08-12-48 PC Minutes -----� , GULDEN VALLEY PLANNING CO�i I�SI�N' 9 7 The regular July meeting did not materialize due to lack of �. quorum. _ �inutes of �deeting o� . gugust 12, 1948 . , T�i� r�gul� �a��-�al�g o� the Golden 4alley Pl�nning Comr,nissiv� �as held A�g. ],2, 1948, at �.45 P.M. in the v�illa:ge hall. The follo�ing members e.t�ended: i P.B.Olson �el�r�.n Hetya.nc� C.E.RudolpYi., Jr. Neil, Rydm,e,rk �w��n Eriekaoa H.iN.Ha.mm�.n , 1�.A.�[oea � A.D.Mon�hamp Le�i�s Ra.egert Edmund Rydell Paul Enghauasr Kim Pofa.h7. The �eeting w€�s Qalled �o order by the chairman, and �Ghe ro11 wa,s � �alled. The miau��s of the las� mee�ing were appro��d ae re�d.. The r�gular order a� bu�ise�s was �e�G a.eide �o alloa� members of the . �udience to appeaa before the �ommie�ion. Bdr. A.D.Eriokson, 34�6 No. Va11ey Fie� Drive, requested a permi� .to build a breeze�ay porah and garage eg�ending to �3.thin t�rro feet of hie lot 13.ne. He ex�lained �he.t '�hi� w�g neoesaasy due to the unique plaQement of hie houee on hi� lot. �otion 'by Rudolph, second . by Po�alil, to recora�►end granting of a bu3lding �ermi� relaaing eide y�rd requ3reffients im this oase, because of hardehip in�ol�red, e�as pass�d. � Mr. t�.�.�lhets�one, �870 Holmes Ave. So. , reqt�es�ed �that his propertg, d�eQ�i����.as "that part o� lot 57, Av.ditor' e Subdivi�ion� ,�3Z2, which lies immedie.tely south of lot 56, and. �he western line of . ��i�h fronte on UPirunetka, A�re. , extending ea�tv�ard 333 fee�, and '���Eng 183.6 feet aaide �i� the nQrth—�ou�h direction, �.11 bo�.ary linee of whiQh run d�e ees� s.nd wes�, or due north �.nd southn , be re— zoned from open developme�t to oor�mercial. ls the property appaared to be direQtly in �he line of one of the propa�ed routes of the future d�velopment of high�ay 55, mo�3on by Engh�.ue�r, ��QOnded by I'ofahl, to �rite to the ete��e highwa,y departmeat fvr inforffiation Qoncerning ro�.te, date of cosetru�tion, and funds avaflable for , aonstruetion of proposed .high�ay 55, wa� p�,esed. SS3ac� ,Bdr. �JhetstAne �as anzious tv begin eome conatru�tion ae �oon aa rezoning �ae ao,m— plete, �o�ion by Jaeobsor�, seconded by Hetland, �o hold a, �p�a3�l mee-ti.ng, for the p�pose of coneidering rezoning matters , t� be caalled. by the seoret�ryr as soon a� the information on highwa� 55 wa� reoeived, waa pass�ed. � fl�r. H.B.Bch�a�rtz 4040 Ol�on Hi hwa r� �.e�ted a pl�t k�own as °Cla�er Leaf T�rre�cseu. �iotion bq Pof�hlq seoon�ed by Rudolph, to recommend e.ppro�al sub�eot �o the village engineer�e approval and the ins�alle.tion of adequ�.t� stree� si�ne, or poetin� of performaace bond' wa.s p2�.ssed.. < . � , �r_. Fra.nk J. Weber, 326 W. 50th St. , reques�ed rezo�irig of his . proper�y on Olson H3gh�ay, across f�eom th� Shamrock Inn. �o�ion by J�cobeon, seconcled by Hamm�,n, to refer the ma�ter to �he aoni,ng co�i�tee, with in�t�otione to report at_ the special meeti�g, w�.� p�e8�d. . 9� � Gorreepondena�, sinoe th� 1��� regul�r meeting of the plan.nin� com— miesion, ao�eiet�d of the folla�iag: 1. Letter fr�m plannin� com�ieeio� to �illa�e �lerY, d���d Ju�e la, 1948, reportiag o� l�s� commi�ei�� m�e�ing . 