04-08-48 PC Minutes _ 91
�dinutes of �deetin� of
April' 8, 1948 _
TMe regular mee�ing of the Golden ��.11ep �'la�ning Commiesion �as
held April S, 1948, �,t 7:45 in the �rillage ha11. The follo�ir,.g
meffiber� a�tended:
P.B.Olson Edmuna Rydell Paul Engh�t�ser
I+Te3.7, Rgdma.Pl� ��a,n Eriokson C.E.l�ud.plph' J�e.
�P.A.B�Io�s gim Pofahl -
The meet3.ng we,s oaTled to order, and the roll �a� oalled. The sec—
retr�ry read. the �min�tes of the last meetimg. 9Pith the ame�.ing of
the game, �Mr. John Bronner�' , �o �Rev. Jo}an Bronrner�' , the minutes ,
�er� a�pp�oeed. n �
The regular oraer of business �aa set �.side to ac�omo�.ate m�mbers of
the audier�cs� �v3.shing �o b� hea.rd.
. Rev. John Bro�n.er reque�ted a buildir�g permit for �Ghe proposed
Golden V�,lle� B�,ptist Chureh wa�.ving the lega7. side yard require— �
�ents. After �horo�gh analqsis of the a�rc�amsta,nces , the eommis—
sion deeided tha� th3s �aae not a case of hardship. �dotion bp
Enghauser, �econded by �ydmark, recommendingta,dvis�ng Rea. Bronner
to attempt acqu�.sitioa of additional propea�y tv s�.tisf�r the side
gard requirementg �ith his present plans, was passed. .
� A.�d.Pa�kor�ie, Hyl:and Stat3on, •Rte. ?, requested th�,� a pieoe of h3s
property, that portion o� the 1�4P� of S 18, � 29, R 24, which l�es
S•.E. of �o1de�. Vallep Road, be reaoned �rom open de�elopment to
Qomgnanity stor�, to p�rmit his bu�.lding ��.�illi�g st�tion on it.
�he oomm3ss3.on� s r�ques'� '�hat a.n easemen�c of �0 feet along the east
line of the �ract for �u.tu�e development of �obl� A�ve. , a.nd a,�. ease—
ment of 37 feet along �he Gold en 1Ta.7.ley Ro�.d, �ere a.ccededto. A
die�usaion of th�.s looation e�ith referenQe to the ma,ster zoning plan
of the village promp�ed a motion by Laz�rte, sECOnded by Rydma,rk, �o
refer the mat�er �a the zoning committee, whioh v�ae pa.ased. A �
mo�ion b� Engh�.user, seconded by Rydm�rk, th�t �he zon3n� vorm�nittee
be e�npoa�ered to trar�.smit it$ reeommenda�ion direa�ly to the counoil,
' 4�EL8 passed.. .
R.G.Guttarmson, 36 17th Ave. , Ror�h Hopkige, inquired ooncerning
the a�att3.� of �he established �idth of Bow�aa� ave. He ste,ted that
the existin� �i.dth �s 40 fse� , w�her�as the �3.11m.ge now requ3res 6� �
feet thro�gh �he most re�en� plats.
Corraepon�.�noe, eiuoe the laet mee�ing, �ae read, and. Qoaei���d of
the follo�ri�.g: � �
1. Statem�ent �of i�ter�t,- by Frar� G. 1�cCorm�.ck, undc�ted, concrerg—
ing de4elopment of �Gopher Addition�� , now pending approva]..
2. I,etter from se�retary of planning commiasio$ tQ �illa�e c1erY,
dated �dar. 16, 194�, foa�ava.rding Februa,rp vo�.�h�r fro� �orell
& N3vhols. Alao stating requests of Meado�brook 9ohool
Boar�., �.A.Behmer, �.n�. Rev. Bronner for wa3vere of yard re—
quire�ents. k�arther, f�ra�arding the planning Qamr��.esions s
Peoommendations conc�rning the prelimir�as� plats of MessrB.
�tcCormi�k, Hens�h�l aa�d Scaheid.
�6� 3. Lett�rs`��mm secre.tary of plann3ng co�ission �o �e�srs.
C.�.Har�upee, O.�.Behmer, �nd Re�. B�onner, d�ted �ar. 18,
1948, stating procedure for ob��3ni�g W�.vers of ga�d re-
4. Le�ter from Geo. L.I�a�on to plannin�g co�niseio�, dated �ar.
23 , 1948, giving tet�,l of expenses $ncurred �rith �orell &
�Ti�hel� �o far this �ear on th� �opogr€�phical �ap, ari.d ee-
tima'�ing f�.tta.re ooats on �he ZCfIl1A� and road. maps of the
v311�,ge. _ .
5. Oopg of letter fro� �illage cslerk to Ernest Henschel� d.ated
�dar. 23 , 1948, expr�ssing the cowa.cil' a �onoer�. over the siz�
of the culver�G to be i.���a7.led at Baeset��e �aeek �.B the
Shangri La addition.
6. Le���r from village clerk �o planning vommi�sion, da°�ed �ar.
25, 1�48, confirm3ng receipt of commissian� s letter to �v31-
la�e alerk of ��r. 16, 1948.
7. Letter fro� O.A.��hmer to building inepector r�questing
° building per�i� �ai�ing front yard requi�emen�s. •
B�otion by Eri�kean, se�onded b�r Enghauser, to re�o�rr,end �o �he eoun-
e�.l �hat �r. Behmar� c� request for e�ai�er of fro�.'� yard requiremen�s
be �;ra.n�ed,, ��,s pa�ssed.
�otion bg Rudo],ph, aeconded. b� Lazerte, to purchase a�. aeri�.l photo-
' gr�,ph mapaof Gold.�n valley, soale l�P .. 40�' , from Hurd �appi� Ca.
for �pprogi��,tely �135.00, �rae pa�sed. Secre�ary �aas i�.��ructea t,m
order it.
�ot�on bp Rydmark, �econded by Lazer'�e, to reques�t � �oi8t �eeting
of �he village Qo�cil and the planaing commi�aion on the su'b�e�t of
expa�di�.� �h� �oomm9.ssi4a� s budg�� for 1948, �as �assed.
�r. Ryd�ark, ahairman pro-�em of �he street �enamir� and renumberin�
�ommit�ee, r�por�ed on mee�ings �ith the Robbined.ale, f�rgstal and �
St. Louis P�rk planning commi.es3on�. �otion bg Eaghauser, seconded
'by Rudolph, reques�in� �he Qouacil to notifp surrounding mumicipali-
ties of reZOZ�3.ng ffi�,ttere �hi�h mi�ht affect them, and ask3ng them �v
reoi.prvaate. . .
There be3g� ao f�r�her .busineas, the meeti�g �aas aod�ovxned� . .
� r
P.H.41�on, Chair�. . O.E.Rudolph, J . , cr�$ary'