08-26-48 PC Minutes ���
�inutes of 9peoial �eeting o�
Bugu�t 26, 1948
A epe�ial meeting of the Golden 'Palley Pla�n�i.ng Commiesion wa� held
Au�, 26, 1948, at B:OOP.M. in the ailla�e hall �o consider rezon�ing
me,t�er�. The following member� atteflded:
R.C.Jaoobson C.E._Rudolph, Jr. .
�dmund Ryde11. H.'GP.Hamman
�fe183.n Hetland. Le�rie Rieg�rt
S�� Er3.ck�a� �im Pofahl
I a th� absenpe of �r. Olson, �r� Ja�obson toak the �hair and brough�
the r�eeting to order. Following roll 0�.].1, th� rea,�ing of th�
miaut�s �re,s dispeused with �n v3e�r of t�ie special purpo�e of �he
�he �e�ret�sy r�ad �; oorr�u.ni�ation from th� 8te,t� Hi�hwa� Commi.ss3one�r
to �[r. .A.P.9�het�tone, dated �ug. 13 , 1948, eonvernirn..g the ��a�„is af
�r. l�hetstone�s proper�y re �he poesible r�ute of high�ay 55. It
sta.�ed tb.a� no defin�te route had b�en determir�ed a,s yet. Affr.
Hetl�.nd reported on Iais meeting �ith �eears, Kipp a,md �ladma,n of the
high�aay dep�,rtment. l�essrs. Bloomquist ana Chesiey,� of �he Superio�?
Golf Club, �hrou�h whoae propert� the highWay m3�ht run, �vere eon—
sulted in rega�rd to ha,ving the highway looated �,pprogima�tel� �54
feet south of the prese�tly ooneidered route. �hie reloca,tio� �ould
make -ue�.ble a goocl sha.r� of the �het�tone pro�a��� ae �ell e.s a '
lar�er se�tion of the golf Qourse proper�y. �otion by Rudolph, .
eeconded. b� Pof�hl, to �Geoommend re�oniag of the northern half of
the �aetetone property fro�a open development to comme.rcial sub�ea�
to the decisf.on of the Sv.perior �olf Club's board of director� on
sou�in� of the high�ay, �nd a,lso sub�ect to �learance o�P that route
w3.th �he �igh�va.y d�par�men�, �as paesed.
A lctter from I,ee F. 3ohreiner, attorney for Fr2�nk J. V�eber, to the
secretarg of th� planning commission, dated. Au�� 24, 1�46, con—
cerning re�oning of �he VPeber propsrty, waa re€�d.. �dot3.oA b� Rudolph,
seQOndea by R�.egert, to lay over �he hearing on r�zonira� v.ntil the
next regu7.ar meeting, as per reques�, was passed.
�dr. Hetlasd �u�gested rezon3ng large areas in �ro lo�at�ons. Motion
b�r Rydell, seconded by Ericksc�n, that desoriptions e,nd aketches of
the areae be prepared for the Sept. 9th meeting, was passed.
The meeting �rtae �d�ourned.
,_ � �� � .
P.B.Olson, Chair�an C�E.Rudolph, Jr. Sec'y ,
. __ __ --- _ ��