2. Le�t�r from pl�ni� �ommiesior� �o �illa.ge oouncail, d+��ed Juae 1�, 1948, prefe.�i� eubm3eeion of �treet re naym�.ng commit��e�e r�port t�a eQUr�eil. �. Le�ter from �illag� ol�rk to plannin� �om�is�ioa, al�,�ed June �1, 1948, repor�ing Qouno3l�e avtion on ea�issian'e letter of June 12, 1948. 4. C�py of let�ter from vi17.a�e olerk �� state high��p vomm�.�— si0n�r, d�,�ed Jtuie 21, 194�, QonQerni�g �r�.�fia he,zards •on B�lt L3.ne. 5• Let�er from planain� ca�miesion �o �otiantg Highway Eng3.ae�r, �a�ed Juae �2, 1948, re dus�► on �Tinae�ka Aee. - 6. Letter from pla,r�i�.g com�iss3on to 8tate 13igh�ay Comr�iseioBeP, dated June 22, 1948, r� tra,ffio hazard� along �el� L3.n�. �s �.t8��'i�T fI'flffi L'OLiTit'i� �'I1��.Z188T �'i0 ��.�.18,�8 Of �r"OZC�.�23 vE:�].18,�'s • _ da�ed Jun� 25, 1948, enalosing oopy of r�quirem�nt� for sub— miasioa� of plats for regi��ratio�. . 8. Let�er from S�ate Traffiv Engineea to planning commi�sion, dated Jul� 7, 1548, re �raffic hazards_ on Belt L3r�e. 9. Q�pg of letter from �r. Aason �o villa�e p�rk boa�rd, da��d July 2,1948, disc�.s�in� �he p�rk �ituation in the vi.11age. . l�.Letter from�,�avil].�� olerk to p1�3.ng �co�issio�, d�.�ed July 8, 1�48, re v�cati� �en fee� -of ea�h eide of Pe�rk�r3e� Blad. . 11.L�tter fr�m preeident -of v�ll�ge oounail to chairm�a af street ren�,ming committ�e, dated J�u].g 13, 1948, requesti�g fur�her inf�rmation an s�reet pla,n. l�.Letter fro� �oun�g� Engine�r to pl�.naing Qo�iseic�n, da��d Jv.i� -1�, 19�8t�, re du�� on '�3�nr�.et�ca, Av�. 1�•Le�G��r from pla,nr�ing Qo�iseiog to Geo. �. ��lson, �or�h— wee�ern Scho01, dated Jnly 21, 1948, re �he svhool�s propoaed radio etation. 1�•Let�er from Lewi� �1. Child, �t$orney� fQr �.P.�heteton� , to e311a�e clerk, dated. July 19, 1948,� gi�ing leg�1 descsrip��on � of prc�per�� to be r�zoA�d. � 15.L�tter from �i1,la,�� elerk to plaaning csomffii�e�.on, da��d Jul�r - 23, 1948, re �.P.'�hets�one� s proper�g. _ 16.Let�er fr�m Leoaa.rd T. B�orklund e,nd �erbert .E. Applequfat t�� ville.ge -clerk, regardin� establishing � luffiber yard on I�r. �Teber'� propertg aaross Olaon Highe��y from the 9hamr�Qk Inn. �q 1�.Letter fr�m village alerk �� planaisg aommissi.on, d�,ted Jul� 23� 1948, re B�orklund�s a�d. ��plequi��'e paopoeed l�ber y��rd. 18.Letter fram �ewi� �t. Child to planni� c�orr�issimn, d,a$ed July �6, . 1948, enolu�ing simplified �ketah of A.P.9Vhe�etose's pro�ert� to be rezoned. fihe e�cre�ary sdvanc�d �he �u��estion the.� th� plannin� Qo�i�s3on be redu��d from 15 to 9 membere, aaid wae promptly telked 4u� of i�. �r. Pofah]. repor�ed �h�,t -�he village wae pur�ha.e3ng a ee� of hal�— se�a�ion m�,p� of the �illage �or use i� establishin� e�reet and a�ddres� n�ambers. Es-�i�aa.t�d ao�t �ou].d be aro�.nd �75.44. �dotion by Ru�olph, seconoted by Eng�€��ser, e�uthor�zing Bdr. R�son to aontinue work on the v311ag� master pla,n in �rie� of �he inorease of �300.40 in the planning aommis�ion bud�;et, �a.s paesed. 2h�are bein� no furtheP businese, �he meetin� e�as adjouraed. ���� . . P. .Olsog, Chair�an Q.E.Rudolphg Jr. , Sec' i ' _ �