t�h� meeting wae ad�ourned.
( 4�� �
P.B.Olaon, Chairffian C.E.Rudolph, Jr. , Sec y. •
I �
� �