12-09-48 PC Minutes GOLDEN' VALLEY PLANNIATG 00�4I SSION ���`� Miautes of Meeting o� Deeember 9, 1948 � The regul�r meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commiss3on �as held Dec. 9, 1�48, at 7:45 P.�+ . , in the v�ill�,ge hall. The followan� members �,�tendedt P.B.�leon Edmund Rydell O..E..Auc�.olph, Jr. C7��.renoe 8oherer Ho�ard L�,�er�� H.T�,Ha�an �f.A.�toe� P�.ul Engheuser Kim Pofahl The meet�.ng v�as called to order, aad rell wae callecl. Th� minutes of the la�� regular �eeting �rere approeed ae read, ' Correspondenoe eince the November meeting consisted of $he follov�inga 1. Letter from secretary of plannis� vommi�sion to �ill�,ge clerk, d�.ted Nov. 16, 1948, reporting planning commissioate - a,otion o� proposed ma.s�er zosi.r�g plan. 2. Voucher �rom Morell � Richols, dated No�r. 1, 1948, 3n the amoun-� of �270.03, for s�rv�.ces rendered dv,ring October 1948. 3. goucher �fro� A�orell & Nichols, d�,ted Dec. l, 1948, in the amount of �48.�0, for services rendered during 1Vowember 1948. There ��,e �. discussion concernir�g �he typ� of build�,ng which th� Legion Post pla.ns to ereo� f�r a �lubhouee. �dotion by Rud.olph, seconded by Enghat�.ser, �o pag the B�orell and Niehols �Tov. 1 v�uoher, v�ae paesed.. Motion by Rudolph, seQOnded by Enghauser, to pay the �orell & Nichole Dec. I 40'l7.CY�GP� �e,s passed. , � Mr. Engha,user reported that the preeent owner of �Ghe property, wla.3.�h Mr. La.mb onee had rezoned commer�ie�l so th�� he could oper�te a printing �hop on �.t, refused to allov� i� to be rezoaed ba�k �a �open development �,gaig. Mr. �oes reported that the re�a�m3mg of streets 3n Golden Valley wae ` no� eompleted., and tha� the ch�.n�es ha.d been en�ered on the �rilla�e t�ap. He suggegted for�arding copies of the m�,ps, together �aith information ooncerr�ing �ropo�ed s�reet �.nd hi.ghway development, to . the pla.nni� vommission�s of �he surrounding munieipa,7.i�ies, re— que�ting �ha� �Ghey r�ci.procr�te. He furtht�r suggested that St. Louis Park be regue�ted to desi�nate as south e�ny streets which it hae im '�° tv cto�on �aith Golden V�.11ey, and. tha.t C�ryst�.l be requ�eted s stre�t� ���'� ' as n�rth. A �otion to this effevt by �Ioes, �econded bp Pofahl, was � p�.ssed, Mr. P.B.Olson, 35f?0-19th Ave. No. , pr�sented a drawing of a pla�, ta 'be known as Brookaide, for preliffii.nr�ry appr�val. �Iotion by Rydell, ; �econ.ded by �nghauser, r�questing �r. Oleon to red.raw �1�e e�lat complying with village lot requirements, and then submit �� °to the pla.� con�mi�tee for aualg�i�, was p�.sged. � There being no further bu�iness, �Ghe meeting �vae adjourned. � � . . � �.B�on Chairma,ra ___ _____ _.E.Rudolph, _. r. , ec' .