10-14-48 PC Minutes . . . , . ��a�
� �imute� of �eetin� of
Ootober 14, 1948
The regul�.r �ee�Ging of the Golden Va,lley Pla�ing Oor.�i��i.on was
held Oot. 14, 194�, �,t `7:45 P.�I. , in the :�illage hall. The folloe�img
mer�bers at�ended;
Neil Rydmark Edmund Rydell Paul. Enghauser
Cl�,reaoe So�erer �io�rard Ls,zerte C. E. Rudolph, Jr.
Rs. C. Jacobeon Melvin Hetland Lewi� Riegert
W. A. �doe� 8wan Erickson Kim Pofahl .
In the absenee of �dr. Olson a.nd Bdr.. Rydmark, �r. He�land took the
� che,3r. Th� mee�ing was oalled to ordc�r and the roll �ra� called.
The minu.te� of the la�t r,egea.lar meeting were appro�red ae read. .
9�r. Lloyd Z. Bye, 2711 Benja,min �i;. . N. E. , pre��nt�d a �ketah of a
lot, loca.��d at �he Belt Line and Golder� Valle� Ro�,d., ehow3.ng t�iere-
on the p�oposed lo�a�.tioa of a hou�e. He r.equest�ed 3.nformata.�n con-
eerning yard requirements, and was re�erred .ta the building 3n-
speator. .
�r. H. F'. �illiame, Golden Valley T2�ea,tre Cor�ora.taon, rec�ta.ested.
that �he pla,n�n.ing Qo�nmi.ssion reeo.mr�end rezoning of some propert�
fro� open development to commervial. The pr�per�g wa� des�ribed a.s
�'commencing at t�e northeast corner of lot 5?, thence �►e�t to a,
point a00 fee� east of the eaet line of lot 56 extended, �hence
south parallel with eaet, l3ne of lot 56 extended to eouth line of
� lo� 3, block 2, Cottage Grove, egtended �e�t, theace es.s� to t�ie
eouth�est corner of s�.id 1ot 3, thence nor'th to beginning.n Tn
v3.ew of the fact_ �hat thie property is included in a larger tract
o� land v�hich �a� �o oome up later i.n t}�e evening for d3ecus�ion
r� rezoging, action c�aa deferred.
Correspondence� s.�nce the last regular meeting oo�.si�tedl of the
, l. Letter fro�a Nathar� H. Chesler, 8uperivr Cov.n�ry Clu�, to
. pla.nning� commigeion, dated Sept. 9, 1948, �tating vondi-
� tione vnde� wh3.Qh the nev� route of high�rag 55 �vould be
2. Capg o� lett�r from Mr. 14ason to �r. 0. L. Kipp, ohief
� engine�r of the e��'te hi�h�ag dep�.rtment, d�ted Aug. 28,
1948' re $igh�v8.g 55.
3. Copy of letter from �r. Kipp to �r. G. G. Gladr�an, state .
high�ay department, dated Sept. 9, 1948, re high�rap 55.
4. Le�ter from Mr. Kipp tv Mr. Naeon, dated 3ep�. 9,, 1948, re
high�ay 55. .
a. Lefiter from Adr. Nason to plan.r�ing commissioa, d�.ted �ept. 11,.
1948, re highway 55.
�. Le�-ter from seoretary of planning comzni�s�.o� to villa,ge
ealerk, da,ted �ept. 20, 1948, reportiag on the .3ep�. 9th
mee�ing of �he pla�n3.ng vommi�sion.
� 7. �opp of let�e� from ville�ge clerk to �r. �. Erick�on, dated
Sep�. 27, 1948, re request for rezc�ning some property from
�p'en d���elopment �o o-ommu�ity e�ore. � .
�0 6 8. Cop� of letter from village ol�rk to �r. J. R. P��ers, Golden
�a7.l�y Theatre Corp. , dated �ept. 2?, 1948, r� PBti�n�IIg pPO�@�$�
connec�ed ��th propos�d. the�t�e.
