03-11-48 PC Minutes G�LDEAT VALLEY PLA�JIVING CO�MI SSI ON ��`� �[irn�.�e� of �ieeting of Aff�.rol� 11, 1948 The regul�.r meeting of �Ghe Goldea galley Planning Commissiofl �as held March 11, 1948, �,t ?:45 P.�ff. , at the �illage hall. Th� foll- owing members �°���s�.�.��., P.�. Olson �d.A, He�land C.E. R�.dolph '�eil Rydmark s�an Eriok�on _ H. �. Hamman R,C. Jaeobso� A.D. I�onchamp Kim Po�ahl Ed Rydell . Paul Enghauser The meeting �as called to order, and the roll �as ca.11�d.. The sec�retarp read the mis�u�ee of the l�.st regul�,r meeting wh�eh �aere approved ae read. . The ehairmaa requested that the regul�.r. order of bueiness be aet asid� to allo� me�bers of the �,udienee to appear 'before the oo�missiAn. . �r. Hart�pee, of the �Ie�dov�brook schoolbo�.rd, aeked perm3�eion to � plave the pumphouse of the pro�eoted echool building, 9 feet from �he property line. Adr. �ard, the abutting property owzuer, pro- � t�sted, st�.tin.g the.t there ehould be at least 15 fee� according to ordi8anc�. In the subaequent diseussion, it ��� �aolnted o�t that a 50 foot side yard w��,� requ3red bg law for publi���bv.fildiags. �otion by Enghauser, �eQOnded by Rydell to reeommend �o the vouneil tha� the 54 foot r�guirement be r�duQed. to 15. feet in this caee. � �ith �dr �ard'e acguie�cenae, the mot3on �as passed,. . The t3rye�e.1 Vill�„ge Ple.�3ng Commissioa attended the meet3n� in res- ponse ta e� reque�t for a �oin� meeting af the t�o �om�iseion regard- ' 3.ng the street renam3ng and re�umbering problem. The c�air�an in- structed, Messrs. Rgdmark.and 3wanson of the street renana3.n� aa�d re- number3� co�m�tte� to coa�f�r �vith ��hem oa problem� of mw.tual �.nter- est. � �r. Don �org�,n, 8,'�'�OTII@� fOP Mr. Fr�nk Bd�Cormi��, presented a preliminary pl�,t of �IoCormiok�s"Gopher Addition" for �coep�anve. This plat i� d�saribed at lot 3 of the auditor' s eubdivision #3C�0, As sho� on the plat , the owner dedicated 30 feet of �he.�est s3de to be used in �pring g�,].leq road. There �ae �,'question as to �he�her the proper�Gy o�ner west of �opher�Additior� had dedicated a�other 30 fee� to b�ing the road up to the required t�3dth. �o�3on by JaQObsen, seconded 'by MonQhamp, to recommcnd apprA��,l of th� preliminary pl�t, sub�ev-� to �he follow�ng: �. That the sta�us of the other ��.lf or 34 feet of the � . �"pri� Q�,lley Ro�d� be clarified. _ ' 2. That 15 feet be subtr�.oted from the fro�tages of �a�h � of lots 5 and 6, and 15 feet be added to the frontage of eaeh of lots -1 and 10, to al1.o� prospe�t3.ve bugers of lote 1 �.nd 10 aome latitude in pl��e�ent of hous��. 3. Thet the pla��er post performanoe bond for co�tetruc�ion of approved rosds. . . �do�ion wa� pasaed. � � �r. Boe&�er requested that thes�.de yard and front yard requ�.remen�s on his tria�lar lot ia block 3 of Tyrol Hill� be waived to per- mit construction of a hou�e in the property. �otioa by Hetland, ��' seconded by Er3cgson, to re�ommend reduction of the 35 foot front yard requi�emen� �o �5 feet �n �his vas�, 8as paseed. ' �r. �ohn Brc�nner req�ested that the planning evm�ission re�omme�i�. t� the counci.l that a building permit be granted �a� the Galden Valleg Baptiet Ghurch, e��.3.vfng side yard requirem�nt$. � The Qommis�ion, in di�� � o��s�.on, ascided that �hi� �a� not ne�e�earilg a csase of h�rdsh�p. A�otio�. by Ja�absou, seconded bg Eriekson to aefer �tYii� matter bac�� to the �o�.ncil for fin�,l- €�etiog �.nd requee�ing� th�.t it not be referred b�.ak �o the planr�i� �a�3,se�.on. Corre�ponde�.ce sin�e the las� meeting was read. It consisted of th� follo�imgt � 1.