06-10-48 PC Minutes �►� 1
. Minutee of Mee-�3.� of
Jt�e l�, 1948
Th� regul�r mee�tir�g of �he .Golc�.en V�.11ey Pl�iag Commission we,s '
held. June 10, 1948, a� `�:4� P� ig the �].11age ha7.1. The following
membere at�end.ed;
, .
P.B4OLeon �1.A.�Adoes O..E..R�dolph, Jr.
Neil Rgcl�ask Edmund Rydell H.VP.H�mman
R.Q.Jaeo'bson S�ran Erickson Ki�a Po�a.hl.
�he m�e�ir�g v�aa ma,ll�d °�0 order, a,nd the roll �a�� ealled. �ig��ee
of �he me��it� of ��y l�, 1948 Were appre�ed ae rea�d.
Th� r�g��.7.ar order of business �ra� st�eper�ded to allo� members of the
audi�nce to appear befare the �ommissi�n.
�r�. Clarenoe �olg, 3�� �eadow Lane, r��€�sted ap�praval of �. pla,t
deacribed as na,7.l th�� p�.rt of the I�1E�, of the SE4 of the SE� of
S19� �29, R�44 �ee� af �he 5th P.�. �otion by Ja�cobaon, second.ed bg
Pof�,b.l�, to reoomm�nd a,c3oepta.nce of the appro�ed plat , sub�ectv to
iaspec�ion. of the roaJds, plaQia�g of the nec�essary �treet eigns a�d
possible ah�es in �treet ga.mes, �aas pa�eed.
G�orge �. VP3.leon, of the Northwest�r�. S�hool, 20 8c. ll�h 5�� , re-
quested plannin� �omm3.esion. appro4el for a radio �tatioa. The to�rer
a,gd tr�,nsmit�er house �o�.ld loce,�ed. on Government lot 3, 928, T118,.
• R21 �est of �he gra��l pi� anci Qoncrete blook f�atory. Broadaast
material wov.].d be o� rel��iou� and edua�tional nature, ao� oommer- .
�ial. �otion by Ja.00bsoa, eeconded bp Pofa,hl, to refer the problem
to the zoning com�i�tee with inatructions �m repor� directly to '�he i
�+illage Qouncil� wae pe.eeed.
' A l�t�er from Lee �1hi�ing, direator of the pr�posed Family Broa.a.-
c�.�ti�g Station, to �'�.e chairma�n of �he zoning �om�ta3ttee, was re�d. �
It st�ted th�,t the �ras�.smitter �aa�s to be plaoed 1�5 fee� from the
Belt. Lin',e �e.rvice rcaa�ci.. . �ll,r. Nasoa pointed o�t th�,� pr�oed�nt h�s . .
set � mi;ai�c�um diste,nc� of 300 feet froffi the edge of the main �ra-
�eled highway. B�otion bg Rudolph, s�conded by Rydell, �.sking
�oning qommi�tee to cogsult with Mr. �hiting on the 300 foot mini-
mum req�irement , and if this wa,e agr�ee�ble to him, tv report dir�c#,-
� ly tA the Qouncil. Tf t�neatisfavtory, the zon3ng oommittee should
report t��.ek to the commi�sion. Bdotiog �ras pae�ed.
�otion"�g Ja�cobson, s�conded bp Rpdmark, to comtact �he oountp road
demmiesi�on on th� pos�f.bil3ty of allevia,�i�ag the duet �ondition �g
�'inne�tke. A�e. , and to a�ak the Qourlcil tm make a �imil� requeet,
�a,s pac�aed.
Corr�spondenoe, ainoe the last meetir�, �aonsis�ed af the follow�.ngt
l. Let�er from ahairman. of street r�neanin� committee to chair-
, man of pl�nning aommissio�, da,ted �Tt1ge 8 D 1948' imeoTpora.-
ting further proposed street ne,�e ch�,nge�.
�. Vou�her from i�orell � Nichols to �eare��ry of planning Qom-
miseion, dated J�.e l, 19�48, in �,mount of ��34.52, for ser-
vices r�nder�d durin� March, April and. P�ay 1948.
3.. Letter gro�n Geo. fl�. W�.leon, Northwe��ern Schoole, to pla�ning
cOmrr�iBBion, de,ted June 10, 1948, Tequeeting perm�.t to bui3d
9 f�
� radia ete.tion 3n �;he vill�e approx3ffia�ely 300 fee� nc�r�h
of ��diciae Lake Road. aud 600 feet we�t of the B�lt Lir�e.
Hdotion bg �'a�obeon, e�c�v�ded bg Po�abl� to recom��r�d pagment of $h�
June l, 194g vo�tQhe� from �orell & Nichol�, ma� pa�s�d.
Mo�ion by Jacob�on, eeaonded by Rudolph, to ac�ept s�ree� renaani=�g
o�mmi.�-����s eupplementa,�y re�ort, �aa ��s�ed.. � �
D�otion by Pofe�l, s�e.canded by Jacob�on to iaetruv� sevretary �o '
transmit, �ia. �Ir. �o�si �he comm3s�ion�s �r9.t�en approval of �tr�e�
rer�aming ootmmittee�� report to cow�noil, �re�� pa��ed.
�v�ioa by Ryd�ll,• ee�onded by Pofahl, t4 recomffi�nd th�� the counoil
�ccept the plat k�own �s �Hippts Add3tiont1 , sub�eQt �a e�emution of
a perfor��.nce bond to th� �illage for ro�,d Qompletio� and etrc�e�
si� ige��,.7.l�tioa, and �ub���t �0 poseible ��reet name �hangee, �vas
�otion b R,qdm�rk, oecond.ed b� H�mm�,8, to conte,c�� s��,te high�ap de—
partmen�co�oerning th� �raffic hazarrie� e.� the in�eraeQt3ons of �len—
�ooc1 A�e, �,nd Goldea �alleg Roed �rifih the Bel� Liae, �as pas�ec�.
S�cretary �as in�truvted t� ask ab��.t the poe�ibility of automa�i�
p�top and go� lighte, to -con�rol �1�e traff3.c at r�.g$t an.d during
rt�sh h�nrs at thes� point�. S�c�re��.rg �as �ur�kher in��ruQted to �.�k
the �ill-�e �o�vil to �ke �h� ��me reques�. •
�fr. Na.�o� reported on �he �9.11age ffi�,�ter plan, e�eking tha� p�opo�sed
road �ideni�g pr�o�ea�s be es�ablished for purpos�s of incorporatin.g
the� in�o the m�as�er. plan.
There being no fur�her bueinee�, the me�a�igg w�.s ad�ourned.
. ,
'C�. • .
P.B.Olson, Chairman S�.E.Rudolph, Jr , S�c�y.