9. Let�er �ro� �r� ���:�R��Pa�ers �ta��t�e� �il�.a��,�;ooun�i3�-��t���, da�ed
Sept. 21, 1948, giving legal description of prapertg for vahivh
rezoning .i� rec�.e��Ged. . . � .
l0. Let�er �rom village cslerk to �evretary of planning oor�iss3an,
da�ed Sept. 27, 1948, reporting amtion ta,keg or� plar;�ning
a oo�iss3.ar� re�s�anmegd�.�io�s of Sep�. 9, 1948. _
11. Va�.cher from �orell & �Tichole �o village of Gold.en ��1e7.�y,
da,�ed 0��. l, 1946, i� a,moun� of $40.50, for se��ric�s r�n—
dered. du.ri;n� .S�ptembc�r 1848., ,
12. I,�ttsr from v3.11a�e clerk to �r. �. A. �oes, da,�ed Oc�o 8,
1948, enalo�in� petitiom from reside��� of Hi�h�riew �errac3e
re rene.m�.r�g of e�,id �tr�et . . . , _
3,3� Let-�er from �r. J. R. Powe�eas �o secretary of planr�ing oo�n—
missio�, dated pc�. 12, 1948, giving legal desvriptien of
pr�p�r� for �hich rezoning i� requeeted. . .
14. Let°�er fro�n �r. �. A. B�oe$, chairman of renaming committ��e, �
�v 4illa�e oo�ancil, da��d Oct. 14, 1948, gi�in� reQa�mend.a—
��.�na �e �Iighvie� Terrace getition.
�otivn by Jac�obson, seoonded by Rydmark, t� recommend p�,yment of
�ore11 � Niahols Oct. lst �oucher, waa passed.
The �ecr�tary w�s in�tru.cted to refer the correspondence from th�
SLij�@YZ�P Coun-�ry Club to �he etate highway d.epartment, ao planning
commission act3on bein� neQeesary.
1�T. �+ti�$8t;���P �STB $Yi� ZOI1�IIg 00��'��8@�8 P@ClOIlli�leIld.e.'�1�II� fOP TB— .
zomi.ng easiou� trac�s of l�,nd. �hrou�ho�at the village. He pointed
out that the eomma.�tee, a.ft�r o�reful coneidera�ion of the prflbabl�
de�velopment of th� village, felt that thie- plag t�ould best serv� �
the future co�erai�,l -�,nd csommunity etore zonin� aeeds of th� village.
�otion by JaQObso�, se�4nded by R�adolph, to aca�pt the avn�.ng eom— . �
m�tte�'e r�oo��nd�.tion� for �, m�.ster zonir�g map of .�he �ill�.g�,
�as pa�s�d.
The searet�ry �ae �.n�truvted to �eturta �he pe-Gi�30r� from the reai—
dents of Hi�h°v�ie� T�rra�e, Qonvcrning s�ree�t n�,.me ah�ges , t� them .
together �ith a eopy of �he opiaion of the street reaa�niag oomffiit—
�ee. � - � . .
�r. 1Vason pre��nted �, suggested m�,ster plan of ro�d.a and hi�hwaps
in �he' �311age. •This incorporat�d. propased str�et �id�nin�� and�
eatablis]c�ent of r�ew street�. In order to more ca.reefully examin�
the plan, t�� eh�.3r appointed �, committee consi�ting of ah�.�.r��.n
A. D. �onch�mp, �d�und. �ydell, Ho�ard L�.zerte e,ud R. C3. Ja�ob�on.
The oh�ir empA�ered �r. EnghauBer to in�es�igate the poasi.bility of
rezoning from community store back to open de�relopm�nt �h� 1ot, _
on�e owned by A�r. Lamb, on �hi�h a printing ahop �as operated. �
The e being no fur�her business, tlae meeting ��s ad�our�ed. P
P• B. O180A� ChL-.��.PYffi S . C. E. RUldO pY1� Y'. � �3�C', ye