11-11-48 PC Minutes � G�ULDEN VALL�Y t�LANNING Q4�HI38ION ��7 �� �dinutes of �ee�ing Of November 11, 1948 The regule�r me��ing of t�i� Golden Valley Pl�ning Commis�i�n w�,e held Nov. 11, 1948, �t '�:45 P.M. , in the �illage hall. The follo��.n� �aember� +e.�t�nded: P.B.Ol�on �P.A.�Ioes H.'�.Hax�man Neil Rydmark S�ran Erickson Le�i� Rieger� Clar�nae Sch�rer A.D.B�Ionchamp Kir� Pofahl Paul Enghauser The meeting ��s ealled to order and the roll was called. B�inutea , of th.e meeting of Oetober 14, 1948 were approved ae read.. Bud Florida and B.L.Forbes, Cammander of the Ches�er Bird Legioa Post, �tated �ha�, if it �a.s neoeseary, thep �ould like �o request �he re�ouing of �ome proper�y a� Glenwood 1v�. �nd the Belt Line. � �he p�a.rpas� of this requeet �as to faca3li�a.te the �oa��Grucstion of e, pQuonset� type bu3ldin� to be ueed a� a alub'�ou�� for the Pos�G. Thi� would be alassified aa tax exempt property. No �.otion was t2�ken. I�r. Enghauser 'brought up the eubjec� of rezoni.$g the proper�y kno�. ae �ec�ion ���� oa th� proposed zoning map. �s. Irma SQh�.lz requested that �his are� be reduQed in size om the eastern sicle. Mo�ion by R�rdmark, �econded by 8oherer, to c�t �he �,�tee. back to RhOde Ieland Ave� , wa.s carried. ABr. �onchamp o�ened a disQUSSion on Mr. Nason'� plan to eatend Yaraall Ave. �ou�h to �ayzata Blgd. He pointed out tha� th� vi1— lage eould expect eonsiderable opposition to the projeo�, t�nd tha.t � a stre�oh of lo� land in the proposed path of the egteasion would offer eoneiderable grad.ing problems. It �as su�gested that, when land if the maater road pla�n of the v3.11a.�e �ere appro�ed bg the ,Jplarsn3.ng commis�ion, it should. be reQOr�ed at the office of the register of deed8. Legal teoh��.va,lities re building and w3deni�.� roads rela�ti�e �o titles ta� abuttin� prQperties were disaust�ed a,� length. Ao�ion was poe�poned pendin� fu�ther study. By 9:25 P.1�. , there w�s no lc�nger a quort�m present, so the mee�ing �ae d.eclarea a� an end. �f � 9 � G C i .B.Olson, Cha.irman �f.A.�Toes, Sec'y. Pro—tera I ' �