• L�tter from e�csrstary of pl�,r�.nin� com��.eeion to �r. Na�on, dated. �-1�-4�3, inelos3n.� copy of list "�50 C1� of Jtaa.g d.elinquent la,�.ds. . 2. Let�er from secsre�a�g of plannirng commis�io� to village olerk, dated Feb. 14, 1948, inclosing original list "2�0:"C" and vov.ch�rs fro� �orell & Niohols for Deo. 1947 and. J�.n. 1948. Also ind.icated progres� on �he topograph3a me�p of �h� v3.11�e. 3. Le�ter from aedret�„rry of the plannirsg �ommission �o Cryst�.l Vill�e Planning Cu�iseion dated Feb.l6, 1948, TBCj'�.1�?B'��.II� �oint m��tit� o�probl�m of rer�umberiag and renam3�g ��reets of mv.tu�1 3ater�st. Copy of this letter to �t. Lom3.s P�rk Plann3ng Commission. . 4. Voue�er �rom �iorel� & Nichols to villa,ge, de.ted �areh 11, �848 3�n tp����c�un� of ��68..88 for eervices rendered . ��� during Feb. 1948. 5. Report from chairman of plat oommittee to planning �3omffiiss3on d�.�ed �a.r, 11, 1948 on proposed plat of 3hangri- L�s 6. Report from chairffia� of pla� co�mittee �o planniag commise- ion da�ed ma,r.11, 1948. on propoaed plat of Harvey Jonee in Ya,rnallGold.en valley Outlots. . '�. S�a�eme�.t �rom Fr�,nk �dcCorm3�k concerni�ag proposed plat k knovPn a�s the"�opher ,�ddi�ion� . . �otion by Enghaus�r, eeoonded by Pof�,hly to reoommend paym�n� of �orrell & �i3ohols �voucher of �i�68.88 for servioes re�dered during Feb. 1948 was passed. Mr. Rason repoPted on hi.s in�estigation of tax delinquent lands in the village. �otion by Engh�user, �e��x�ded 'bg Po�a�t]., ta� reco�mend tha,t, baeed on �r. 1Qason�� report, the.�illa„�e aq_quire no �� delinquent lande at �his time v��e p�s�d. TI�e Plat comffiit�e�' s report on the Jonee propert� listed the follo�in� revo�end�tions: 1. The extensio�. of Bov�m�n A�e. t�rou�h the property sho�ra7.d be l�,id out so as �to pa�s �rest��?q around �, hill rather than to pa�s� in e, str�ight lime direQtlg o�rer it. 2. Con�truc�ion of only th�.t por�ion of the east v�est road �hro�.gh the_proper�y e�hich run� fro� �ow�r►au Ave. eaat , seeme permiesable at �his time. . 3. A �0 foot �re.I.k�ay dhould be ded3.o€�ted along the south half of �he ea.eter� boundary of hie property. . 4. l� addi�ione,l fe�t �hould be .d�dicat�d �,long Y'arna7.1 Ave. to a11o�r for probable future de�velopr�ent af that a.�enue into a ma�or a�terial road. . ��`� Motion 'by Jacobsoa, eeQOnded by Rydmark, to a�icept the plat committee report on the Hasvey ?oaee property �ras pe�ssed. ffiessrs. Hen.schel and. 8cheid preseated their redra,� prelimiaa.rg plat of Shangri La. The plat committee' s report oA Sh�.n�ri La sugg����d �he followin� ch�ngea: � 1. In �'Lr. Iienschel's north po�-�ion, a 50 foot easement �hould b� granted on either side of Basse�t' � Qreek to provide . for dr�,inage. , 2. 3� feet �,dditio�e,7. �hou3.d 'be dediv�,ted along e�.oh side of Golden Palley Road to .�,].lo�a for fu�ure pro�evted develop� ment o4er and a�bo�e the present 66 foot roe,d width. �otion b� Enghauser, aeconded by Po�ahl, �o recommend acceptanae of the prelim€anar�r pl�� of Shangr3 La sub�ec� to �he stated. chan�e� �as pa.��ed. � �ir. sheid presented a prel�.��.nary p�.at of lot #4 in"Yarnall Golden �alley IIutlots� f0r approval. Adot3on by JaQObsoa seconded bg Enghau�er �o recommend tentati'f�e approval of plat , eub�ect to following ahange�; 1.Ded3cate 10 feet additional along Bo�ma.n Av�. �.9ubtract 10 feet from easement along east 'bo�.ndar� and add it to the ��ro eaetermost pla�ted lc�ts. �dotion wae passed. There be3ng no f�.r�her businees, th� meetiag �ae adjourned. 7 . A ✓� a\(/ / � P.B.O s'oa, �hairman t�.E.Rudolph, Jr. , S�c�y,