05-13-48 PC Minutes �
�oT��a v��z��' �J��,r���.�,r �o,,:il�l��;�loT� y 3 ';
i�,�,i�tit-�es r�r P:ie,eting �oz '
T�;ay i3, .19�!-3 . i
The re�ul.ar mee�i ng o-�' tl�e Colden tT�lle�T T'1 ann.in�rn Comr,iission e�as Le1d
P�Z�.y 13, ���-g, �.t 7:Q5 '�TI i„ �he village h311. T11e �'ol_loe�i�1;� m_embers
�tten�?�c�: . -
F.B.�'Ison PT.r_.P�o�s �a,a? ��.,�hauser
� T�Teil Rydr�.a..r1; Hoti�ar� La�er�2 �.�..P,t?c�ol�h, J'r o •
C�arenee Jcherer �v�a_n �'rie��soi� I''.','I.IIar!�.an
Edrittnd �yde11 :�o�mT:�onesan� ��.rn Po�arl •
^he m.ee�;ing �ras called to or1�1, an�� tlie roll c��.s c�lle�.. `�h� n�inL?tes
. oi tlle ?�.Pe�ing o� 1'�nr;1 11, l�L-3 ��ere a�n��oved as. re�.l.
Cc�rresnoncenc�, si�.ce �he las� �ee•tinb, co:�sis�e�. o�' �Ize �o�loni�z�:
?. Zett�r i'ro�i1 vi1?a�e cl.erl; to secr�'1:�r�y oi 'c�.� �1 a�.in� eort�;�issioa,
dated I�ay �!-, 19".S, 1-is-cing in �3e�2i1 cTianbes ir tl�e zonir�r� or�-
;n2nce,acc7u.isitions of ?anc? by tli� villa�e, accei�t�nces c�i' nl�ts,
vaca-tio�. ,o_' streets, etc., -��.��en firom mi�.t�tes o�' co�cil raePtin��s
as recorr3e� or �t�blishec� since iTovember 1��!�, �1;� ;aior��tion
is tio be �ase� in the co�?�1�-ti o�. oi the rnaster �lan� ^o� tl�e tiiZlagP.
'. ���t�r s'S'OY�1 ehair��. of s��reet �.a�:zin� co?���.ttee to chairr,�n of �lan-
ning corr�.ss7 on, �ated P.i�;r U, 1J4-3, re�orti�.a on *�ork clone on �he
pro'�1em o:E reorgani�;ng tl�e street nam� an�1 nLLrn.ber?n� systel�l o_°
• tuo villa�eo
�. �tatemeat i'rom t�e �Iusc� T�.Za.p�-in� ��o. zn arnount ot_' p,134.50 ior �.erial
£!lap Ol Golden ��.��.P�e
4. �J'oucher irorl Itiore]:� � TTichols, clated P���� l, 1��:�, in amot?nt of
�;77.�2, �'or services renclerecl cj.uring T:I�rci and t�prii.
T,:1o�ion by Laze�te, secondec� b� r:�oes, to reco�encl paymenz o� the Hizrr� �
T�.�a��ing �o. bill, �as passec�.
`��i.ere �vas a c��zestion o� the va1 idity of sever�l i�eris lasted o� the I�'�orell ;
�� I�ichol.s vouch�r. .��'ter di�eussion o�' the poiBt, I+�. Nason a�reed to
�ubroit a ne�r statem�nt, omittin� the q�.estionable �te�s pe�.ding i�.zrt��er
J'acob L�aki, 3�w� G1 en�aood A�re., g�rese�.ted a slietch o:� a �la-� on vah7 eh he
v�i3�iec� prelimi.nary ap�roval. H� r�as ac�v'ised to �al� �o T:�r. ��-el�'y, the
abut�ing �n?�o��rty ovmer, a�d �o I:�r. Het?�nd �'or su�gestions, and th.en to
prese�.t it again.
P>�. �p?a, I2�7 fi�an.�pin Ave., sub�:�.�tec a �lat foi ar�provsl. T:Ivtio� t�y ,
.��udol�h, seconc�ed by Lazerte, to Te_�'er this �o the �lat cc��Littee �hieh r�ouZc1
renort directly to the village counciZ, tvas passe 7. �'his x�].at is calleci. .
Bi��3•s l�d�ition, r�ncl c�eseribed �s �a��t o:i �;overrune�.'t lot 4, S 2�?, m 1Z�
R 2�.
�. �ee �.i�in�, 53].� ��ello� s�e., �?��e�-�ee� t�eiore 'Ehe comr�?i_ssion in the
inter�sts oP the i�ro�aosea :��srai�.� 3roac�ca�tin�; �tation, cl,escribin� �he
projec-� �eri.e��ally. �entative location rras �o be o�. pro�er-�r belon�ing
� to Ii�r. Hipp, and rezonin� o�'�t�ze nroperty c�ould be neceasary. �.�!r. �inp
requested rezonin� o�' tlii.s �property. I�.otion by LilZC�O].AIa.� secondPd by
Lazerte, to re�er l�;�Ir. Hippts reques� -to the zoning co�it�ee, �as �assed. ,
. ,
, ��.
Ti�agclelene Lamprech�, 4�55-25th A4e. �o., requested a Uui�ding pe�mi.t fbr a �
hov.se on lo� 1, block 38, T��icNair Tv�an.or. Be�ause of un.avoidable hardship
devolving upon. �he o�ner due to -the sha�e o� �he lot, motio�. 'by E�z�.auser,
secorsded t�y L,�z�r�e, to reco�.end g'ra:r�ting the permi�, �as passed.
Tb.e �S1lage eouneil had. been reques��c� �o �oin the �la�n.in�; corami.ss?on in a
meetin� to diseuss the eor�i.ssio�'s budge-�. �'our council members a-��ended
and the joint meeti�.g �as ca].l.ed. in�o sees3o�.. The repor� of the street '
nar,si�.g eo�a'�ttee �vas diseussed. �lotion b� �.dolph, seconcea by Lazert�,
�o suggest that �he s�eet r3.ar�1.x�..g eommittee meet �ith t�ie village a-�torne�
to clra�'t the proposerl ehangea in the t'orm 4� mn. ordinance, previous to the .
pulolie hearing on the stibject, v��.s Passed. �'he master plan o�' the eillage ,
v�as exhi.bited a:nd analyzed, Tt was pointed out tlzat, ia �e� o� the a�—
ticipated routine expenses o� the plannix�� camm.ission for the xemainder o�
the year, f"ur��.er �varl� o�. the master plan �rou.ld have to be suspended vn�ler
the present bud��t, due to lack o� iunds. �. reques� zor an additional .
�50�.00 �or the year 1948 �nas submi�ted. `i"h.e counciZ consented to teke
' the request tan.der �dvise�en�.
'�here being no �urther bt�S].Il@89' t�.e meeting �as aa�ourned.
,� p -
� • . .
.B.Dlson, e:h�.irman C.�'.Rudolph, J'r , Sec etary e